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Software Defined Storage For Dummies(Chap2)


Software Defined Storage For Dummies(Chap2)

chap2:What Is Software Defined Storage?

Software defined storage is a relatively new concept in the computing and storage industry and can refer to many different technologies and implementations. Software defined storage is part of a larger industry trend that includes software defined networking (SDN) and software defined data centers (SDDC). This chapter explains exactly what software defined storage is.


生词/短语 读音 释义
JBOD Just a Bunch Of Disks, 简单磁盘捆绑,磁盘簇
ILM information life cycle management,信息生命周期管理
agility [ə'dʒɪlətɪ] n. 敏捷;灵活;机敏
TCO Total Cost of Ownership,总拥有成本
heterogeneous [,het(ə)rə(ʊ)'dʒiːnɪəs; -'dʒen-] adj. [化学] 多相的;异种的;[化学] 不均匀的;由不同成分形成的
in a nutshell adv. 简单地,简约地;极其简括地说
acquisition [,ækwɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] n. 获得物,获得;收购
elastic [ɪ'læstɪk] n. 松紧带;橡皮圈 adj. 有弹性的;灵活的;易伸缩的
magnitude ['mægnɪtjuːd] n. 大小;量级;[地震] 震级;重要;光度
retrieval [rɪ'triːvl] n. 检索;恢复;取回;拯救
modular ['mɒdjʊlə] adj. 模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的
fabric ['fæbrɪk] n. 织物;布;组织;构造;建筑物
resiliency [rɪ'zɪlɪənsɪ] n. 弹性;跳回
higher bar 更高的门槛,更高的标准
legacy ['legəsɪ] n. 遗赠,遗产
tape /teɪp/ n. 胶带;磁带;卷尺 vt. 录音
tiering /'tiəriŋ/ n. 排锚链;堆叠;分层布置
ACL Access Control List,访问控制列表
compelling /kəm'pelɪŋ/ adj. 引人注目的;强制的;激发兴趣的


At its most basic level, software defined storage is enterprise class storage that uses standard hardware with all the important storage and management functions performed in intelligent software. Software defined storage delivers automated, policy-driven, application-aware storage services through orchestration of the underlining storage infrastructure in support of an overall software defined environment.

在最基本的层次上,软件定义存储是企业级存储,它使用标准硬件,在智能软件中执行所有重要的存储和管理功能。 它支持自动化的、策略驱动的、应用程序感知的存储服务,通过存储基础架构下的编排来实现对整个软件定义环境的支持。

① Automated policy-driven administration for storage management functions, such as information life cycle management (ILM) and provisioning,存储管理功能的自动策略驱动管理
② Storage virtualization,存储虚拟化
③ Separate control and data planes to manage the storage infrastructure and data in the storage infrastructure, respectively
④Massive scale-out architecture,大规模的横向扩展架构

① Increased flexibility and agility

A software defined storage solution increases flexibility by enabling organizations to use non-proprietary standard hardware and, in many cases, leverage existing storage infrastructure as part of their enterprise storage solution. Additionally, organizations can achieve massive scale with a software defined storage solution by adding individual, heterogeneous hardware components as needed to increase capacity, and improve performance in the solution.


② Intelligent resource utilization and automated management

these software defined storage capabilities enable you to put the right data in the right place, at the right time, with the right performance, and at the right cost — automatically.


③ Cost efficiency
④ Limitless elastic data scaling

A maximum file system size of one million yottabytes,A yottabyte is equal to one trillion terabytes,一万亿TB
263 (or approximately 9 quintillion) files per file syste
1 to 16,384 nodes in a cluster


For them, existing heavy hardware controlled storage solutions simply don’t scale, are prohibitively expensive, and are too inflexible to dynamically expand capacity for application data they envision driving their business needs moving forward.



the open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/u014454538/article/details/80255763