c – 为什么在SFINAE期间需要参数中的指针?
模板< typename C> static yes test(checker< C,& C :: helloworld> *);
为了使编译时间扣除正常工作,输出1 0?
当我删除*时,输出为0 0
#include <iostream>
struct Generic {};
struct Hello
{ int helloworld() { return 0; } };
// SFINAE test
template <typename T>
class has_helloworld
typedef char yes;
typedef struct {char _[2];} no;
template <typename C, int (C::*)()> struct checker;
template <typename C> static yes test( checker<C, &C::helloworld>* );
template <typename C> static no test(...);
enum { value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes) };
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::cout << has_helloworld<Hello>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << has_helloworld<Generic>::value << std::endl;
return 0;
Is it possible to write a template to check for a function’s existence?
Check if a class has a member function of a given signature
因为它被称为test< T>(0),并且如果test将指针作为参数类型(作为检查器< C,& C :: helloworld> *),则可以接受0作为空指针.
如果你删除*使参数类型为checker< C,& C :: helloworld> ;,则test< T>(0)只能匹配test(…),那么你总是得到结果0.
标签:c98,c,templates,sfinae,c03 来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190827/1745586.html