使用CefSharp在.NET中嵌入Google kernel
使用CefSharp可以在.NET轻松的嵌入Html,不用担心WPF与Winform 控件与它的兼容性问题,CefSharp大部分的代码是C#,它可以在VB或者其他.NET平台语言中来进行使用。
近几天来,公司项目中需要使用WebBrowser,其中考虑了几个控件,如1.Winform中的WebBrowser 2.WPF中的WebBrowser 3.WebKit.Net 4.CefSharp
Winform的WebBrowser放到项目中进行了实验和处理,发现致命问题:AllowsTransparency = true 和 Webbrowser 等内置窗体显示冲突,导致不发选择,还有就是GC回收不及时,一下子就飙到了100MB+.
后来考虑WPF的webbrowser 它实际上还是封装了Winform,有个严重的问题就是它一直置顶到最顶层,so,无法选择。
再后来考虑WebKit.Net ,但发现已经N多年没有更新,所以不在考虑...
public partial class App : Application { public App() { //Add Custom assembly resolver AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += Resolver; //Any CefSharp references have to be in another method with NonInlining // attribute so the assembly rolver has time to do it's thing. InitializeCefSharp(); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static void InitializeCefSharp() { var settings = new CefSettings(); // Set BrowserSubProcessPath based on app bitness at runtime settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86", "CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess.exe"); // Make sure you set performDependencyCheck false Cef.Initialize(settings, performDependencyCheck: false, browserProcessHandler: null); } // Will attempt to load missing assembly from either x86 or x64 subdir // Required by CefSharp to load the unmanaged dependencies when running using AnyCPU private static Assembly Resolver(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { if (args.Name.StartsWith("CefSharp")) { string assemblyName = args.Name.Split(new[] { ',' }, 2)[0] + ".dll"; string archSpecificPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase, Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "x64" : "x86", assemblyName); return File.Exists(archSpecificPath) ? Assembly.LoadFile(archSpecificPath) : null; } return null; } private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { } }
还没完,之后你得在你项目的 *.csproj 中添加一行配置,它是在你的第一个PropertyGroup中添加的。
<configuration> <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <probing privatePath="x86"/> </assemblyBinding> </runtime>
就现在我们在页面中添加一个CefSharpBrowser在grid中,您需要在容器空间中添加name 标记。
public static ChromiumWebBrowser cefSha { get; set; } public Visualization() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { cefSha = new ChromiumWebBrowser(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/../../Pages/STORE/VisualizationHtml/StoreData.html"); // 页面加载完毕后打开开发者工具 cefSha.KeyboardHandler = new CEFKeyBoardHander(); CefSharpSettings.LegacyJavascriptBindingEnabled = true; NewMutliPage(); this.grid.Children.Add(cefSha);//初始化 }
public void NewMutliPage() { cefSha.JavascriptObjectRepository.ResolveObject += (s, eve) => { var repo = eve.ObjectRepository; if (eve.ObjectName == "bound") { repo.Register("bound", new JsEvent(), isAsync: true, options: new BindingOptions() { CamelCaseJavascriptNames = false }); } }; }
public void OldSinglePage() { // 新版本默认为 false CefSharpSettings.LegacyJavascriptBindingEnabled = true; // 把 TestClass 注入到单个页面,名称为 test _chromiumWebBrowser.RegisterJsObject("testold", new TestClass()); }
LegacyJavascriptBindingEnabled 该属性就是让WebBrowser与WPF支持js交互,否则不可以建立jsObject 这个对象。
在 RegisterJsObject 中我们是绑定的类,该类中是我们后台向WebBrowser的所有数据方法。
public class JsEvent { /// <summary> /// 根据货架列代码区查相关信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="Sline_code"></param> public void GetobjBySline_Code(string Sline_code) { Visualization.cefSha.ExecuteScriptAsync($@"getgoods({ Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(VisualizationDAL.GetList(Sline_code))});"); } /// <summary> /// 获取货架信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="Sline_code"></param> public void GetShelveDetail(string Sline_code) { //1.找到那列的所有货架 ObservableCollection<STORE_SHELVE> shelveList = XDAL.STORE_SHELVE_DAL.GetListByLineName(Sline_code); //2.找到关于该列下所有的商品信息 ObservableCollection<STORe_DetailVm> detailList = new ObservableCollection<STORe_DetailVm>(); foreach (var item in shelveList) { XDAL.STORE_goods_Detail.GetGoodsDetail(item.Shelve_code).ToList().ForEach(obj => { detailList.Add(obj); }); } #region List<VisualShelveVm> VisualList = new List<VisualShelveVm>(); for (int i = 0; i < shelveList.Count; i++) { //循环最大粒子,在这个最大粒子当中来组织Json for (int g = 0; g < 4; g++) { for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) { var store_detail = detailList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.grid == g.ToString() && a.Shelve_code == shelveList[i].Shelve_code && a.layer == l.ToString()); //如果未出库的里没有这个 那就可以添加 if (store_detail != null) { VisualList.Add(new VisualShelveVm() { shelve_grid = g.ToString(), shelve_layer = l.ToString(), shelve_code = shelveList[i].Shelve_code, shelve_name = shelveList[i].Shelve_name, isHas = true, goods_code = store_detail.Goods_code, goods_name = store_detail.Goods_name }); } else { VisualList.Add(new VisualShelveVm() { isHas = false, shelve_grid = g.ToString(), shelve_layer = l.ToString(), }); } } } } #endregion Visualization.cefSha.ExecuteScriptAsync($@"GetShelve({Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(VisualList)});"); }
<script> window.onload = function () { loadScrollWidth(2); // 新式注入 CefSharp.BindObjectAsync("bound"); } </script>
<body> <div class="container" id="app" style="max-width: 1600px;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-3"> <div class="card"> <h3 class="card-img-top headtext">清单</h3> <div class="card-body"> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">分类名称</th> <th scope="col">数量</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="(item,index) in goods_item"> <th scope="row">{{item.goods_Name}}</th> <td>{{item.num}}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-9" style="overflow: scroll;"> <div class="row line_div"> <div class="row" style="font-size: 20px;background-color: #CCC;width: 100%;"> <ul class="nav nav-pills nav-fill" id="nav_list"> <li class="nav-item" v-for="(item,index) in line_item"> <!-- 如果 index 1--> <a class="nav-link active" key="item.Sline_code" @click="toggle(index,item)" v-if="index==0">{{item.Sline_name}}</a> <!-- index 2 n --> <a class="nav-link" key="item.Sline_code" @click="toggle(index,item)" v-if="index!=0">{{item.Sline_name}}</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="row" style="margin-left: 0;" id="VisualBody"> <div class="colums" v-for="item in reversedMessage"> <div class="row"> <img src="tx_3.png"> <div class="table_div"> <table class="custormTable" style="margin-top: 40px;" :id="item.code"> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row" style="background-image: url('tx_2.png');width: 556px;height:464px;background-repeat: repeat-y;"> </div> <div class="row"> <img src="tx_1.png"> <div class="hj_center"> <h3>{{item.name}}</h3> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> <script> window.onload = function () { loadScrollWidth(2); // 新式注入 CefSharp.BindObjectAsync("bound"); } </script> <script> function loadScrollWidth(num) { var tags = document.getElementsByClassName('line_div')[0]; tags.style.width = num * 590 + 'px'; } function changedom(listdata,shelvedata) { var num = 1; $(".custormTable").html(""); shelvedata.shift(); for (var i = 0; i < shelvedata.length; i++) { var shelve_code = shelvedata[i].shelve_code; //不管如何都是循环4X4 for (var y = 0; y < 4; y++) { var goodshtml = '<tbody><tr class="store_goodsName">'; var numhtml = '<tr class="store_goodsId">' numhtml += "<td>" + num + "</td>"; numhtml += "<td>" + (num + 1) + "</td>"; numhtml += "<td>" + (num + 2) + "</td>"; numhtml += "<td>" + (num + 3) + "</td>"; numhtml = numhtml + '</tr>'; for (var g = 0; g < 4; g++) { var obj = listdata.find(item => item.shelve_layer == y && item.shelve_grid == g && item.shelve_code == shelve_code); if (obj != null) { if (obj.isHas == true) { goodshtml = goodshtml + "<td>" + obj.goods_name + "</td>"; } } else { goodshtml = goodshtml + "<td></td>"; } } goodshtml = goodshtml + '</tr>' + numhtml + '</tbody>'; var my_element = $("#" + shelve_code); $("#" + shelve_code).append(goodshtml); num = num + 4; } } } </script> </html> <script> var app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { m: "hello", line_item: [],//列 goods_item: [],//商品列表+num shelve_list: [],//货架列表 Listdata: [],//商品列表 },mounted() { //全局钩子引用 window.getalert = this.getalert; window.getgoods = this.getgoods; window.GetShelve = this.GetShelve; window.DBTwo = this.DBTwo; },methods: { getalert: function (list) { this.line_item = typeof list == 'string' ? JSON.parse(list) : list; },toggle:function(index,item){ $(".nav-item a").each(function () { $(this).removeClass("active"); }); $(".nav-item a").eq(index).addClass('active'); //item 对象 Sline_Code 【字段】 var Sline_Code = item.Sline_code; //调用完之后C#会找我们的一个方法然后将参数带过来 bound.GetShelveDetail(Sline_Code); //请求后台,让后台直接调用一个方法去加载列表。 bound.GetobjBySline_Code(Sline_Code); this.Wecas(index, item); },Wecas: function (index, item) { $(".nav-item a").each(function () { $(this).removeClass("active"); }); $(".nav-item a").eq(index).addClass('active'); //item 对象 Sline_Code 【字段】 var Sline_Code = item.Sline_code; //调用完之后C#会找我们的一个方法然后将参数带过来 bound.GetShelveDetail(Sline_Code); //请求后台,让后台直接调用一个方法去加载列表。 bound.GetobjBySline_Code(Sline_Code); },getgoods: function (goods_list) { //该方法是返回货架有的物品 this.goods_item = typeof goods_list == 'string' ? JSON.parse(goods_list) : goods_list; }, GetShelve: function (list) { this.Listdata = list; let obj = {}; list = list.reduce((cur, next) => { obj[next.shelve_code] ? "" : obj[next.shelve_code] = true && cur.push(next); return cur; }, []); this.shelve_list = typeof list == 'string' ? JSON.parse(list) : list; changedom(this.Listdata, this.shelve_list); } }, computed: { //所有的货架列出来 reversedMessage: function () { var array = []; for(var i=0;i<this.shelve_list.length;i++){ //判断是否name是不是有 if (this.shelve_list[i].shelve_name != null) { var obj = { name: this.shelve_list[i].shelve_name, code : this.shelve_list[i].shelve_code } array.push(obj); } } if (array.length < 2) { loadScrollWidth(2); } else { loadScrollWidth(array.length); } return array; } } }); </script>
需要注意的cefsharp初次调用js的是 cefSha.ExecuteScriptAsyncWhenPageLoaded($"getalert({str});"); 我也是醉
还有就是在开发中一定想要F12 看看代码运行状况如何或者要调试。
class CEFKeyBoardHander : IKeyboardHandler { public bool OnKeyEvent(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, KeyType type, int windowsKeyCode, int nativeKeyCode, CefEventFlags modifiers, bool isSystemKey) { if (type == KeyType.KeyUp && Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Keys), windowsKeyCode)) { var key = (Keys)windowsKeyCode; switch (key) { case Keys.F12: browser.ShowDevTools(); break; } } return false; } public bool OnPreKeyEvent(IWebBrowser browserControl, IBrowser browser, KeyType type, int windowsKeyCode, int nativeKeyCode, CefEventFlags modifiers, bool isSystemKey, ref bool isKeyboardShortcut) { return false; } }
标签:kernel,CefSharp,code,Sline,list,item,Google,shelve,var 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lonelyxmas/p/11351918.html