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Poverty in USA and China



A simple comparison of poverty in USA and in China.


the main power point:




1.Hello, everyone.

Today I am going to talk about the different poverty in America and in China.

2. According to the data, there are 150 million people whose income is less

than the \$1.25 per day, which means the poverty rate of China in 2010 is 10.8\%.

However, as the largest economy in the world, the United States also is cyclical

in nature with roughly 13 to 17\% of Americans living below the federal poverty

line at any given point in time.

Are they similar in essence? As follows, I will show you some detail material.

3. First, I will provide some data to show the current situation,

Then, I will look into the factors of the poverty.

At last, tell about the different measures in America and China.

4. How to measure the poverty?

A common method that is used to measure the poverty is based on incomes or consumption levels.

Different countries have different standards.

Poverty Line is a relative index to show the degree.

5. From this chart, we could see that at 2010 the Chinese poverty line is 1196

yuan, the American poverty line is 69062 yuan. Middle is world bank index, which

is common method to measure the world poverty. The world bank poverty is a

person 1.5 dollars a day, about 3394 yuan.

6. At 2010, in America, the Poverty line is 11139 dollars a year, and the number

of the Poor in USA is 46.2 million, occupying 15.1% of the total number.

At 2010, In China, According to the official poverty line 1196 yuan a year, the

number of the Poor in China is 35.97 million, occupying 2.7% of the total number.

According to the data above, our country's poverty rate is lower than America.

The main reason is that our poverty line is far more lower than America.

At 2011, our poverty line is increased to 2300 yuan, then the number is about 120 million.

7. This picture illustrates the percentage of population living on less than $1.25 per day.

The America is under 2%, but our country is about 6% to 20%.

8. Factors related to poverty:

In America.

Loss of job: nearly 20 percent of people enter poverty when the head of

household loses.

Decline in earnings: half of poverty spells begin with the household experiences a decline.

No high education degree: households headed by someone without a high school degree

Children Poverty: Approximately 1.35 million children in the United States are homeless

every year. More than one-third of U.S. homeless population is made up of children.

Fifty percent of homeless teens age 16 and older drop out of school.

Disability: when a head of household becomes disabled, 6.5 percent of households

enter poverty.

In China,

The main reason to poverty is overpopulation, rural and urban is also far more different.

Education, floating population, social welfare and social insurance are also the factors to poverty.

9. This picture shows the parade of the jobless in America.

10. This picture shows the overpopulation which must be familiar for our students.

11. Homeless children in U.S. is also a serious problem.

12. In our country, rural and urban is far more different. In rural area there are many

students who don’t have clear classrooms, but in city the situation is different.

13. Above are the differences. The similarity is that the difference between the rich

and the poor is becoming wider both in China and the United States.

Poverty problem has caused great concern from both China’s and the United States’

government. Following are some measures taken by America and China.

14. In America, the health insurance is the mean measure for anti-poverty.

Welfare reform, job training and food stamps are the other methods.

In China, rural revolution, support the poor and developing areas the mean measures.

Building the infrastructure and practiced education and health care and supporting

non-government organization are also the measures for the anti-poverty.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30585437/article/details/98186946