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      方法1,画一个在远剪裁面上的矩形,然后根据NDC坐标反求World Space坐标,用这个坐标作为纹理坐标去采样CubeMap。


     方法3, 画一个Sphere,直接把CubeMap纹理贴上去。



 1 //////////////////////////////
 2  skyBox.h
 3 //////////////////////////////
 4 #pragma once
 5 #include "d3dx9.h"
 6 #include "DXUTcamera.h"
 7 #define V_RETURN(x)    { hr = (x); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } }
 8 struct SkyBoxVertex
 9 {
10     float x,y,z;
11 };
13 class SkyBox
14 {
15 public:
16     SkyBox(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice);
17     ~SkyBox(void);
18     HRESULT InitSkyBox();
19     HRESULT RenderSkybox(const CModelViewerCamera &camera);
20 private:
21     HRESULT InitCubeTexture();
22     HRESULT InitEffect();
23     LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 myD3dDevice;
24     IDirect3DCubeTexture9 * myCubeTexture;
25     IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 *myVertexDecl;
26     ID3DXEffect* myFX;
27     D3DXHANDLE myTech;
28     D3DXHANDLE myEnvMap;
29     D3DXHANDLE myWVP;
30     const CModelViewerCamera *myCamera;
31     ID3DXMesh* mySphere;
33 };



 1 //////////////////////////////////////
 2 SkyBox.cpp
 3 /////////////////////////////////////
 4 #include "DXUT.h"
 5 #include "SDKmisc.h"
 6 #include "SkyBox.h"
 7 SkyBox::SkyBox(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice)
 8 {
 9     myD3dDevice = pDevice;
10     myCubeTexture = NULL;
12 }
13 SkyBox::~SkyBox(void)
14 {
15     myCubeTexture->Release();
16     myFX->Release();
17     mySphere->Release();
18 }
19 HRESULT SkyBox::InitSkyBox()
20 {
21     HRESULT hr = S_OK;
22     D3DVERTEXELEMENT9 SkyBoxVertexDecl[] =
23     {
25         D3DDECL_END()
26     };
27     V_RETURN(D3DXCreateSphere(myD3dDevice, 100, 30, 30, &mySphere, 0));
28     V_RETURN( InitCubeTexture() );
29     V_RETURN( InitEffect() );
30     return hr;
31 }
32 HRESULT SkyBox::InitCubeTexture()
33 {
34     HRESULT hr = S_OK; 
35     WCHAR cubeTextruePath[MAX_PATH];
36     V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( cubeTextruePath, MAX_PATH, L"grassenvmap1024.dds" ) );
37     V_RETURN( D3DXCreateCubeTextureFromFile(myD3dDevice,cubeTextruePath, &myCubeTexture) );
38     return hr;
39 }
40 HRESULT SkyBox::InitEffect()
41 {
42     HRESULT hr = S_OK;
43     V_RETURN(D3DXCreateEffectFromFile(myD3dDevice, L"sky.fx", 0, 0, 0, 
44         0, &myFX, 0));
45     myTech   = myFX->GetTechniqueByName("SkyTech");
46     myWVP    = myFX->GetParameterByName(0, "gWVP");
47     myEnvMap = myFX->GetParameterByName(0, "gEnvMap");
48     // Set effect parameters that do not vary.
49     V_RETURN(myFX->SetTechnique(myTech));
50     V_RETURN(myFX->SetTexture(myEnvMap, myCubeTexture));
51     return hr;
52 }
53 HRESULT SkyBox::RenderSkybox(const CModelViewerCamera &camera)
54 {
55     HRESULT hr = S_OK;
56     //// Sky always centered about camera's position.
57     D3DXMATRIX mWorld;
58     D3DXMATRIX mView;
59     D3DXMATRIX mProj;
60     const D3DXVECTOR3 p = *camera.GetEyePt();
61     D3DXMatrixTranslation(&mWorld, p.x, p.y, p.z);
62     mView = *camera.GetViewMatrix();
63     mProj = *camera.GetProjMatrix();
64     D3DXMATRIX mWVP = mWorld*mView*mProj;
65     V_RETURN(myFX->SetMatrix(myWVP, &mWVP));
66     UINT numPasses = 0;
67     V_RETURN(myFX->Begin(&numPasses, 0));
68         V_RETURN(myFX->BeginPass(0));
69             V_RETURN(mySphere->DrawSubset(0));
70         V_RETURN(myFX->EndPass());
71     V_RETURN(myFX->End());
72 }


 1 ////////////////////////////////
 2 Sky.fx
 3 ///////////////////////////////
 5 uniform extern float4x4 gWVP;
 6 uniform extern texture  gEnvMap;
 7 sampler EnvMapS = sampler_state
 8 {
 9     Texture   = <gEnvMap>;
10     MinFilter = LINEAR; 
11     MagFilter = LINEAR;
12     MipFilter = LINEAR;
13     AddressU  = Clamp;
14     AddressV  = Clamp;
15 };
16 void SkyVS(float3 posL : POSITION0, 
17            out float4 oPosH : POSITION0, 
18            out float3 oEnvTex : TEXCOORD0)
19 {
20     // Set z = w so that z/w = 1 (i.e., skydome always on far plane).
21     oPosH = mul(float4(posL, 1.0f), gWVP).xyww; 
23     // Use skymesh vertex position, in local space, as index into cubemap. 
24     oEnvTex = posL;
25 }
26 float4 SkyPS(float3 envTex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
27 {
28     return texCUBE(EnvMapS, envTex);
29 }
30 technique SkyTech
31 {
32     pass P0
33     {
34         vertexShader = compile vs_2_0 SkyVS();
35         pixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 SkyPS();
36         CullMode = None;
37         ZFunc = Always; // Always write sky to depth buffer
38         StencilEnable = true;
39         StencilFunc   = Always;
40         StencilPass   = Replace;
41         StencilRef    = 0; // clear to zero
42     }
43 }






来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30622107/article/details/97564780