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读书笔记>>Daniel H. Pink - The Adventures of Johnny Bunko_ The Last Career Guide You'll Ever


It's nice to believe that you can map out every step ahead of time and end up where you want. But that's a fantasy. The world changes. Ten years from now, your job might be in India, your industry might not even exist.


The people who achieve the most are often the ones who stick with it when others don't.


What do musicians and athletes do that others don't? They show up. They practice and practice and practice some more. That's why they do so well in whatever career they choose--even if it's not sports or music.


The world is littered with talented people who didn't persist, who didn't put in the hours, who gave up too early, who thought they could ride on talent alone. Meanwhile, people who might have less talent pass them by.


Intrinsic motivation is so important. Doing things not to get an external reward like money or a promotion, but because you simply like doing it. The more intrinsic motivation you have, the more you persist, the more likely you are to succeed.


I am asking you to think about your purpose… to recognize that your life isn't infinite, and that you should use your limited time here to do something that matters.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/CodingIsFun/article/details/96483599