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when we look up into the sky,at distant stars and galaxies,then we’re looking back in time,because the light from the red dot has been travelling to us for almost the entire history of the universe.you see, what we’re looking at here is an event that happened 13 billion years ago.what we’re looking at here is the explosive death of one of the first star in the universe.


as measured from its beginning to the evaporation of the last black hole.life,as we know it ,is only possible for one thousandth of a billion billion billion billionth of a percent. and that’s why for me the most astonishing wonder of the universe isn’t a star or a planet or a galaxy,it isn’t a thing at all,it’s a instant in time, and that time is now.


and every piece of everything ,of everything you love, of everything you hate ,of everything you hold most precious, was assembled by the forces of nature is the first few minutes of the life of the universe, transformed in the heart of the stars or created in their fiery deaths.and when you die, those pieces will be returned to the universe in the endless cycle of death and rebirth.


when we look out into space,we are looking into our origins .our story is the story of the stars, and
written into every atom ,and every molecule of our bodies ,is the entire history of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day.


The light that I’ve just captured in my camera began its journey 2.5 million years ago .At that time .on earth ,there were no humans .homo habilis ,our distant ancestors ,were roaming the plains of Africa, and as those light rays travelled through the vastness of space ,our species evolved, and thousands and
thousands and thousands of generations of humans lived and died.


The fate of the sun is the same as for all stars ,one day, they must all eventually die and the cosmos will be plunged into eternal night and this is the most profound consequence of the arrow of time.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/puppystellar/article/details/95637722