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一箭双雕: kiling two eagles with one arrow

胸有成竹:have a complete picture in one's mind

井底观天:size up the sky from the bottom of a well

一衣带水:It‘s so close that you can’t walk past without getting wet.

东施效颦:An ugly woman can't look better by imitating the smile of a beautiful girl.

大惊小怪:It's like being startled by things both big and small.

鼠目寸光:short-range thinking

经济东风:economic shift

胆小如鼠:very timid

举足轻重:very important

归心似箭:very anxious to return home

齐心协力:act in concert

蒙在鼓里:keep workers in the dark

繁文缛节:special organized programs of instruction

欣欣向荣:mass prosperity

衣食住行:food,clothing,shelter and transportation

占大部分: a lion's share

空头支票:rubber check

get the green light:得到允许

in weal or woe 同甘共苦

show the white weather 示弱

blow one‘s own trumpet自吹自擂

pull the strings幕后操纵

It doesn't hold water.一点也站不住脚。


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42682806/article/details/94866994