android – 将firebase解析链接到Google play
我正在尝试将我的firebase分析项目链接到Google Play,但我创建了带有’x’电子邮件ID的firebase项目,而google play帐户所有者使用的是不同的电子邮件ID,以便我如何链接它.
我在firebase项目中收到此消息: – 您不是Google Play帐户的所有者.请创建一个帐户或联系所有者进行链接.
[Engineer at Firebase] I’m happy to report that we’ve just rolled out
support for this feature! Clicking the “Collaborators” link below the
name of each of your Firebases will launch a dialog allowing you to
invite and manage the list of users that have access to your Firebase.As the Firebase owner, you can invite and remove other users, use
Forge, manage billing, and modify the Firebase plan. Collaborators
have access to Forge, but cannot edit or view the list of users on the
Firebase, or edit billing / plan information.We’re just getting started with this feature, so let us know if you
have any feedback by contacting us at
检查一下:Add developer account users & manage permissions
标签:android,google-play-services,google-analytics,firebase,firebase-analytics 来源: