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1 世界人口迅速增长已经带来了一系列问题:食品匮乏、交通和住房问题。

高分句架:The rapid increase of _____has been creating a series of problems ranging from _____to _____.

The rapid increase of the world population has been creating a series of problems, such as food shortages, traffic and housing problems.


2 目前,世界上没有国家能够仅靠自己持续性的、可更新的资源来养活它自己的人口。

The present time no nation on earth is supporting its present population on its own sustainable flow of renewable resources.


3 如果我们意识不到这些问题的严重性并采取适当的措施,人类的未来将是危险的。

高分句架:If we fail to _____and, the future of _____is in great danger.

If we fail to recognise the seriousness of the situation and take an appropriate action, the future of people is in great danger.


4 人口的快速增长影响到地球上人们的整体生活质量和受苦难的程度。

The population fast growth affects the overall quility of life and the degree of difficulty of world.


5 许多国家不能为其当前的人口提供足够的基本物资的供应。

Many countries lack adequate supplies of basic material needed to support their current population.


6 人口增加意味着交通更拥挤。而且,由于需要更多的空间来解决住房问题,所以几乎不可能扩展街道,使得情况变得更遭

More people means heavier traffic. Moreover, because more space has to be used to meet the needs of the housing problems, it is almost impossible to widen the streets, which makes the situation even worse.


7 在最贫穷的国家,需要花大力气来防止其社会和经济状况进一步恶化,而生活水平和质量的真正提高也被进一步的人口增加所抵消

高分句架:_____, massive efforts are needed to _____.

In the poorest countries, massive efforts are needs to keep social and economic conditions from deteriorating further; any real advances in well-being and the quality of life are negated by further population growth.


8 我们的目标是要确保在那些发展中国家里,人人都能了解计划生育信息、接受教育和利用其他手段。

高分句架:Our objective should be _____.

Our objective should be to assure that developing countries make family planning information, education and means available to all their people.


9 处理人口问题中的关键的(尽管不是唯一的)因素是保持社会和经济的可持续性发展。

高分句架:The key factor, though not the only one, in dealing with _____is _____.

The key factor, though not the only one, in dealing with population problems is sustainable social and economic development.


10 对人口问题意识的提高需要更多的大众教育。像人口数量和增长率之类的事实应该作到人人皆知。

高分句架:More public education is needed to _____. Facts like _____should be in the head of every citizen.

More public education is needed to develop more awareness about population issues. Facts like the size or the growth rate of the human population should be in the head of every citizen.




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/stackwayc/article/details/93842770