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我把支付处理系统的很多东西都提到了android app.它提供最好的Paypal’s SDK.但是,对于下面的图像,我很少有困惑 –

这两者有什么区别 – Mobile Express Checkout Library&移动支付图书馆.而且,我将选择哪一个为Android应用程序进行支付处理.有人请,请简要解释一下.提前致谢.


我希望这能帮到您 :

Mobile Payment Libraries (MPL): Add in-app payments by just adding a
Pay with PayPal button to your iOS or Android app. PayPal’s library
will display an in-app UI to ask the buyer to log in and complete the
payment. It’s the quickest way to add payments into your app, and you
can do it without having back-end services running.

Mobile Express Checkout Library (MECL): If you want the PayPal
checkout flow to be in a browser or webview, you can use our Mobile
Express Checkout Library. This is useful if you already have a express
checkout integration completed for your website or if app store
policies require you to complete your checkout flow in a browser. This
library will help you integrate the mobile web flow into your app.


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190613/1234205.html