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[转] 英文写作中分号和冒号的使用





两个独立的句子不能够用逗号隔开,如果用逗号,必须逗号后面要加并列连词(and, but, or, nor, yet, so, for),这7个连词有两个作用,一个是语法上连接两个“平等”的句子(和主从句作比较),另外一个是从语义上交代前后两个句子之间的关系。如果(重点来了!),前后两句话的关系不需要通过这7个并列连词就可以很明显看出来,那么两句话就可以用分号连接了!比如说:

In film, a low-angle shot makes the subject look powerful; a high-angle shot does just the opposite.


Many corals grow very gradually; in fact, the creation of a coral reef can take centuries. 注意分号和逗号的位置,这里的 “in fact” 就是并列词组,常用的并列副词总结一下有如下(大家看下however也在里面,以后用however连接两个单独的句子的时候,要用分号或者句号,而不是逗号)。


Classic science fiction sagas include Star Trek, with Captain Kirk, Dr. McCoy, and Mr. Spock; Battlestar Galactica, with its Cylons; and Star Wars, with Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vader. 注意这边分号的位置和作用!


→ Although children’s literature was added to the National Book Awards in 1969; it has had its own award, the Newbery Medal, since 1922.(这里的分号要改成逗号,因为 Although 引导的是一个从句,不能够单独成为一个句子)

→ The scientists were fascinated by the species Argyroneta aquatica; a spider that lives underwater.(这里的分号改成逗号,后面是一个同位语的成分,而不是一个独立的句子)

→ Some of my favorite celebrities have their own blogs; Lindsay Lohan, Rosie O’Donnell, and Zach Braff.(这里的分号要改成冒号,用来引出一些列的东西)

→ Five of the applicants had worked with spreadsheets; but only one was familiar with database management.(这里的分号要改成逗号,因为右面有上面说到过的7个并列连词)


→ 用来引出一系列的东西

The daily routine should include at least the following: twenty knee bends, fifty sit-ups, fifteen leg lifts, and five minutes of running in place.

→ 用来引出同位语

My roommate is guilty of two of the seven deadly sins: gluttony and sloth.

→ 用来引出引言

Consider the words of Benjamin Franklin: “There never was a good war or a bad peace.”

→ 用来引出解释或者总结

Faith is like love: It cannot be forced.

The novel is clearly autobiographical: The author even gives his own name to the main character.

→ 写英文信件称呼后

Dear Sir or Madam: (用冒号是非常正式的,在美式商务英语中用得比较多,在英式英语或者不正式的信件中,可以用逗号)


→ Some important vitamins found in vegetables are: vitamin A, thiamine, niacin, and vitamin C.(这里不需要冒号,谓语和宾语或者谓语和补语之间不能用标点符号分开)

→ The NCAA regulates college athletic teams, including: basketball, baseball, softball, and football.(在 including, such as, for example 后面不要用分号)



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Dontstop/p/10969866.html