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PX4 IO [14] serial [转载]


PX4 IO [14] serial

PX4 IO [14] serial
                                                                             -------- 转载请注明出处 
                                                                             -------- 更多笔记请访问我的博客:merafour.blog.163.com 

                                                                             -------- 2014-12-31.冷月追风

                                                                             -------- email:merafour@163.com 



    我们已经不止一次接触到 fmu跟 IO通讯,之前我们看到的只是 fmu部分源码,那么 IO中又是怎么处理的呢?下面我们就来瞧瞧。 
    IO固件的 mk文件为: "./PX4Firmware/makefiles/config_px4io-v2_default.mk",其内容如下:

# Makefile for the px4iov2_default configuration
# Board support modules
MODULES         += drivers/stm32
MODULES         += drivers/boards/px4io-v2
MODULES         += modules/px4iofirmware

这是 IO固件所用到的一些文件,当然仅仅是 PX4Firmware目录下的。而现在我们要阅读的源码在 "PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/"目录,其内容如下:

radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ ls PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/
adc.c       dsm.c  mixer.cpp  protocol.h  px4io.h      safety.c  serial.c
controls.c  i2c.c  module.mk  px4io.c     registers.c  sbus.c

因为前面我们知道 fmu跟 IO是通过串口进行通讯的,所以我们现在要阅读的源码主要在 serial.c中。
    前面我们看到,在 io_get_raw_rc_input函数中使用下面的代码来获取遥控器数据:

    if (channel_count > 9) {
        ret = io_reg_get(PX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT, PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_BASE + 9, &regs[prolog + 9], channel_count - 9);

        if (ret != OK)
            return ret;
int PX4IO::io_reg_get(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, uint16_t *values, unsignednum_values)
    /* range check the transfer */
    if (num_values > ((_max_transfer) / sizeof(*values))) {
        debug("io_reg_get: too many registers (%u, max %u)", num_values, _max_transfer / 2);
        return -EINVAL;

    int ret = _interface->read((page << 8) | offset, reinterpret_cast<void *>(values), num_values);

    if (ret != (int)num_values) {
        debug("io_reg_get(%u,%u,%u): data error %d", page, offset, num_values, ret);
        return -1;

    return OK;

因此我有理由相信在 IO中也使用了宏 PX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT。所以:

radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr PX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT ./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.h:77:externuint16_t                      r_page_raw_rc_input[];  /* PX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT */
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/protocol.h:140:#definePX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT          4
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/registers.c:866:        casePX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT:
int registers_get(uint8_t page, uint8_t offset, uint16_t **values, unsigned*num_values)
#define SELECT_PAGE(_page_name)                            \
    do {                                    \
        *values = &_page_name[0];                    \
        *num_values = sizeof(_page_name) / sizeof(_page_name[0]);    \
    } while(0)

    switch (page) {

    /* ... */
    /* status pages */

在这段代码中我们并没有看到数据拷贝,所以数据拷贝应该是由调用 registers_get的函数来完成。

static void rx_handle_packet(void)
    /* check packet CRC */
    uint8_t crc = dma_packet.crc;
    dma_packet.crc = 0;
    if (crc != crc_packet(&dma_packet)) {

        /* send a CRC error reply */
        dma_packet.count_code = PKT_CODE_CORRUPT;
        dma_packet.page = 0xff;
        dma_packet.offset = 0xff;


    if (PKT_CODE(dma_packet) == PKT_CODE_WRITE) {

        /* it's a blind write - pass it on */
        if (registers_set(dma_packet.page, dma_packet.offset, &dma_packet.regs[0], PKT_COUNT(dma_packet))) {
            dma_packet.count_code = PKT_CODE_ERROR;
        } else {
            dma_packet.count_code = PKT_CODE_SUCCESS;

    if (PKT_CODE(dma_packet) == PKT_CODE_READ) {

        /* it's a read - get register pointer for reply */
        unsigned count;
        uint16_t *registers;

        if (registers_get(dma_packet.page, dma_packet.offset, &registers, &count) < 0) {
            dma_packet.count_code = PKT_CODE_ERROR;
        } else {
            /* constrain reply to requested size */
            if (count > PKT_MAX_REGS)
                count = PKT_MAX_REGS;
            if (count > PKT_COUNT(dma_packet))
                count = PKT_COUNT(dma_packet);

            /* copy reply registers into DMA buffer */
            memcpy((void *)&dma_packet.regs[0], registers, count * 2);
            dma_packet.count_code = count | PKT_CODE_SUCCESS;

    /* send a bad-packet error reply */
    dma_packet.count_code = PKT_CODE_CORRUPT;
    dma_packet.page = 0xff;
    dma_packet.offset = 0xfe;

void rx_dma_callback(DMA_HANDLE handle, uint8_t status, void *arg)
    /* ... */

在 rx_handle_packet函数中我们看到 IO提供了 registers_get跟 registers_set函数分别用来获取和设置 IO数据。而 rx_dma_callback函数的调用我们很容易想到是在串口收到数据的时候。这个我们回头再来折腾,现在我们要去看另外一个东西:r_page_raw_rc_input。在 registers_get函数中我们要读取的数据是来自 r_page_raw_rc_input,它的数据肯定也是有人放进去的,而不是凭空产生的。所以:

radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr r_page_raw_rc_input ./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/controls.c:216: bool ppm_updated = ppm_input(r_raw_rc_values, &r_raw_rc_count, &r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_DATA]);
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/controls.c:230: r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_NRSSI] = rssi;
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.h:77:externuint16_t                      r_page_raw_rc_input[];  /* PX4IO_PAGE_RAW_RC_INPUT */
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.h:97:#definer_raw_rc_count               r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_COUNT]
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.h:98:#definer_raw_rc_values              (&r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_BASE])
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.h:99:#definer_raw_rc_flags               r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS]
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/registers.c:114:uint16_t                r_page_raw_rc_input[] =
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/registers.c:867:                SELECT_PAGE(r_page_raw_rc_input);

经分析, controls.c是用来获取遥控器数据的。其实,从其命名上也是相当明显的。

     * XXX each S.bus frame will cause a PPM decoder interrupt
     * storm (lots of edges).  It might be sensible to actually
     * disable the PPM decoder completely if we have S.bus signal.
    bool ppm_updated = ppm_input(r_raw_rc_values, &r_raw_rc_count, &r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_DATA]);
    if (ppm_updated) {

        r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_PPM;
        r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP);
        r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE);

    /* limit number of channels to allowable data size */
    if (r_raw_rc_count > PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS)
        r_raw_rc_count = PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS;

    /* store RSSI */
    r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_NRSSI] = rssi;
static bool ppm_input(uint16_t *values, uint16_t *num_values, uint16_t *frame_len)
    bool result = false;

    /* avoid racing with PPM updates */
    irqstate_t state = irqsave();

     * If we have received a new PPM frame within the last 200ms, accept it
     * and then invalidate it.
    if (hrt_elapsed_time(&ppm_last_valid_decode) < 200000) {

        /* PPM data exists, copy it */
        *num_values = ppm_decoded_channels;
        if (*num_values > PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS)
            *num_values = PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS;

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < *num_values; i++)
            values[i] = ppm_buffer[i];

        /* clear validity */
        ppm_last_valid_decode = 0;

        /* store PPM frame length */
        if (num_values)
            *frame_len = ppm_frame_length;

        /* good if we got any channels */
        result = (*num_values > 0);


    return result;

从源码中我们看到,数组 r_page_raw_rc_input中所存放的并不仅仅是接收到的遥控器数据。遥控器数据仅仅是其中一部分而已。如果我们去看其定义将会更加清楚:

 * PAGE 0
 * Static configuration parameters.
static const uint16_t    r_page_config[] = {
    [PX4IO_P_CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_VERSION]    = 3,    /* XXX hardcoded magic number */
    [PX4IO_P_CONFIG_MAX_TRANSFER]        = 64,    /* XXX hardcoded magic number */

当然我现在也不去研究这个数组中到底都放了些什么数据。我关心的是 ppm_buffer中的数据是怎么来的,直至数据的最源头。但是我们要知道 ppm_buffer跟 ppm_decoded_channels是分不开的。

radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr ppm_buffer ./PX4Firmware/src/
./PX4Firmware/src/systemcmds/tests/test_hrt.c:90:extern uint16_t ppm_buffer[];
./PX4Firmware/src/systemcmds/tests/test_hrt.c:103:              printf("  %u\n", ppm_buffer[i]);
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/systemlib/ppm_decode.c:91:uint16_t    ppm_buffer[PPM_MAX_CHANNELS];
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/systemlib/ppm_decode.c:179:                                   ppm_buffer[i] = ppm_temp_buffer[i];
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/systemlib/ppm_decode.h:59:__EXPORT externuint16_t    ppm_buffer[PPM_MAX_CHANNELS];   /**< decoded PPM channel values */
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/controls.c:472:                 values[i] = ppm_buffer[i];
./PX4Firmware/src/drivers/stm32/drv_hrt.c:352:__EXPORT uint16_t ppm_buffer[PPM_MAX_CHANNELS];
./PX4Firmware/src/drivers/stm32/drv_hrt.c:503:                                  ppm_buffer[i] = ppm_temp_buffer[i];
./PX4Firmware/src/drivers/px4fmu/fmu.cpp:722:                           rc_in.values[i] = ppm_buffer[i];

在这里,我们可能会觉得是源文件 ppm_decode.c是我们要找的文件,但是:

void ppm_input_decode(bool reset, unsigned count)
    uint16_t width;
    uint16_t interval;
    unsigned i;

    /* if we missed an edge, we have to give up */
    if (reset)
        goto error;

    /* how long since the last edge? */
    width = count - ppm.last_edge;

    if (count < ppm.last_edge)
        width += ppm.count_max;    /* handle wrapped count */

    ppm.last_edge = count;

    if (width >= PPM_MIN_START) {
        if (ppm.next_channel != ppm_decoded_channels) {
            /* ... */
        } else {
            /* frame channel count matches expected, let's use it */
            if (ppm.next_channel > PPM_MIN_CHANNELS) {
                for (i = 0; i < ppm.next_channel; i++)
                    ppm_buffer[i] = ppm_temp_buffer[i];

                ppm_last_valid_decode = hrt_absolute_time();

        /* reset for the next frame */
        ppm.next_channel = 0;

        /* next edge is the reference for the first channel */
        ppm.phase = ARM;

radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr ppm_input_decode ./PX4Firmware/src/
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/systemlib/ppm_decode.c:123:ppm_input_decode(bool reset, unsigned count)
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/systemlib/ppm_decode.h:68: *                          ppm_input_decode, used to determine how to
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/systemlib/ppm_decode.h:84:__EXPORT void               ppm_input_decode(bool reset, unsigned count);

所以函数 ppm_input_decode根本就没有被调用。而且我们前面的 mk文件中根本就没有添加 systemlib目录。那么我们要找的源码就只能在源文件 drv_hrt.c中了。

 * Handle the PPM decoder state machine.
static void hrt_ppm_decode(uint32_t status)
    uint16_t count = rCCR_PPM;
    uint16_t width;
    uint16_t interval;
    unsigned i;

    /* if we missed an edge, we have to give up */
    if (status & SR_OVF_PPM)
        goto error;

    /* how long since the last edge? - this handles counter wrapping implicitely. */
    width = count - ppm.last_edge;

    ppm_edge_history[ppm_edge_next++] = width;

    if (ppm_edge_next >= 32)
        ppm_edge_next = 0;

     * if this looks like a start pulse, then push the last set of values
     * and reset the state machine
    if (width >= PPM_MIN_START) {

         * If the number of channels changes unexpectedly, we don't want
         * to just immediately jump on the new count as it may be a result
         * of noise or dropped edges.  Instead, take a few frames to settle.
        if (ppm.next_channel != ppm_decoded_channels) {
            static unsigned new_channel_count;
            static unsigned new_channel_holdoff;

            if (new_channel_count != ppm.next_channel) {
                /* start the lock counter for the new channel count */
                new_channel_count = ppm.next_channel;
                new_channel_holdoff = PPM_CHANNEL_LOCK;

            } else if (new_channel_holdoff > 0) {
                /* this frame matched the last one, decrement the lock counter */

            } else {
                /* we have seen PPM_CHANNEL_LOCK frames with the new count, accept it */
                ppm_decoded_channels = new_channel_count;
                new_channel_count = 0;

        } else {
            /* frame channel count matches expected, let's use it */
            if (ppm.next_channel > PPM_MIN_CHANNELS) {
                for (i = 0; i < ppm.next_channel; i++)
                    ppm_buffer[i] = ppm_temp_buffer[i];

                ppm_last_valid_decode = hrt_absolute_time();


        /* reset for the next frame */
        ppm.next_channel = 0;

        /* next edge is the reference for the first channel */
        ppm.phase = ARM;

        ppm.last_edge = count;
 * Handle the compare interupt by calling the callout dispatcher
 * and then re-scheduling the next deadline.

static int 
hrt_tim_isr( int irq, void *context) 

    uint32_t status; 

    /* grab the timer for latency tracking purposes */ 
    latency_actual = rCNT; 

    /* copy interrupt status */ 
    status = rSR; 

    /* ack the interrupts we just read */ 
    rSR = ~status; 


    /* was this a PPM edge? */ 
     if (status & (SR_INT_PPM | SR_OVF_PPM)) { 
        /* if required, flip edge sensitivity */ 
        rCCER ^= CCER_PPM_FLIP; 



这个时候我们已经跟踪到中断服务函数了,在往下那就是中断初始化了。从这里我们也看到,真正的 PPM数据最后是来自 ppm_temp_buffer数组,这是由 hrt_ppm_decode函数剩下的部分代码来完成的,负责 PPM解码工作。

    switch (ppm.phase) {
    case UNSYNCH:
        /* we are waiting for a start pulse - nothing useful to do here */

    case ARM:

        /* we expect a pulse giving us the first mark */
        if (width < PPM_MIN_PULSE_WIDTH || width > PPM_MAX_PULSE_WIDTH)
            goto error;        /* pulse was too short or too long */

        /* record the mark timing, expect an inactive edge */
        ppm.last_mark = ppm.last_edge;

        /* frame length is everything including the start gap */
        ppm_frame_length = (uint16_t)(ppm.last_edge - ppm.frame_start);
        ppm.frame_start = ppm.last_edge;
        ppm.phase = ACTIVE;

    case INACTIVE:

        /* we expect a short pulse */
        if (width < PPM_MIN_PULSE_WIDTH || width > PPM_MAX_PULSE_WIDTH)
            goto error;        /* pulse was too short or too long */

        /* this edge is not interesting, but now we are ready for the next mark */
        ppm.phase = ACTIVE;

    case ACTIVE:
        /* determine the interval from the last mark */
        interval = count - ppm.last_mark;
        ppm.last_mark = count;

        ppm_pulse_history[ppm_pulse_next++] = interval;

        if (ppm_pulse_next >= 32)
            ppm_pulse_next = 0;

        /* if the mark-mark timing is out of bounds, abandon the frame */
        if ((interval < PPM_MIN_CHANNEL_VALUE) || (interval > PPM_MAX_CHANNEL_VALUE))
            goto error;

        /* if we have room to store the value, do so */
        if (ppm.next_channel < PPM_MAX_CHANNELS)
            ppm_temp_buffer[ppm.next_channel++] = interval;

        ppm.phase = INACTIVE;


    ppm.last_edge = count;

    /* the state machine is corrupted; reset it */

    /* we don't like the state of the decoder, reset it and try again */
    ppm.phase = UNSYNCH;
    ppm_decoded_channels = 0;





    现在,我们就来看看 ppm_input函数是如何被调用的。

controls_tick() {

    uint16_t rssi = 0;

#ifdef ADC_RSSI
    if (r_setup_features & PX4IO_P_SETUP_FEATURES_ADC_RSSI) {
        unsigned counts = adc_measure(ADC_RSSI);
        if (counts != 0xffff) {
            /* use 1:1 scaling on 3.3V ADC input */
            unsigned mV = counts * 3300 / 4096;

            /* scale to 0..253 */
            rssi = mV / 13;

    uint16_t temp_count = r_raw_rc_count;
    bool dsm_updated = dsm_input(r_raw_rc_values, &temp_count);
    if (dsm_updated) {
        r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_DSM;
        r_raw_rc_count = temp_count & 0x7fff;
        if (temp_count & 0x8000)
            r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_RC_DSM11;
            r_raw_rc_flags &= ~PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_RC_DSM11;

        r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP);
        r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE);



    bool sbus_status = (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_SBUS);

    bool sbus_failsafe, sbus_frame_drop;
    bool sbus_updated = sbus_input(r_raw_rc_values, &r_raw_rc_count, &sbus_failsafe, &sbus_frame_drop, PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS);

    if (sbus_updated) {
        r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_SBUS;

        rssi = 255;

        if (sbus_frame_drop) {
            r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP;
            rssi = 100;
        } else {
            r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP);

        if (sbus_failsafe) {
            r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE;
            rssi = 0;
        } else {
            r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE);



     * XXX each S.bus frame will cause a PPM decoder interrupt
     * storm (lots of edges).  It might be sensible to actually
     * disable the PPM decoder completely if we have S.bus signal.
    bool ppm_updated = ppm_input(r_raw_rc_values, &r_raw_rc_count, &r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_DATA]);
    if (ppm_updated) {

        r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_PPM;
        r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP);
        r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE);

    /* limit number of channels to allowable data size */
    if (r_raw_rc_count > PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS)
        r_raw_rc_count = PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS;

    /* store RSSI */
    r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_NRSSI] = rssi;

我以为 PX4仅仅支持 ppm跟 sbus,但从这里我们知道,其实 PX4还支持另外一种 dsm输入。当然,采用那种输入方式并不是我们现在所关心的。我们现在关系的是谁调用了 controls_tick函数。

radiolink@ubuntu:~/apm$ grep -nr controls_tick ./PX4Firmware/src/
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/controls.c:145:controls_tick() {
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.h:217:extern voidcontrols_tick(void);
./PX4Firmware/src/modules/px4iofirmware/px4io.c:354:            controls_tick();
int user_start(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* ... */
    for (;;) {

        /* track the rate at which the loop is running */

        /* kick the mixer */

        /* kick the control inputs */

user_start函数是 IO的 init进程,这个前面我们已经分析过了。所以,最后是由 IO的主循环对 controls_tick函数进行调用。

    以上就是 IO中遥控器的输入。说完了输入,我们还得说说输出。这个我们稍后再来看。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eastgeneral/p/10879615.html