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方式二:开启ssh后使用securt 进行连接登录

常用的命令一般都是以esxcli开头,如果忘记命令可以使用帮助:esxcli --help

esxcli system shutdown reboot/poweroff  系统重启/关机(必须处于维护模式,否则命令不生效)

vmware -v:查看系统版本,例子:

常用的命令如:esxcfg* esxcli*


如 Find/cat/grep命令查找,Ping和vmkping。 

Vmkping是VMware的Ping命令的特定版本。它使用的IP VMkernel去Ping另一个ESX主机的VMkernel端口。


[root@ESXI-zha:~] esxcfg-

esxcfg-advcfg    esxcfg-hwiscsi   esxcfg-ipsec     esxcfg-nas       esxcfg-resgrp    esxcfg-swiscsi  

esxcfg-vswitch  esxcfg-dumppart  esxcfg-info      esxcfg-module    esxcfg-nics      esxcfg-route     

esxcfg-vmknic   esxcfg-fcoe      esxcfg-init      esxcfg-mpath     esxcfg-rescan    esxcfg-scsidevs  


[root@ESXI-zha:~] esxcli system -h

Usage: esxcli system {cmd} [cmd options]


Available Namespaces:

  boot                  Operations relating to host boot that allow manipulation of VMkernel boot time configuration.

  coredump              Operations pertaining to the VMkernel Core dump configuration.

  module                Operations that allow manipulation of the VMkernel loadable modules and device drivers. Operations include load, list and

                        setting options.

  process               Commands relating to running processes.

  secpolicy             Options related to VMkernel access control subsystem. These options are typically in place for specific workarounds or

                        debugging. These commands should be used at the direction of VMware Support Engineers.

  security              Operations pertaining to server authentication.

  settings              Operations that allow viewing and manipulation of system settings.

  slp                   Commands pertaining to Service Location Protocol (SLP).

  stats                 Access to various system statistics

  syslog                Operations relating to system logging

  visorfs               Operations pertaining to the visorfs memory filesytem.

  account               Manage user accounts.

  hostname              Operations pertaining the network name of the ESX host.

  maintenanceMode       Command to manage the system's maintenance mode.

  permission            Manage permissions for accessing the ESXi host.

  shutdown              Command to shutdown the system.

  snmp                  Commands pertaining to SNMPv1/v2c/v3 Agent configuration.

  time                  Commands to get and set system time.

  uuid                  Get the system UUID

  version               Commands to get version information.

  welcomemsg            Commands to get and set the welcome banner for DCUI.

[root@ESXI-zha:~] esxcli system time

Usage: esxcli system time {cmd} [cmd options]

Available Commands:

  get                   Disply the current system time.

  set                   Set the system clock time. Any missing parameters will default to the current time

[root@ESXI-571R-daozha:~] esxcli system time get



esxcli software vib install

 -v /tmp/i40e-2.0.7-2494585-7210478/net-i40e_2.0.7-1OEM.600.0.0.2494585.vib

来源: https://blog.51cto.com/zhouyaxiong/2387790