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1、学习让我感觉很棒。(什么关系?动作 or 描述?主语部分是?)
         【我的翻译】Learning makes me that feel good.
         【标准答案】Learning makes me feel good/brilliant.
         【对比分析】make sb. do sth.
                   - 内部关系:动作关系
                   - 句子时态:一般现在时
                   - 句子成分:Learning 动名词作主语,makes谓语动词,me宾语,feel good/brilliant宾补
         【拓展】现在分词与动名词的比较 à 现在分词既有动词性质,又有形容词性质;在句中可以作表语、定语、状语、补语等。动名词既有动词性质,又有名词性质;动名词在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、 补语等。
         【我的翻译】What is the girl’s name who wears glasses?
         【标准答案】What is the name of the girl wearing sunglasses?
         【对比分析】 后面有定语的名词要用of所有格
                   - 内部关系:描述关系
                   - 句子时态:一般现在时
                   - 句子成分:What 疑问代词作表语is 系动词 the name 主语 of the girl定语 wearing sunglasses 分词短语作定语
3、她来不来都没关系。(该由什么引导?这句话又属于什么关系,动作 or 描述?)
         【我的翻译】It dosen’t metter wether she comes or not.
         【标准答案】Whether she comes or not makes no difference.
         【对比分析】没有关系可以用make no difference,Whether 有是否之意
                   - 内部关系:动作关系
                   - 句子时态:一般现在时
                   - 句子成分:Whether she comes or not 主语从句 makes 谓语 no difference宾语
         【我的翻译】I forgot what I bought yesterday.
         【标准答案】I forget what I bought yesterday.
                   - 内部关系:动作关系
                   - 句子时态:一般现在时
                   - 句子成分:I 主语 forget 谓语 what I bought yesterday 宾语从句
5、你今天早上说的话让我很生气。(注意思考方式,注意逻辑轨迹,同题 1)
         【我的翻译】What you said this moring made me angry.
         【标准答案】What you said this morning made me annoyed.
         【对比分析】morning拼写错误,annoyed 恼怒,生气,烦恼
                   - 内部关系:动作关系
                   - 句子时态:一般过去式
                   - 句子成分:What you said this morning 主语从句 made 谓语 me 宾语 annoyed 宾补
         【我的翻译】We don’t know who did this.
         【标准答案】Who did this is unknown.

                   - 内部关系:描述关系
                   - 句子时态:主句一般现在时,从句一般过去时
                   - 句子成分:Who did this主语从句 is 系动词 unknown表语
         【我的翻译】The American is surprised that how I speak English well.
         【标准答案】That American was surprised (that) I could speak English so well.
         【对比分析】那个 使用that
                   - 内部关系:描述关系
                   - 句子时态:一般过去时
                   - 句子成分:That American 主语 was 系动词surprised(that) I could speak English so well. 表语(that引导的从句作surprised宾语)
         【我的翻译】I was surprised what he said.
         【标准答案】I was surprised at what he said.
                   - 内部关系:描述关系
                   - 句子时态:一般过去式
                   - 句子成分:I主was系surprised at what he said表(what he said 作at介词宾语)
         【我的翻译】I have no idea what he is doing.
         【标准答案】I don’t know what he is doing.
                   - 内部关系:动作关系
                   - 句子时态:主语一般现在时,从句现在进行时
                   - 句子成分:I 主语 don’t know 谓语 what he is doing 宾语从句
10、你知道我们为什么把会议延期到下星期吗?(提示:put off)
         【我的翻译】Do you know why we put off the metting next week?
         【标准答案】Do you know why we (have) put off our meeting till next week?
                   - 内部关系:动作关系
                   - 句子时态:一般现在时
                   - 句子成分:Do助动词提示一般疑问句  you 主语 know 谓语 why we (have) put off our meeting till next week 宾语从句



❶ 「生气」可以有多少种表达?

be angry with/at someone,
be angry about/for something,

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangqian27/p/10771116.html