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100-days: twenty-six


Title: The Guardian(英国卫报) view on the Notre Dame fire: we share France's terrible loss

  Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院(法文原意:我们的女士)

    法语全称:Notre-Dame de Paris

  share 表达一群人对于某样东西有着同样的情绪和感觉

    share sb's loss 在英美国家的追悼会上或者葬礼上对逝者家属所说的哀悼词 我的哀思与 sb. 同在


It feels as though the very heart(心脏) of France and the soul of Europe(欧洲的灵魂) have been suddenly(突然地) and viciously(残暴地) ripped out. The fire that coursed through large sections of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Monday evening was an act(行为,事件,作为) of blind(不可被人为控制的情况或事件) and terrible(可怕的) destruction that causes a great stab of emotional pain to us all.

  as though 好像,似乎

  soul n.灵魂;精神;人;幽灵

  very adj.(用于强调名词)同一的,恰好的

  rip out 扯掉,扯下  释义:to remove something

  viciously adv.邪恶地,敌意地  经常用于对于刑事案件当中,

    eg. The victim was viciously assaulted 受害者受到了残暴的袭击

  course v.蔓延;奔流;大量流动   (文中指火灾席卷了教堂的很大一部分)

    eg. A new wave of idealism is coursing through our school.

  destruction n.摧毁;破坏,毁灭,消灭,灭亡,扑灭,驱除; 毁灭的原因,破坏手段; 杀害;

   stab n.一阵难受,刺痛  v.戳,刺

    a stab of excitement/worry/guilt 一阵兴奋 / 担心 / 内疚

  emotional adj.表现强烈情感的; 令人动情的; 易动感情的; 感情脆弱的;


The fire struck quickly and seemingly uncontrollably(无法被控制地). It gathered force(火势越烧越猛的样子) with immense power(大火的威力) and ferocity, engulfing much of the roof and the central spire as it caught hold. After an hour or so, the Paris fire brigade(巴黎的消防队) was able to begin to get part of the fire under some degree(程度) of control and to protect the parts of the cathedral(总教堂,大教堂) that may survive. As night fell, the great west towers still stood against the sky, proud(雄伟的) but vulnerable(脆弱的).

  strike 疾病、灾难的突然降临

  seemingly adv.看起来是这样

  immense adj.极大的,巨大的; 浩瀚的,无边际的; 〈口〉非常好的; 弘道;

  ferocity n.狂暴,凶猛,凶残

  engulf v.吞没,包围  en- 放在…之中

    gulf n.深渊

  spire n.尖塔;塔尖

  roof n.屋顶,房屋; 最高部,顶部; 最高限度; 口腔顶部; v.给…盖顶; 覆盖; 保护,庇护;

  caught hold (sth.)突然抓住某个东西

  brigade n.旅,队

  get sth. on the control  控制住


Dame is the embodiment of the French capital(首都) and of France itself. It has been in its place since the 12th century. It was here that the liberation(解放) of Paris in 1944 was marked in a service of thanksgiving(感恩节).

  embodiment n.体现;具体化;化身  em- 构成动词 

    empower v.授权  embody v.体现

    the embodiment of evil  邪恶的化身

  mark v.纪念,庆祝

  service n.礼拜仪式,祈祷仪式


It is world famous not simply as an iconic Parisian building(巴黎建筑) but through(因为) the writing of Victor Hugo(维克多雨果), who in his novel(小说) Hunchback of Notre Dame《巴黎圣母院》 made the building itself come alive.

  it is world famous 举世闻名的

  not simply A but B  =  not only  A  but also B

  iconic adj.符号的;偶像的;标志性的  icon n.符号;偶像

  hunchback 驼背的人

  come live 栩栩如生,活现  make sth. come alive

    make the characters come alive


The cathedral will rise again in time. This terrible fire is not an event that should be trivialised or banalised. We stand with France in its hour of heartbreak(心碎). We will never, ever, turn away(视若无睹).

  trivialise v.使显得琐碎或不重要;轻视  trivial adj.微不足道的

    a trivial matter 微不足道的麻烦

  banalise v.使陈腐;使平凡;使庸俗  banal adj.平庸的

    banal pop songs 老套的流行歌曲

  turn away 转过脸去;拒绝

    I have to turn away 我没有办法去看它

    turn sb. away  拒绝某人



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/bala/p/10725441.html