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correct [from com- ( COM-) + regere 'to lead straight']

Correct - definition of correct by The Free Dictionary

Synonyms: correct, rectify, remedy, redress, revise, amend

These verbs mean to make right what is wrong.

Correct refers to eliminating faults, errors, or defects:

Rectify stresses the idea of bringing something into conformity with a standard of what is right:

Remedy involves removing or counteracting something considered a cause of harm, damage, or discontent:

Redress refers to setting right something considered immoral or unethical and usually involves some kind of recompense:

Revise suggests change that results from careful reconsideration:

Amend implies improvement through alteration or correction:

六级/考研单词: synonym, rectify, revise, verb, eliminate, defect, flaw, conform, counteract, abuse, commit, civilian, implicit, weary, constitution, overthrow

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16621379.html