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const // Special symbols   _TAB_   = #9;   _CR_    = #13;   _NL_    = #10;   _DELIM_ = ' :;.,+-<>/*%^=()[]|&~@#\`{}'+_TAB_;   _SPACE_ = ' ';   // Convert string to C-escape string format function ConvStr(Value: String): String; var I: Integer; begin     Result := '';   for I := 1 to Length(Value) do begin     case Value[I] of       #34: Result := Result + '\' + #34;       #39: Result := Result + '\' + #39;       _TAB_: Result := Result + '\t';       _NL_: begin end;       _CR_: Result := Result + '\n';       '\': Result := Result + '\\';       else Result := Result + Value[I];     end;   end; end;   // Convert string from C-escape string format function UnconvStr(Value: String): String; var I: Integer; begin   Result := '';   I := 1;   while I<=Length(Value) do begin     if Value[I]='\' then begin       if I=Length(Value) then break;       Inc(I);       case Value[I] of         'n': Result := Result + _CR_;         't': Result := Result + _TAB_         else Result := Result + Value[I];       end;     end else Result := Result + Value[I];     Inc(I);   end; end;   procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo2.Text:=ConvStr(Memo1.Text); end;   procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo2.Text:=UnconvStr(Memo1.Text); end;   代码来自网络

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/edrp/p/16594910.html