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Variable Explanation Available
${TEST NAME} The name of the current test case. Test case
@{TEST TAGS} Contains the tags of the current test case in Test case
alphabetical order. Can be modified dynamically using
:name:Set Tags and :name:Remove Tags keywords.
${TEST DOCUMENTATION} The documentation of the current test case. Can be set Test case
dynamically using using :name:Set Test Documentation
${TEST STATUS} The status of the current test case, either PASS or `Test
FAIL. teardown`_
${TEST MESSAGE} The message of the current test case. `Test
${PREV TEST NAME} The name of the previous test case, or an empty string Everywhere
if no tests have been executed yet.
${PREV TEST STATUS} The status of the previous test case: either PASS, Everywhere
FAIL, or an empty string when no tests have been
${PREV TEST MESSAGE} The possible error message of the previous test case. Everywhere
${SUITE NAME} The full name of the current test suite. Everywhere
${SUITE SOURCE} An absolute path to the suite file or directory. Everywhere
${SUITE DOCUMENTATION} The documentation of the current test suite. Can be Everywhere
set dynamically using using :name:`Set Suite
Documentation` keyword.
&{SUITE METADATA} The free metadata of the current test suite. Can be Everywhere
set using :name:Set Suite Metadata keyword.
${SUITE STATUS} The status of the current test suite, either PASS or `Suite
FAIL. teardown`_
${SUITE MESSAGE} The full message of the current test suite, including `Suite
statistics. teardown`_
${KEYWORD STATUS} The status of the current keyword, either PASS or `User
FAIL. keyword
${KEYWORD MESSAGE} The possible error message of the current keyword. `User
${LOG LEVEL} Current log level_. Everywhere
${OUTPUT FILE} An absolute path to the output file_. Everywhere
${LOG FILE} An absolute path to the log file_ or string NONE Everywhere
when no log file is created.
${REPORT FILE} An absolute path to the report file_ or string NONE Everywhere
when no report is created.
${DEBUG FILE} An absolute path to the debug file_ or string NONE Everywhere
when no debug file is created.
${OUTPUT DIR} An absolute path to the output directory_. Everywhere
&{OPTIONS} A dictionary exposing command line options. The Everywhere
dictionary keys match the command line options and
can be accessed both like ${OPTIONS}[key] and
${OPTIONS.key}. Available options:
- ${OPTIONS.exclude} (:option:--exclude)
- ${OPTIONS.include} (:option:--include)
- ${OPTIONS.skip} (:option:--skip)
- ${OPTIONS.skip_on_failure}
New in RF 5.0. More options can be exposed later.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zl-yang/p/16549372.html