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The comma (,) is a punctuation mark that appears in several variants in different languages. It has the same shape as an apostrophe (') or single closing quotation mark (’) in many typefaces (font), but it differs from them in being placed on the baseline of the text. Some typefaces render it as a small line, slightly curved or straight but inclined from the vertical. Other fonts give it the appearance of a miniature filled-in figure 9 on the baseline. In printing, a typeface is a set of letters, numbers etc of the same style and size.

An apostrophe is the mark (') when it is written to indicate that one or more letters have been left out of a word, as in `isn't' and `we'll'. It is also added to nouns to form possessives, as in `Mike's car'.

The inverted comma, or quotation mark, is one of a pair of marks (") that are put at the beginning and end of a written word, sentence etc to show that someone said it or wrote it, or when writing the title of a book, song etc. "in inverted commas" is used to show that a word you are using to describe something is only what it is usually called, and not what you think it really is. e.g. Her friends, in inverted commas, all disappeared when she was in trouble.

Boule de Suif, short story by Guy de Maupassant [莫泊pō桑], originally published in Les Soirées de Médan [Meidan night] (1880), an anthology [文集] of stories of the Franco-Prussian War. The popularity of “Boule de Suif” led to the author’s retirement from the civil service [公务员; 文职] to devote himself to writing. It is one of his best works. Boule de Suif (“Ball of Fat”) is the nickname given to a well-known prostitute who finds herself traveling in a coach with conventionally respectable people through Prussian-occupied France during wartime. The "nice" people contemptuously ignore her, except when she offers them food during the long journey.

Les Soirées de Médan is a collection of six short stories by six different writers associated with Naturalism, first published in 1880. The collection took its title from Zola's house at Médan [梅塘], near Paris, where writers would meet for literary dinners. The authors were often referred to collectively as the "Médan group". The aim of the collection was to promote the ideals of Naturalism, by treating the events of the Franco-Prussian War in a realistic and often unheroic way, in contrast to officially approved patriotic views of the war.

anthology /ænˈθɔlədʒi/

The comma is used in many contexts and languages, mainly to separate parts of a sentence such as clauses and items in lists, mainly when there are three or more items listed. The word comma comes from the Greek κόμμα (kómma), which originally meant a cut-off piece, specifically in grammar, a short clause.

The development of punctuation is much more recent than the alphabet. In the 3rd century BC, Aristophanes of Byzantium [拜占庭的阿里斯托芬] invented a system of single dots (théseis) at varying levels, which separated verses and indicated the amount of breath needed to complete each fragment of the text when reading aloud. The different lengths were signified by a dot at the bottom, middle, or top of the line. For a short passage, a komma in the form of a dot ⟨·⟩ was placed mid-level. This is the origin of the concept of a comma, although the name came to be used for the mark itself instead of the clause it separated.


拜占廷帝国(Byzantine Empire 395-1453年),即东罗马帝国。它的首都君士坦丁堡是在希腊古城拜占庭的基础上建立起来的。它的正式名称是“罗马”或“罗马帝国”。为了与同样自称为罗马帝国的神圣罗马帝国区分开,西欧人在1453年将其称为“拜占廷帝国”。为什么伏尔泰说神圣罗马帝国“既不神圣,也不罗马,更非帝国

A comma-shaped mark is used as a diacritic in several writing systems and is considered distinct from the cedilla. In Ancient Greek, the rough and smooth breathings (ἁ, ἀ) appear above the letter. In Latvian, Romanian, and Livonian, the comma diacritic appears below the letter, as in ș. 逗号形状的标记在几种书写系统中用作变音符号,被认为不同于塞迪拉。在古希腊语中,粗犷而流畅的呼吸(ἁ, ἀ) 出现在字母上方。在拉脱维亚语、罗马尼亚语和利沃尼亚语中,逗号连字符出现在字母下方,如ș所示。A cedilla is a symbol that is written under the letter `c' in French, Portuguese, and some other languages to show that you pronounce it like a letter `s' rather than like a letter `k'. It is written ç.

六级/考研单词: comma, differ, render, curve, incline, vertical, miniature, noun, invert, author, devote, nickname, supper, seldom, realistic, patriot, poet, prose, alphabet, verse, fragment, aloud, signify

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16537274.html