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wezterm 紫色风格配置



默认启动的是powershell 7(pwsh.exe)


-- Wezterm configuration
-- powered by aquawius
-- this is version 4

-- version 1: initial config
-- version 2: wsl support
-- version 3: update theme to purple style
-- version 4: fix bug "git log" with "terminal is not fully functional" 
--            tracert: term set to "" is not a compatible term for git

local wezterm = require("wezterm")

local config = {
    check_for_updates = false,
    -- color_scheme = "Fahrenheit",
    -- color_scheme = "Gruvbox Dark",
    -- color_scheme = "Blue Matrix",
    -- color_scheme = "Pandora",
    -- color_scheme = "Grape",
    -- color_scheme = "Firewatch",
    -- color_scheme = "Duotone Dark",
    color_scheme = "Sakura",
    -- color_scheme = "lovelace",

    enable_scroll_bar = true,
    exit_behavior = "Close",

    -- tab_bar_at_bottom = true,
    inactive_pane_hsb = {
        hue = 1.0,
        saturation = 1.0,
        brightness = 1.0,

    -- font = wezterm.font(''),
    font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({
        "Cascadia Code",
        "Fira Code",
    font_size = 12.0,

    default_prog = { 'pwsh' },
    -- default_cwd = "/some/path",
    launch_menu = {

    leader = { key = "b", mods = "CTRL" },

    set_environment_variables = {},

    -- Tab bar appearance
    colors = {
        tab_bar = {

            -- The color of the strip that goes along the top of the window
            background = "#282828",

            -- The active tab is the one that has focus in the window
            active_tab = {
                -- The color of the background area for the tab
                bg_color = "#18131e",
                -- The color of the text for the tab
                fg_color = "#ff65fd",

                intensity = "Normal",
                underline = "None",
                italic = false,
                strikethrough = false,

            -- Inactive tabs are the tabs that do not have focus
            inactive_tab = {
                bg_color = "#282828",
                fg_color = "#d19afc",
            inactive_tab_hover = {
                bg_color = "#202020",
                fg_color = "#ff65fd",

            new_tab = {
                bg_color = "#282828",
                fg_color = "#d19afc",
            new_tab_hover = {
                bg_color = "#18131e",
                fg_color = "#ff65fd",

if wezterm.target_triple == "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" then
    -- config.term = "" -- Set to empty so FZF works on windows
    -- config.term = "xterm"  -- fix bug in command "git log" with "terminal is not fully functional" or delete this term = "xxxx" (using default term value)

    table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "PowerShell 5", args = { "powershell.exe", "-NoLogo" } })
    table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "PowerShell 7", args = { "pwsh.exe", "-NoLogo" } })
        { label = "VS PowerShell 2022", args = { "powershell", "-NoLogo", "-NoExit", "-Command", "devps 17.0" } })
        { label = "VS PowerShell 2019", args = { "powershell", "-NoLogo", "-NoExit", "-Command", "devps 16.0" } })
    table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "Command Prompt", args = { "cmd.exe" } })
        { label = "VS Command Prompt 2022", args = { "powershell", "-NoLogo", "-NoExit", "-Command", "devcmd 17.0" } })
        { label = "VS Command Prompt 2019", args = { "powershell", "-NoLogo", "-NoExit", "-Command", "devcmd 16.0" } })

    -- Enumerate any WSL distributions that are installed and add those to the menu
    local success, wsl_list, wsl_err = wezterm.run_child_process({ "wsl", "-l" })
    -- `wsl.exe -l` has a bug where it always outputs utf16:
    -- https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/4607
    -- So we get to convert it
    wsl_list = wezterm.utf16_to_utf8(wsl_list)

    for idx, line in ipairs(wezterm.split_by_newlines(wsl_list)) do
        -- Skip the first line of output; it's just a header
        if idx > 1 then
            -- Remove the "(Default)" marker from the default line to arrive
            -- at the distribution name on its own
            local distro = line:gsub(" %(Default%)", "")

            -- Add an entry that will spawn into the distro with the default shell
            table.insert(config.launch_menu, {
                label = distro .. " (WSL default shell)",
                args = { "wsl", "--distribution", distro },

            -- Here's how to jump directly into some other program; in this example
            -- its a shell that probably isn't the default, but it could also be
            -- any other program that you want to run in that environment
            table.insert(config.launch_menu, {
                label = distro .. " (WSL zsh login shell)",
                args = { "wsl", "--distribution", distro, "--exec", "/bin/zsh", "-l" },
    table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "zsh", args = { "zsh", "-l" } })

-- Equivalent to POSIX basename(3)
-- Given "/foo/bar" returns "bar"
-- Given "c:\\foo\\bar" returns "bar"
function Basename(s)
    return string.gsub(s, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%2")

wezterm.on("format-tab-title", function(tab, tabs, panes, config, hover, max_width)
    local pane = tab.active_pane
    local title = Basename(pane.foreground_process_name)
    return {
        { Text = " " .. title .. " " },

return config

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/aquawius/p/16520911.html