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[TypeScript] infer


Res1: https://www.typescript-training.com/course/making-typescript-stick/08-type-challenges/#returnoff

Res2: https://learntypescript.dev/09/l2-conditional-infer


There is an infer keyword that can be used within a condition in a conditional type to put the inferred type into a variable. That inferred variable can then be used within the conditional branches.


type ArrayElementType<T> = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : T;

// type of item1 is number
type item1 = ArrayElementType<number[]>

// type of item2 is `{name: string}`
type item2 = ArrayElementType<{name: string}>


For item1, T is number[], so (infer E)[] would match number[], therefore E is number type

For item2, T is {name: string}, so (infer E)[] doesn't match (not array of any type), therefore E would be T which is {name: string}


Infer function return type example:

type ReturnOf<F> = F extends (...args: any[]) => infer RT ? RT: F
// F extends (...args: any[]) => any: F should be a function type
// F extends (...args: any[]) => infer RT: the function return type is assigned to a variable RT
// infer RT ? RT: F: is RT a truth type? if yes return RT, otherwise return F

// the following test case can be pass
type cases = [
  // simple 1
  Expect<Equal<boolean, ReturnOf<() => boolean>>>,
  // simple 2
  Expect<Equal<123, ReturnOf<() => 123>>>,
    Equal<ComplexObject, ReturnOf<() => ComplexObject>>
      ReturnOf<() => Promise<boolean>>
  Expect<Equal<() => "foo", ReturnOf<() => () => "foo">>>,
    Equal<"heads" | "tails", ReturnOf<typeof flipCoin>>
      "rock" | "paper" | "scissors",
      ReturnOf<typeof rockPaperScissors>


Enforce the `F` to be a function type:

type ReturnOf<F> = F extends (...args: any[]) => infer RT ? RT: F
const person = { name: "Fred" };
// PersonType is {name: string}
type PersonType = ReturnOf<typeof person>

It would be nice to enforce ReturnOf only accept function as type:

type ReturnOf<F extends (...args: any[]) => any> = F extends (...args: any[]) => infer RT ? RT: F


Another way to write ReturnOf<F> is:

type ReturnOf<F extends (...args: any[]) => any> = F extends {(...args: any[]): infer RT} ? RT: never
// F extends {(): any}: F should be any callable
// F extends {(...args: any[]): infer RT}: the return type of the callable should be RT
// F extends {(...args: any[]): infer RT} ? RT: never : if the return type is true, then return RT otherwise return never

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/16494555.html