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PL Class-The Future



it was a pleasure to talk to you today. You did a great job in our lesson today,

especially with your conversation skills. Focus on your use of the verb tenses,

it is an area in which you could improve.Andy.

清楚度 87

Today your pronunciation was good, I understood everything you said.

Please spend time listening to English language podcasts and listening to some videos.

自信 86

Your confidence was good and you showed a passion for English.


Keep up the good work.

表达 87

Today your vocabulary was good.


I would suggest reading and listening tKeep up the good work; this will improve as your vocabulary improves.
o the news in English.

准确度 86

You spoke well today.

Keep up the good work.

范围 87

You were able to talk about different topics.


Good class.



Andrew G:Hey,Welcome to the class.can you hear me?


Andrew G:Oh,Excellent.Excellent,Let me introduce myself to your,my name is Andy and come from xxxx.

a NewYork city.And it's great pleasure to have a class today.unfortunately,
My working camera is not work at the moment.

I'm sorry you can't see me.Woule you introduce yourself? thank you.

Eistert:OK.Hello,My name is Eistert,and now I live in BeiJing,I am a programmer.and emm...

My hobbies are running and playing video games.emm,Nice to meet you.Andy.

Andrew G:Yeah,why do you want to improve your English?

Eistert:emm,First,emm,I want to find a better job,and emm work for a foreign company.but after

it's difficult for me.And I.. I have no time and no patient learn English.And pratice writting
and speaking,
now it just a method to cost my free time.he he.

Andrew G:wow,I see.what kind of thing do you do when you free time to practice your English.

Eistert:emm,actually,I started learn English and practice English emm at yesterday,
and I have a long time about five months no learn English. not learn English.
and now I change a job.and the five month I worked... I am busy.maybe maybe busy.it's just a...
I don't how to say...sorry.It just a method to avoid learn English.Sorry.

Andrew G:e haha, so do you think you need English for new job?

Eistert:yea,actually,I want to work for chrome.but emm,you konw I am a programmer,

and maybe a softwate developer,but my English is very poor, and it's just a dream you know.

Andrew G:I see.well, if your want your English to get better,you need to take the classes.and you don't take

classes for five months.then your English will get better.

Eistert:yea.and I off work,sorry,I off work just recently.you know,

Andrew G:Say the agin please.

Eistert:I offer work.emm,haha,I just got off work.

Andrew G:oh,you just got off work.

Eistert:yea,stay(ing?) at home,because covid.and my rommate have a...

I have a rommate close to a covided person.

Andrew G:your rommate have covid?

Eistert:close.got close to a person, the person have got covid.and you konw.I have to stay at home about

two week and work.

Andrew G:oh,that's interesting.

Eistert:yea,China is alway there.

Andrew G:yeah,you have to be careful,but you don't have covid.


Andrew G:I see.

Andrew G:and do many people have covid?

Eistert:NO,NO,China,e....a little people have covid,it's just a little person,little people.
you know.and little people

Andrew G:little people?

Andrew G:a few people,

Eistert:few people have covid.and mostly from the foreign food and you know the sea food.

China maybe is the most safety country in the word about the covid.

Andrew G:No problem.you just to be careful.I hope you don't have to get covid.

Eistert:yea,I just hard to describ my mind.you konw,I have no...I have no word(?) to describ my mind.

Andrew G:Because your mind is thinking in Chinese,you need thinking in English.


Andrew G:It's very nice to have your around class.and today,you choose the topic 'The Future'.
The First unit is talking about cars and the environment.

so When you think about the word 'car',do you have a positive or negative feeling? Why?

Eistert:emm.actually,I think the car is the main pollution source to the earth.the exhause... the car exhaust is very...is much.

sorry.the car exhaust,the car emission much exhaust.

and it's very

the car emission much exhaust. ---> the car emits a lot of exhaust.

Andrew G:what about the car's exhaust? what do you want to say about the car exhaust.the car's exhaust a lot?

Eistert:oh,yeah,the car emits a lot of exhaust.

Andrew G:yes,the car emits a lot of exhaust.so do you have positive or negative feeling?

Eistert:mostly,I feel negative.

Andrew G:oh,mostly i feel negative feeling.oh,I get it. imaging you're talking to a colleague about the use of
cars in your city.Answer theist questions about how cars affect the environment.


Andrew G:so coming.Do you have a car?

Eistert:I have no license,I have no license to drive a car.

Andrew G:I see.and what about your friends.Do you have friend have a car?

Eistert:mostly of my frieds have car license.

Andrew G:have a driving license.

Eistert:ok ,get it.thank you.

Andrew G:and How do you get to work?

Eistert:I take subway.and i take a walk,wale from home to my company,it's about ten minutes to my company from my home.

Andrew G:ok,it's very good.and you frieds.how do you frieds get to work?

Eistert:some colleague drive a car.

Andrew G:ok,does do many people in your city take the subway?

Eistert:mostly.but have much person drive a car to work.you know,i live in beijing and the beijing have much people.about

Andrew G:many people!

Eistert:ok many people.thanks.

Andrew G:Do you like live in BeiJing.

Eistert:it's just a work city.i have no home feeling to live in BeiJing. it just because hight salary job.

Andrew G:where is your hometown?

Eistert:I live in JiangXi. Do you have hear it?

Andrew G:No,where is your university?

Eistert:my university location is also located in JiangXi Provice.

Andrew G:So you miss your Provice.


Andrew G:You don't like BeiJing?

Eistert:no,Because I have little frieds in BeiJing.

Andrew G:few frieds.

Eistert:ok,i have few frieds in beijing.and mostly in my day.I just work,and play games
and running alone.walk alone,study alone,eating alone.

Andrew G:you need have a girl fried or boy friend.

Eistert:yea,but I seperate my girl friend last two years.

Andrew G:oh,you broke up with your friend.

Eistert:oh,the yeah before.

Andrew G:so you need new girl friend.

Eistert:it's hard.

Andrew G:yeah,you need find one in the subway.

Eistert:yea,thank you.

Andrew G:yeah,ok.so do you think people in BeiJing are worried about the airpolution.

Eistert:yes.in BeiJing have many cars.and expecially at monrning and at moon.

at morning many people drive car to work.
at moon many people drive car to home.

and it's very crowd.you know.

Andrew G:Do you ...

Eistert:sorry i don't understand,pardon

Andrew G:do people in BeiJing have electric car?

Eistert:yea,you konw.the Tesla,many people drive Tesla,the modle3C,and alos have electric car product made in china,you konw.

Andrew G:that's great.and do you would buy electric cat one day?

Eistert:yas,i will.maybe after two years,i find a job back my hometown.and i will buy electric car.

Andrew G:oh,good.how far away from your hometown?

Eistert:about 1000 kilometer from beijing.

Andrew G:It's far,you did a very good job at role play.and let's have look at practice lite.

here you need read those sentence below and Identify the expressions that describ how things change over time.

Eistert:ok,i read it.

Traffic is getting worse,and commuting is getting more irritating.

irritating 恼人的

Opinions about electric cars are changing for the better.

The government has been investing a lot of money in public transportation.

Andrew G:OK,which of these sentence describe your city?

Eistert:emm,all of it.

Andrew G:because.

Andrew G:because my city have many people.and sometime at morning many people have to work,some people take subway,drive a car,

and ride bicycle.

Andrew G:great, you did a great job in this unit.congratulations,
let's look at the second unit.are you optimistic about the future?

Eistert:I'm neutral.sometime I feel optimistic and sometime i feel negative.

i think human can open the space age in the next fifty years or on hunred years.
we can develop new technology to develop the space.

and we can....

Andrew G:OK,Let's look at the role play.You and your friend are talking about what life will be like 100 years from now.

100 years from now,so what do you think life will be like in 100 years.

Eistert:OK,the first,i think we can develop Autopilot technology to drive a car,

and we can drive a car without person,
and many server person will replace by the robot.
and maybe some person can live in mars.
and ....
and maybe some people can external life,we can store my memory to a machine.

Andrew G:do you think the robot will replace people?

Eistert:e,if the technology advanced enough.

many profession words,i don't konw consist them.

Andrew G:Do you think that robot will be more powful than people?

Eistert:next one hunred years, it's hard to achieve.but maybe.

Andrew G:that scared you?

Eistert:No,i am technology fan.I like watching techo movie.
and it's cool.you know.

Andrew G:but do you think...for example that robot will control people?

Eistert:no,I don't think.

Andrew G:Because?

Eistert:because people is very complex enough.

Andrew G:OK,got it.good,let's look at the practice next than.

Andrew G: here what we need to do is need to change these sentences to make your own predictions.


Example sentences:

I believe that robot will fly planes and drives cars
I predict that computers will take over the world.
i believe that scientists will find a cure for cancer.

I predict that astronauts are going to land on Mars.

I think that we are all going to be much Healthier and happier than we are today.

Eistert sentences:

My imagination is very limited。
it's very hard to imagine.

I believe that robot will cook my dinner and clean my house.

i believe that robot will wash my clothes and give me my .....

I predict that computers will coding my themselef.

i believe that scientists will find a method to external person life.

i predict that astronauts are going to lived in Mars.

I think that we are all going to be much smart and strangger than we are today.

Andrew G:Yeah,You did very well.do you have any questions?

Eistert:NO,i will practice more after class.I prepare bad,you know.

Andrew G:yeah,I think it's good practice,and you are a good student.but you are a little out of practice,

and you need to practice more.I think also it's very important for you to listen some English.

for Example,to watch some video,some TV showes,

try to listen English as much as possible.

it's will be good for you.

Eistert: OK,i will.

Andrew G:Okay,it's very nice to have class with you,and I hope I will see you in another class future.
thank you so much.

Eistert:thank you.

Andrew G:it's very nice to teach you.bye bye.have a great evening.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16463830.html