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Navigate To Decompiled Sources Resharper


Navigate To Decompiled Sources

ReSharper | Navigate | Navigate To | Decompiled Sources

Alt+` | Decompiled Sources (ReSharper_NavigateToDecompiledSources)

This command allows you to navigate to declarations of library types and methods reconstructed by decompilation. Decompiled source code is shown in the editor as a reconstructed source file, in read-only mode. All relevant ReSharper's navigation and search commands are available in the decompiled view.

The command becomes available when you invoke Navigate To on a library symbol in your source code and on decompiled sources. You can invoke this command from the Solution Explorer, from the File Structure window and other tool windows.

If the target symbol has XML documentation comments, they are included in the decompiled sources.

This command is not available if the Default Visual Studio Navigation is selected in the Tools | External Sources page of ReSharper options. To make it available, select any other option in this group.

This feature is supported in the following languages and technologies:

Language: C#

Language: VB.NET

Language: C++

Language: HTML

Language: ASP.NET

Language: Razor

Language: JavaScript

Language: TypeScript

Language: CSS

Language: XML

Language: XAML

Language: Resx

Language: Build Scripts

Language: Protobuf

Language: JSON

Feature is available in C#

Feature is available in Visual Basic .NET

Feature is not available in C++

Feature is not available in HTML

Feature is not available in ASP.NET

Feature is not available in Razor

Feature is not available in JavaScript

Feature is not available in TypeScript

Feature is not available in CSS

Feature is not available in XML

Feature is not available in XAML

Feature is not available in Resource files

Feature is not available in build script files

Feature is not available in Protobuf

Feature is not available in JSON

The instructions and examples given here address the use of the feature in C#. For details specific to other languages, see corresponding topics in the ReSharper by language section.



Navigate compiled code

A solution is not limited to source code of your projects, it also contains references to libraries that are used in your solution. It is very convenient to have access and opportunity to navigate to symbols from those libraries as if they were a part of your solution. ReSharper provides a built-in decompiler and a lot of features that help you view and navigate through compiled code.

Code presentation of symbols from compiled assemblies depends on the settings, on the availability of PDB information, and on the applied navigation command.

There are two types of navigation commands that target library symbols:

For the second type of commands, you can specify how ReSharper will represent library symbols. When this kind of navigation is performed for the first time, you will see a dialog, suggesting to choose the default navigation action:

You can configure the default navigation on the Tools | External Sources page of ReSharper options (Alt+R, O).


You can also explore source code of any assembly outside your solution using the Assembly Explorer window. For more information, see Explore and decompile assemblies.


If at any point you would like to clear the decompilation cache, remove the data in %LOCALAPPDATA%\JetBrains\Shared\vAny\DecompilerCache.





来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/16439910.html