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clean, clear


clean的反义词有dirty和unclean等,clear的反义词有cloudy, dark, vague等。cloudy和dark形容天气。


clean-shaven: 胡子刮得干净的; clean-cut: 1. clearly outlined 轮廓清楚的; 2. looking neat and respectable 外貌整洁体面的

clear-cut: easy to recognize and quite distinct =definite [不是clean-cut]

loud and clear: in a way that is very easy to understand

"Clean up" is like cleaning something such as mopping the floor or cleaning the bathroom etc. "Clearing up" can be clearing something out of another thing. 与initialize相对一般用clean up,因为你要(a subsystem)去做清理工作,不是要它清除自己——比较牵强。WSA [Windows Sockets API]始终存在,不能从Windows中清除掉?Cleanup is a noun or an adjective. Clean up is a verb phrase.


六级/考研单词: dirt, vague, wipe, damp, polish, rub, scrub, broom, mop, vacuum, suck, germ, cleanse, lotion, outline, neat, tentative, loud, noun, adjective, verb, socket, tidy, pollute

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16435799.html