Argument of type "const wchar_t*" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPTSTR"
You might run into this error when you ...
1) Create a C++ standalone project in VS2017 (15.5 and later versions)
2) Turn the C/C++ -> Language -> Conformance mode option to Yes:
3) Include InventorUtils.h
The exact error will be:
Severity | Code | Description | File |
Error | C2664 | 'LPOLESTR T2OLE(LPTSTR)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'const wchar_t [16]' to 'LPTSTR' | c:\users\public\documents\autodesk\inventor 2020\sdk\developertools\include\dispatchutils.h |
The solution is to turn off the Conformance mode
标签:const,incompatible,Conformance,LPTSTR,C++,wchar,type 来源: