TZOJ 4362: Gregory the Grasshopper
4362: Gregory the Grasshopper描述 Gregory is a grasshopper. His favourite food are clover leafs -- he can simply never have enoughof them. Whenever he spots such a leaf, he wants to eat it as quickly as possible. Gregory isalso lazy, so he wants to move to the leaf with minimal effort. Your task is to help him to findthe shortest way to a clover leaf.For simplicity, we will assume that Gregory lives on a rectangular grid consisting of unit squares.As a grasshopper, he prefers to move by jumping (or, more exactly, hopping) from one squareto the other. Each hop takes him to a square that is in the adjacent row or column in onedirection, and two columns or rows away in the other direction. So, his hops resemble the movesof a knight on a chessboard. 输入 The input consists of several test cases, each of them specified by six integer numbers on one line: R, C , GR, GC , LR, and LC . R and C specify the size of the grid in unit squares, 1 ≤ R, C ≤ 100. Gregory cannot hop outside a rectangle of this size, because it would be too dangerous. The values of GR, GC are the coordinates of the square that Gregory is standing on, and LR, LC are the coordinates of the square with the delicious clover leaf. (1 ≤ GR, LR ≤ R; 1 ≤ GC , LC ≤ C ) 输出 For each test case, print one integer number -- the minimal number of hops that Gregory needsto reach the square with his beloved delicacy. If it is not possible to reach that square at all,print the word "impossible" instead. 样例输入 10 10 10 10 1 1 样例输出 6 |
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 #define ll long long 3 using namespace std; 4 bool book[101][101];//标记数组,0为未走,1为走过 5 struct node{ 6 int x,y,step; 7 }; 8 node que[10001];//定义结构体数组,大小为n*m 9 int n,m,sx,sy,ex,ey,f,ans; 10 int nex[8][2] = {{-2,1},{-1,2},{1,2},{2,1},{2,-1},{1,-2},{-1,-2},{-2,-1}};//能走的八个方向 11 void bfs() 12 { 13 int tx,ty,head,tail;//head队首、tail队尾 14 head = tail = 1; 15 que[tail].x = sx;//对队尾/队首初始化为起点并标记 16 que[tail].y = sy; 17 que[tail].step = 0; 18 book[sx][sy] = 1; 19 tail++;//队尾向后扩充一位 20 while(head<tail) 21 { 22 for(int i=0;i<8;i++) 23 { 24 tx = nex[i][0]+que[head].x; 25 ty = nex[i][1]+que[head].y;//获取下一步坐标tx,ty 26 if(tx<1||ty<1||tx>n||ty>m)continue;//越界判断 27 if(book[tx][ty]==0)//book=0证明tx,ty未走过 28 { 29 book[tx][ty] = 1;//标记走过 30 que[tail].x = tx;//将tx,ty加入队尾 31 que[tail].y = ty; 32 que[tail].step = que[head].step+1;//队尾步长等于队首步长+1 33 tail++;//队尾扩充 34 } 35 if(tx==ex&&ty==ey)//如果是终点 36 { 37 f = 1;//f标记更新为1 38 ans = que[tail-1].step;//因为前面队尾扩充了,所以需要tail-1才能取回真正的队尾步长 39 break; 40 } 41 } 42 if(f)break;//找到终点结束循环 43 head++;//while循环的结尾让队首往后移一位 44 } 45 } 46 int main() 47 { 48 49 while(cin>>n>>m>>sx>>sy>>ex>>ey)//多组数据输入 50 { 51 f = 0;//初始化f=0默认没找到 52 ans = 0;//最少步数 53 if(sx==ex&&sy==ey){//起点即为终点 54 cout<<0<<endl; 55 continue; 56 } 57 memset(book,0,sizeof(book));//初始化标记数组 58 bfs();//广搜 59 if(f)cout<<ans<<endl; 60 else cout<<"impossible"<<endl; 61 } 62 return 0; 63 }
标签:队尾,tx,ty,Grasshopper,tail,que,TZOJ,Gregory 来源: