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openlayers 3 -ol3中的缓冲区分析依赖于ol.extent的方法


ol.extent Methods ol.extent.applyTransform(extent, transformFn, opt_extent){ol.Extent} src/ol/extent.jsline 863 Apply a transform function to the extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
transformFn ol.TransformFunction Transform function. Called with [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] extent coordinates.
extent ol.Extent Destination extent.
Returns: Extent.  ol.extent.boundingExtent(coordinates){ol.Extent} src/ol/extent.jsline 54 Build an extent that includes all given coordinates.
Name Type Description
coordinates Array.<ol.Coordinate> Coordinates.
Returns: Bounding extent.  ol.extent.buffer(extent, value, opt_extent){ol.Extent} src/ol/extent.jsline 89 Return extent increased by the provided value.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
value number The amount by which the extent should be buffered.
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Extent.  ol.extent.containsCoordinate(extent, coordinate){boolean} src/ol/extent.jsline 161 Check if the passed coordinate is contained or on the edge of the extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
coordinate ol.Coordinate Coordinate.
Returns: The coordinate is contained in the extent.  ol.extent.containsExtent(extent1, extent2){boolean} src/ol/extent.jsline 178 Check if one extent contains another. An extent is deemed contained if it lies completely within the other extent, including if they share one or more edges.
Name Type Description
extent1 ol.Extent Extent 1.
extent2 ol.Extent Extent 2.
Returns: The second extent is contained by or on the edge of the first.  ol.extent.containsXY(extent, x, y){boolean} src/ol/extent.jsline 193 Check if the passed coordinate is contained or on the edge of the extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
x number X coordinate.
y number Y coordinate.
Returns: The x, y values are contained in the extent.  ol.extent.createEmpty(){ol.Extent} src/ol/extent.jsline 235 Create an empty extent. Returns: Empty extent.  ol.extent.equals(extent1, extent2){boolean} src/ol/extent.jsline 341 Determine if two extents are equivalent.
Name Type Description
extent1 ol.Extent Extent 1.
extent2 ol.Extent Extent 2.
Returns: The two extents are equivalent.  ol.extent.extend(extent1, extent2){ol.Extent} src/ol/extent.jsline 354 Modify an extent to include another extent.
Name Type Description
extent1 ol.Extent The extent to be modified.
extent2 ol.Extent The extent that will be included in the first.
Returns: A reference to the first (extended) extent.  ol.extent.getBottomLeft(extent){ol.Coordinate} src/ol/extent.jsline 500 Get the bottom left coordinate of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Bottom left coordinate.  ol.extent.getBottomRight(extent){ol.Coordinate} src/ol/extent.jsline 511 Get the bottom right coordinate of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Bottom right coordinate.  ol.extent.getCenter(extent){ol.Coordinate} src/ol/extent.jsline 522 Get the center coordinate of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Center.  ol.extent.getHeight(extent){number} src/ol/extent.jsline 599 Get the height of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Height.  ol.extent.getIntersection(extent1, extent2, opt_extent){ol.Extent} src/ol/extent.jsline 623 Get the intersection of two extents.
Name Type Description
extent1 ol.Extent Extent 1.
extent2 ol.Extent Extent 2.
extent ol.Extent Optional extent to populate with intersection.
Returns: Intersecting extent.  ol.extent.getSize(extent){ol.Size} src/ol/extent.jsline 666 Get the size (width, height) of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent The extent.
Returns: The extent size.  ol.extent.getTopLeft(extent){ol.Coordinate} src/ol/extent.jsline 677 Get the top left coordinate of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Top left coordinate.  ol.extent.getTopRight(extent){ol.Coordinate} src/ol/extent.jsline 688 Get the top right coordinate of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Top right coordinate.  ol.extent.getWidth(extent){number} src/ol/extent.jsline 699 Get the width of an extent.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Width.  ol.extent.intersects(extent1, extent2){boolean} src/ol/extent.jsline 711 Determine if one extent intersects another.
Name Type Description
extent1 ol.Extent Extent 1.
extent2 ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: The two extents intersect.  ol.extent.isEmpty(extent){boolean} src/ol/extent.jsline 725 Determine if an extent is empty.
Name Type Description
extent ol.Extent Extent.
Returns: Is empty.   

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/devgis/p/16377264.html