export default{ data(){ return{ system_info:{}, //system info canvas_width:0, //canvas width px canvas_height:0, //canvas height px ctx:null, //canvas object canvas_id:null, //canvas id hidden:false,//Whether to hide canvas scale:1,//canvas scale r_canvas_scale:1, if_ctx:true } }, methods:{ /** * save r-canvas.vue object * @param {Object} that */ // saveThis(that){ // rCanvasThis = that // }, /** * Draw round rect text * @param {Object} config * @param {Number} config.x x坐标 * @param {Number} config.y y坐标 * @param {Number} config.w 宽度 * @param {Number} config.h 高度 * @param {Number} config.radius 圆角弧度 * @param {String} config.fill_color 矩形颜色 */ fillRoundRect(config) { return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ let x = this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale) let y = this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale) let w = this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale) let h = this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale) let radius = config.radius?parseFloat(config.radius)*this.scale:10*this.scale let fill_color = config.fill_color || "black" // The diameter of the circle must be less than the width and height of the rectangle if (2 * radius > w || 2 * radius > h) { reject("The diameter of the circle must be less than the width and height of the rectangle") return false; } this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.translate(x, y); // this.drawRoundRectPath({ w: w, h: h, radius: radius }); this.ctx.fillStyle = fill_color this.ctx.fill(); this.ctx.restore(); resolve() }) }, /** * Draws the sides of a rounded rectangle * @param {Object} config * @param {Number} config.w 宽度 * @param {Number} config.h 高度 * @param {Number} config.radius 圆角弧度 */ drawRoundRectPath(config) { this.ctx.beginPath(0); this.ctx.arc(config.w - config.radius, config.h - config.radius, config.radius, 0, Math.PI / 2); this.ctx.lineTo(config.radius, config.h); this.ctx.arc(config.radius, config.h - config.radius, config.radius, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI); this.ctx.lineTo(0, config.radius); this.ctx.arc(config.radius, config.radius, config.radius, Math.PI, Math.PI * 3 / 2); this.ctx.lineTo(config.w - config.radius, 0); this.ctx.arc(config.w - config.radius, config.radius, config.radius, Math.PI * 3 / 2, Math.PI * 2); this.ctx.lineTo(config.w, config.h - config.radius); this.ctx.closePath(); }, /** * Draw special Text,line wrapping is not supported * @param {Object} config * @param {String} config.text 文字 * @param {Number} config.x x坐标 * @param {Number} config.y y坐标 * @param {String} config.font_color 文字颜色 * @param {String} config.font_family 文字字体 * @param {Number} config.font_size 文字大小(px) */ drawSpecialText(config_arr){ return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ if(config_arr && config_arr.length>0){ for(let i in config_arr){ if(i != 0){ for(let a in config_arr){ if(a < i){ // 先处理font-size才能知道字体宽度 let font_size = config_arr[a].font_size?parseFloat(config_arr[a].font_size)*this.scale:20*this.scale this.ctx.setFontSize(this.compatibilitySize(font_size)) config_arr[i].x = parseFloat(config_arr[i].x)*this.scale + this.ctx.measureText(config_arr[a].text).width }else{ break; } } } await this.drawText(config_arr[i]) } resolve() }else{ reject("The length of config arr is less than 0") return; } }) }, /** * array delete empty * @param {Object} arr */ arrDeleteEmpty(arr){ let newArr = [] for(let i in arr){ if(arr[i]){ newArr.push(arr[i]) } } return newArr }, /** * Draw Text,support line * @param {Object} config * @param {String} config.text 文字 * @param {Number} config.max_width 文字最大宽度(大于宽度自动换行) * @param {Number} config.line_height 文字上下行间距 * @param {Number} config.x x坐标 * @param {Number} config.y y坐标 * @param {String} config.font_color 文字颜色 * @param {String} config.font_family 文字字体 默认值:Arial * @param {String} config.text_align 文字对齐方式(left/center/right) * @param {Number} config.font_size 文字大小(px) * @param {Boolean} config.line_through_height 中划线大小 * @param {Boolean} config.line_through_color 中划线颜色 * @param {String} config.font_style 规定文字样式 * @param {String} config.font_variant 规定字体变体 * @param {String} config.font_weight 规定字体粗细 * @param {String} config.line_through_cap 线末端类型 * @param {String} config.line_clamp 最大行数 * @param {String} config.line_clamp_hint 超过line_clamp后,尾部显示的自定义标识 如 ... * @param {String} config.is_line_break 是否开启换行符换行 * */ drawText(config,configuration = {}){ configuration['line_num'] = configuration.line_num?configuration.line_num:0 configuration['text_width'] = configuration.text_width?configuration.text_width:0 return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ if(config.text){ let draw_width = 0,draw_height = 0,draw_x = config.x,draw_y = config.y let font_size = config.font_size?(parseFloat(config.font_size)*this.scale):(20*this.scale) let font_color = config.font_color || "#000" let font_family = config.font_family || "Arial" let line_height = config.line_height || config.font_size || 20 let text_align = config.text_align || "left" let font_weight = config.font_weight || "normal" let font_variant = config.font_variant || "normal" let font_style = config.font_style || "normal" let line_clamp_hint = config.line_clamp_hint || '...' let lineBreakJoinText = "" let max_width = config.max_width?parseFloat(config.max_width)*this.scale:0 // checkout is line break if(config.is_line_break){ let splitTextArr = config.text.split(/[\n]/g) if(splitTextArr && splitTextArr.length > 0){ let newSplitTextArr = this.arrDeleteEmpty(splitTextArr) if(newSplitTextArr && newSplitTextArr.length > 0){ lineBreakJoinText = newSplitTextArr.slice(1).join("\n") config.text = newSplitTextArr[0] }else{ reject("Text cannot be empty:103") return } }else{ reject("Text cannot be empty:102") return } } this.ctx.setFillStyle(font_color) // color this.ctx.textAlign = text_align; this.ctx.font = `${font_style} ${font_variant} ${font_weight} ${parseInt(font_size)}px ${font_family}` if(configuration.text_width >= this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width){ draw_width = configuration.text_width }else if(max_width > 0){ draw_width = max_width < this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width ? this.resetCompatibilitySize(max_width) : this.resetCompatibilitySize(this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width) }else{ draw_width = this.resetCompatibilitySize(this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width) } configuration.text_width = draw_width if( max_width && this.compatibilitySize(this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width) > this.compatibilitySize(max_width)){ let current_text = "" let text_arr = config.text.split("") for(let i in text_arr){ if( this.compatibilitySize(this.ctx.measureText(current_text+text_arr[i]).width) > this.compatibilitySize(max_width) ){ // Hyphenation that is greater than the drawable width continues to draw if(config.line_clamp && parseInt(config.line_clamp) == 1){ // Subtracting the current_text tail width from the line_clamp_hint width let current_text_arr = current_text.split('') let json_current_text = '' while(true){ current_text_arr = current_text_arr.slice(1) json_current_text = current_text_arr.join('') if(this.compatibilitySize(this.ctx.measureText(json_current_text).width) <= this.compatibilitySize(this.ctx.measureText(line_clamp_hint).width)){ current_text = current_text.replace(json_current_text,'') break; } } configuration.line_num += 1 this.ctx.setFontSize(parseInt(this.compatibilitySize(font_size))) // font size this.ctx.fillText(current_text + line_clamp_hint, this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale), this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)); }else{ configuration.line_num += 1 this.ctx.setFontSize(parseInt(this.compatibilitySize(font_size))) // font size this.ctx.fillText(current_text, this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale), this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)); config.text = text_arr.slice(i).join("") config.y = config.y + line_height if(config.line_clamp){ config.line_clamp = parseInt(config.line_clamp) - 1 } await this.drawText(config,configuration) } break; }else{ current_text = current_text+text_arr[i] } } }else{ if(config.line_through_height){ let x = parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale let w let y = parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale - (font_size / 2.6) if(text_align == "left"){ w = this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width/1.1 + parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale }else if(text_align == "right"){ w = parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale - this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width/1.1 }else if(text_align == "center"){ x = parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale - this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width / 1.1 / 2 w = parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale + this.ctx.measureText(config.text).width / 1.1 / 2 } this.drawLineTo({ x:x, y:y, w:w, h:y, line_width:config.line_through_height, line_color:config.line_through_color, line_cap:config.line_through_cap }) } configuration.line_num += 1 this.ctx.setFontSize(parseInt(this.compatibilitySize(font_size))) // font size this.ctx.fillText(config.text, this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale), this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)); if(config.line_clamp){ config.line_clamp = parseInt(config.line_clamp) - 1 } } if(lineBreakJoinText){ await this.drawText({...config,text:lineBreakJoinText,y:config.y + line_height},configuration) } draw_height = config.font_size * configuration.line_num draw_width = configuration.text_width resolve({draw_width,draw_height,draw_x,draw_y}) }else{ reject("Text cannot be empty:101") } }) }, /** * Draw Line * @param {Object} config * @param {Object} config.x x坐标 * @param {Object} config.y y坐标 * @param {Object} config.w 线的宽度 * @param {Object} config.h 线的高度 * @param {Object} config.line_width 线的宽度 * @param {Object} config.line_color 线条颜色 */ drawLineTo(config){ /**vinn**/ let y = this.compatibilitySize(config.y) let w = this.compatibilitySize(config.w) let h = this.compatibilitySize(config.h) let line_width = config.line_width?parseFloat(config.line_width)*this.scale:1*this.scale let line_color = config.line_color || "black" let line_cap = config.line_cap || "butt" this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.lineCap = line_cap this.ctx.lineWidth = line_width this.ctx.strokeStyle = line_color this.ctx.moveTo(x,y) this.ctx.lineTo(w,h) this.ctx.stroke() }, /** * Compatibility px * @param {Object} size */ compatibilitySize(size) { let canvasSize = (parseFloat(size) / 750) * this.system_info.windowWidth canvasSize = parseFloat(canvasSize * 2) return canvasSize }, /** * Restore compatibility px * @param {Object} size */ resetCompatibilitySize(size) { let canvasSize = (parseFloat(size/2)/this.system_info.windowWidth) * 750 return canvasSize }, /** * Init canvas */ init(config){ return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ if(!config.canvas_id){ reject("Canvas ID cannot be empty, please refer to the usage example") return; } this.hidden = config.hidden this.canvas_id = config.canvas_id let system_info = await uni.getSystemInfoSync() this.system_info = system_info this.scale = config.scale&&parseFloat(config.scale)>0?parseInt(config.scale):1 this.canvas_width = (config.canvas_width ? this.compatibilitySize(config.canvas_width) : system_info.windowWidth) * this.scale this.canvas_height = (config.canvas_height ? this.compatibilitySize(config.canvas_height) : system_info.windowHeight) * this.scale, this.r_canvas_scale = 1/this.scale this.ctx = uni.createCanvasContext(this.canvas_id,this) this.setCanvasConfig({ global_alpha:config.global_alpha?parseFloat(config.global_alpha):1, backgroundColor:config.background_color?config.background_color:"#fff" }) resolve() }) }, /** * clear canvas all path */ clearCanvas(){ return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ if(!this.ctx){ reject("canvas is not initialized:101") return }else{ this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,parseFloat(this.canvas_width)*this.scale,parseFloat(this.canvas_height)*this.scale) await this.draw() resolve() } }) }, /** * Set canvas config * @param {Object} config */ setCanvasConfig(config){ this.ctx.globalAlpha = config.global_alpha this.ctx.fillStyle = config.backgroundColor this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, parseFloat(this.canvas_width)*this.scale, parseFloat(this.canvas_height)*this.scale) }, /** * Draw to filepath */ draw(callback){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ let stop = setTimeout(()=>{ this.ctx.draw(false,setTimeout(()=>{ uni.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: this.canvas_id, quality: 1, destWidth:this.canvas_width, destHeight:this.canvas_height, success: (res)=>{ //console.log('res',res) resolve(res) callback && callback(res) }, fail:(err)=>{ reject(JSON.stringify(err)|| "Failed to generate poster:101") } },this) },300)) clearTimeout(stop) },300) }) }, /** * draw rect * @param {Number} config.x x坐标 * @param {Number} config.y y坐标 * @param {Number} config.w 图形宽度(px) * @param {Number} config.h 图形高度(px) * @param {Number} config.color 图形颜色 * @param {Number} config.is_radius 是否开启圆图(1.1.6及以下版本废弃,请使用border_radius) * */ drawRect(config){ return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ let color = config.color || 'white' config['color'] = color this.ctx.fillStyle = color; if(config.is_radius || config.border_radius){ this.setNativeBorderRadius(config) this.ctx.fill() }else{ this.ctx.fillRect(this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale),this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale),this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale),this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale)) } resolve() }) }, /** * Draw image * @param {Object} config * @param {String} config.url 图片链接 * @param {Number} config.x x坐标 * @param {Number} config.y y坐标 * @param {Number} config.w 图片宽度(px) * @param {Number} config.h 图片高度(px) * @param {Number} config.border_width 边大小 * @param {Number} config.border_color 边颜色 * @param {Number} config.is_radius 是否开启圆图(1.1.6及以下版本废弃,请使用border_radius) * @param {Number} config.border_radius 圆角弧度 */ drawImage(config){ return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ if(config.url){ let type = 0 // 1、network image 2、native image 3、base64 image let image_url let reg = /^https?/ig; if(reg.test(config.url)){ type = 1 }else{ if((config.url.indexOf("data:image/png;base64") != -1) || config.url.indexOf("data:image/jpeg;base64") != -1){ type = 3 }else{ type = 2 } } if(type == 1){ // network image await this.downLoadNetworkFile(config.url).then(res=>{ // two function image_url = res }).catch(err=>{ reject(err) return; }) }else if(type == 2){ // native image const imageInfoResult = await uni.getImageInfo({ src: config.url }); try{ if(imageInfoResult.length <= 1){ reject(imageInfoResult[0].errMsg + ':404') return } }catch(e){ reject(e+':500') return } let base64 = await this.urlToBase64({url:imageInfoResult[1].path}) // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN await this.base64ToNative({url:base64}).then(res=>{ image_url = res }).catch(err=>{ reject(JSON.stringify(err)+":501") return; }) // #endif // #ifndef MP-WEIXIN image_url = base64 // #endif }else if(type == 3){ // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN await this.base64ToNative({url:config.url}).then(res=>{ image_url = res }).catch(err=>{ reject(JSON.stringify(err)+":500") return; }) // #endif // #ifndef MP-WEIXIN image_url = config.url // #endif }else{ reject("Other Type Errors:101") return } if(config.border_width){ let border_radius = 0 if(config.border_radius){ let multiple = config.w / config.border_radius border_radius = (parseFloat(config.w) + parseFloat(config.border_width)) / multiple } // drawRect await this.drawRect({ x:parseFloat(config.x) - parseFloat(config.border_width)/2, y:parseFloat(config.y) - parseFloat(config.border_width)/2, w:parseFloat(config.w) + parseFloat(config.border_width), h:parseFloat(config.h) + parseFloat(config.border_width), color:config.border_color, border_radius:border_radius, border_width:config.border_width, is_radius:config.is_radius }) } if(config.border_radius){ this.setNativeBorderRadius(config) }else if(config.is_radius){ //已废弃 is_radius this.ctx.setStrokeStyle("rgba(0,0,0,0)") this.ctx.save() this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.arc(this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale+parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale/2), this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale+parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale/2), this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale/2), 0, 2 * Math.PI, false) this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.clip() } await this.ctx.drawImage(image_url,this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale),this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale),this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale),this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale)) this.ctx.restore() //Restore previously saved drawing context resolve() }else{ let err_msg = "Links cannot be empty:101" reject(err_msg) } }) }, /** * base64 to native available path * @param {Object} config */ base64ToNative(config){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ let fileName = new Date().getTime() var filePath = `${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/${fileName}_rCanvas.png` wx.getFileSystemManager().writeFile({ filePath: filePath, data: config.url.replace(/^data:\S+\/\S+;base64,/, ''), encoding: 'base64', success: function() { resolve(filePath) }, fail: function(error) { reject(error) } }) }) }, /** * native url to base64 * @param {Object} config */ urlToBase64(config){ return new Promise(async (resolve,reject)=>{ if (typeof window != 'undefined') { await this.downLoadNetworkFile(config.url).then(res=>{ // two function resolve(res) }).catch(err=>{ reject(err) }) }else if (typeof plus != 'undefined') { plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(config.url,(obj)=>{ obj.file((file)=>{ let fileReader = new plus.io.FileReader() fileReader.onload = (res)=>{ resolve(res.target.result) } fileReader.onerror = (err)=>{ reject(err) } fileReader.readAsDataURL(file) }, (err)=>{ reject(err) }) },(err)=>{ reject(err) }) }else if(typeof wx != 'undefined'){ wx.getFileSystemManager().readFile({ filePath: config.url, encoding: 'base64', success: function(res) { resolve('data:image/png;base64,' + res.data) }, fail: function(error) { reject(error) } }) } }) }, setNativeBorderRadius(config){ let border_radius = config.border_radius?(parseFloat(config.border_radius)*this.scale):(20*this.scale) if ((parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale) < 2 * border_radius) border_radius = (parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale) / 2; if ((parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale) < 2 * border_radius) border_radius = (parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale) / 2; this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.moveTo(this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale) + border_radius), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale))); this.ctx.arcTo(this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize(border_radius)); this.ctx.arcTo(this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize(border_radius)); this.ctx.arcTo((this.compatibilitySize(parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.h)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize(border_radius)); this.ctx.arcTo(this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.x)*this.scale) + (parseFloat(config.w)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize((parseFloat(config.y)*this.scale)), this.compatibilitySize(border_radius)); this.ctx.closePath(); this.ctx.strokeStyle = config.color || config.border_color || 'transparent'; // 设置绘制边框的颜色 this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.save() this.ctx.clip(); }, /** * Download network file * @param {Object} url : download url */ downLoadNetworkFile(url){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ uni.downloadFile({ url, success:(res)=>{ if(res.statusCode == 200){ resolve(res.tempFilePath) }else{ reject("Download Image Fail:102") } }, fail:(err)=>{ reject("Download Image Fail:101") } }) }) }, /** * Save image to natice * @param {Object} filePath : native imageUrl */ saveImage(filePath){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ if(!filePath){ reject("FilePath cannot be null:101") return; } // #ifdef H5 var createA = document.createElement("a"); createA.download = filePath; createA.href = filePath; document.body.appendChild(createA); createA.click(); createA.remove(); resolve() // #endif // #ifndef H5 uni.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ filePath: filePath, success:(res)=>{ resolve(res) }, fail:(err)=>{ reject(err) } }) // #endif }) } } }
<template> <view> <view class="r-canvas-component" :style="{width:canvas_width/scale+'px',height:canvas_height/scale+'px'}" :class="{'hidden':hidden}"> <canvas class="r-canvas" v-if="canvas_id" :canvas-id="canvas_id" :id="canvas_id" :style="{width:canvas_width+'px',height:canvas_height+'px','transform': `scale(${r_canvas_scale})`}"></canvas> </view> </view> </template> <script> import rCanvasJS from "./r-canvas.js" export default { mixins:[rCanvasJS] } </script> <style> .r-canvas{ transform-origin: 0 0; } .r-canvas-component{ overflow: hidden; } .r-canvas-component.hidden{ position: fixed; top:-5000upx; } </style>
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<script> const scale = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth / 750 import rCanvas from '@/components/r-canvas/r-canvas.vue'; export default { components: { rCanvas }, data() { return { showPop: false, showMDM: false, tempFilePath: '', tempFilePathwx: '', miniProgramCodeFile: '', pyqImageUrl: '', wxImageUrl: '', }; }, onl oad() { }, methods: { drawCanvas(type) { let _this = this; uni.showLoading(); _this.$nextTick(async () => { // 初始化 await _this.$refs.rCanvas.init({ canvas_id: 'rCanvas', canvas_width: 290, canvas_height: 385, scale: 2, background_color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', hidden: true }); //画图 await _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawImage({ url: 'https://www.dianfz.com/img/poster/fanli/bg_hb_12@2x.png', x: 0, y: 0, w: 290, h: 385 }); //画图 await _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawImage({ url: _this.miniProgramCodeFile, x: 208, y: 42, w: 40, h: 40, border_radius: 40 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: '新用户买单', max_width: 0, x: 125, y: 136, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: '返现比例:'+_this.detailData.newUDiscount, max_width: 0, x: 125, y: 164, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: '老用户买单', max_width: 0, x: 125, y: 205, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: '返现比例:'+_this.detailData.discount, max_width: 0, x: 125, y: 233, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); if(_this.tiaojian){ // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: '推荐'+_this.tiaojian+'人后买单', max_width: 0, x: 115, y: 275, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: '返现比例:'+_this.bili, max_width: 0, x: 125, y: 301, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); } //画图 await _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawImage({ url: _this.storeData.dppicture, x: 18, y: 345, w: 22, h: 16 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: _this.storeData.storeName, max_width: 0, x: 45, y: 350, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); // 画文字 _this.$refs.rCanvas.drawText({ text: _this.storeData.addressq + _this.storeData.address, max_width: 0, x: 45, y: 361, font_color: '#FFFFFF', font_size: 8 }); // 生成海报 _this.$refs.rCanvas.draw(res => { let tmpTimeout = setTimeout(() => { uni.hideLoading(); _this.tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; if(type=='pyq'){ _this.pyqShare(); } if(type=='mdm'){ _this.showMDM = true; _this.showPop = false; } clearTimeout(tmpTimeout); }, 500); }); }); }, wxShare() { let _this = this;if (_this.tempFilePathwx) { uni.share({ provider: 'weixin', scene: 'WXSceneSession', type: 5, title: '【'+_this.storeData.storeName+'】送你会员权益,买必返,最高返现'+sbili+'%.', imageUrl:_this.tempFilePathwx, miniProgram: { id: _this.$wechatAppId, type: _this.$wechatVersion, path: 'pages/share/VIP/dtl?id=' + _this.detailData.id, webUrl: 'http://www.dianfz.com' }, success: function(res) { console.log(res); }, fail: function(err) { uni.showModal({ content: err.errMsg }); } }); } else { _this.drawCanvaswx('wx'); } }, } }; </script>
标签:uniapp,canvas,scale,ctx,画图,param,width,parseFloat,config 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/vinn7/p/16373072.html