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getconf 用途将系统配置变量值写入标准输出,比如:

getconf PAGE_SIZE 查看系统内存分页大小

getconf LONG_BIT 看linux是32位还是64位最简单的方法

getconf -a 查看全部系统变量



系统配置变量 用于查找命令的 PATH 环境变量的值。
ARG_MAX exec 子例程之一的参数的最大长度(以字节为单位),包括环境数据。
BC_BASE_MAX 使用 bc 命令允许 obase 变量的最大值。
BC_DIM_MAX bc 命令允许的数组中的最大元素数。
BC_SCALE_MAX 使用 bc 命令的比例变量允许的最大值。
BC_STRING_MAX bc 命令接受的字符串常量的最大长度。
CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX 字符类名称中的最大字节数。
CHAR_BIT 类型字符中的位数。
CHAR_MAX 类型字符的最大值。
CHAR_MIN 类型字符的最小值。
CHILD_MAX 每个真实用户 ID 的最大同时进程数。
CLK_TCK time 子例程返回的每秒时钟滴答数。
COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX 可以分配给语言环境定义文件中 LC_COLLATE 语言环境节中的条目的最大权重数。
CS_PATH 用于查找命令的 PATH 环境变量的值。
EXPR_NEST_MAX expr 命令可以嵌套在括号内的最大表达式数。
INT_MAX int 类型的最大值。
INT_MIN int 类型的最小值。
LINE_MAX Maximum length, in bytes, of a command's input line (either standard input or another file) when the utility is described as processing text files. The length includes room for the trailing new-line character.
LONG_BIT Number of bits in a type long int.
LONG_MAX Maximum value of a type long int.
LONG_MIN Minimum value of a type long int.
MB_LEN_MAX Maximum number of bytes in a character for any supported locale.
NGROUPS_MAX Maximum number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs for each process.
NL_ARGMAX Maximum value of digit in calls to the printf and scanf subroutines.
NL_LANGMAX Maximum number of bytes in a LANG name.
NL_MSGMAX Maximum message number.
NL_NMAX Maximum number of bytes in an N-to-1 collation mapping.
NL_SETMAX Maximum set number.
NL_TEXTMAX Maximum number of bytes in a message string.
NZERO Default process priority.
OPEN_MAX Maximum number of files that one process can have open at one time.
PATH Sequence of colon-separated path prefixes used to find commands.
RE_DUP_MAX Maximum number of repeated occurrences of a regular expression permitted when using the interval-notation parameters, such as the m and n parameters with the ed command.
SCHAR_MAX Maximum value of a type signed char.
SCHAR_MIN Minimum value of a type signed char.
SHRT_MAX Maximum value of a type short.
SHRT_MIN Minimum value of a type short.
SSIZE_MAX Maximum value of an object of type ssize_t.
STREAM_MAX Number of streams that one process can have open at one time.
TMP_MAX Minimum number of unique path names generated by the tmpnam subroutine. Maximum number of times an application can reliably call the tmpnam subroutine.
TZNAME_MAX Maximum number of bytes supported for the name of a time zone (not the length of the TZ environment variable).
UCHAR_MAX Maximum value of a type unsigned char.
UINT_MAX Maximum value of a type unsigned int.
ULONG_MAX Maximum value of a type unsigned long int.
USHRT_MAX Maximum value of a type unsigned short int.
WORD_BIT Number of bits in a word or type int



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yachengmuCC/p/16341228.html