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account deletion requirements in guideline 5.1.1(v)


Upcoming Requirement Reminder

Note: This is a support message regarding upcoming requirements that may be relevant for your app.

Starting June 30, 2022, apps submitted to the App Store that support account creation must also include an option to initiate account deletion.

We noticed this app may support account creation. If it already offers account deletion or you’re working to implement it, we appreciate your efforts to follow the App Store Review Guidelines. Apps submitted after June 30 that do not comply with the account deletion requirements in guideline 5.1.1(v) will not pass review.

To learn more about the account deletion requirements, visit Offering account deletion in your app. If your app offers Sign in with Apple, use the Sign in with Apple REST API to revoke user tokens.



从2022年6月30日开始,提交给App Store的支持创建账户的应用程序还必须包含一个启动账户删除的选项。

我们注意到这个应用程序可能支持帐户创建。如果它已经提供了删除帐户的功能,或者你正在努力实现它,我们感谢你努力遵守App Store审查指南。6月30日后提交的不符合准则5.1.1(v)删除要求的app将无法通过审核。

要了解更多关于帐户删除要求,请访问在您的应用程序中的提供帐户删除。如果您的应用程序提供与Apple的Sign in,使用Sign in with Apple REST API来撤销用户令牌。







Account deletion within apps New

App Store Review Guideline 5.1.1 provides people with greater control over their personal data by stating that all apps that allow for account creation must also allow users to initiate deletion of their account from within the app. Due to the complexity of implementing this requirement we’ve extended the deadline to June 30, 2022.

Account deletion within apps

App Store Review Guideline 5.1.1 provides people with greater control over their personal data by stating that all apps that allow for account creation must also allow users to initiate deletion of their account from within the app. This requirement was set to apply to all app submissions by January 31, 2022. Due to the complexity of implementing this requirement, we’ve extended the deadline to June 30, 2022 to give you more time.

Please keep these requirements in mind when updating your app: 

App Store审查指南5.1.1为人们提供了更大的控制他们的个人资料声明,所有应用程序允许创建账户也必须允许用户从应用程序中删除账户。这个要求将适用于所有应用程序提交到1月31日,2022年。由于执行这一要求的复杂性,我们将截止日期延长到2022年6月30日,以便给你更多的时间。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ljcgood66/p/16319772.html