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yulong huang sci


 1 A Novel Adaptive Kalman Filter With Inaccurate Process and Measurement Noise Covariance Matrices
 2 A Novel Robust Gaussian–Student’s t Mixture Distribution Based Kalman Filter
 3 Gaussian filter for nonlinear systems with correlated noises at the same epoch
 4 A new outlier-robust Students's based Gaussian approximate filter for cooperative localization
 5 Robust Student's t based nonlinear filter and smoother
 6 A novel robust Student's based Kalman filter 
 7  A new adaptive extended Kalman filter for cooperative localiztion
 8  Kalman-filtering-based in-motion coarse alignment for odometer-aided SINS 10.1109/TIM.2017.2737840
 9  A new fast in-motion coarse alignment method for GPS-aided low=cost SINS
10  Robust Kalman filters based on Gaussian scale mixture distributions with application to target tracking 
11 Robust Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing framework for heavy-tailed and/or skew noises. 12 Adaptive robust nonlinear filtering for sapcecraft attitude estimation based on additive quaternion 13 A robust Gaussian approximate fixed-interval smoother for nonlinear systems with heavy-tailed process and mesruement noises. 14 Latency probability estimation of nonlinear systems with one-setp randomly delayed measurements. 15 A new conditional posterior Gramer-Rao lower bound for a class of nonlinear systems. 16 Embedded cubature Kalman filter with adaptive setting of free parameter. 17 Interpolatory cubature Kalman filters 18 Particle filter with one-step randomly delayed measurements and unknown latency probability 19 Design of high-degree Students's t-based cubature filters. 20 Design of Gaussian approximate filter and smoother for nonlinear systems with correlated noises at one epoch apart. 21 Design of sigma-point Kalman filter with recursive updated measurement. 22 Particle smoother for nonlinear systems with one-step randomly delayed measurements. 23 Gaussian approximate filter for stochastic dynamic systems with randomly delayed measurements and colored measurement noises. 24 Particle filter for nonlinear systems with multiple step randomly delayed measurement. 25 Gaussian approximate filter with progressive measurement update 26 A robust Gaussian approximate filter for nonlinear systems with heavy tailed measurement noises 27 A novel robust Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother based on slash and generalized hypterbolic skew Students's-distributions 28 A robust Student’s based cubature filter 29 A robust and efficient system identification method for a state-spce nodel with heavy-tailed process and measurement noises.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/guochaoxxl/p/16315748.html