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SGR J1935+2154也被找到周期了, 疑似127天


 SGR J1935+2154也被找到周期了, 疑似127天128天多好呢, 凑个整数.[Submitted on 16 May 2022]

Revisit the Periodicity of SGR J1935+2154 Bursts with updated sample

Sheng-Lun XieCe CaiShao-Lin XiongYun-Wei YuYan-Qiu ZhangLin LinZhen ZhangWang-Chen XueJia-Cong LiuYi ZhaoShuo XiaoChao ZhengQi-Bin YiPeng ZhangPing WangRui QiaoWen-Xi PengYue HuangXiang MaXiao-Yun ZhaoXiao-Bo LiShi-Jie ZhengMing-Yu GeCheng-Kui LiXin-Qiao LiXiang-Yang WenFan ZhangLi-Ming SongShuang-Nan ZhangZhi-Wei GuoXiao-Lu ZhangGuo-Ying ZhaoChao-Yang Li
Since FRB 200428 has been found to be associated with an X-ray burst from the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154, it is interesting to explore whether the magnetar bursts also follow the similar active periodic behavior as repeating FRBs. Previous studies show that there is possible period about 230 day in SGR J1935+2154 bursts. Here, we collected an updated burst sample from SGR J1935+2154, including all bursts reported by Fermi/GBM and GECAM till 2022 January. We also developed a targeted search pipeline to uncover more bursts from SGR J1935+2154 in the Fermi/GBM data from 2008 August to 2014 December (i.e. before the first burst detected by Swift/BAT). With this burst sample, we re-analyzed the possible periodicity of SGR J1935+2154 bursts using the Period Folding and Lomb-Scargle Periodogram methods. We caution that the observation effects may introduce false periods (such as 55, 158, 238 and 498 day), as evident in simulation tests. Finally, our results show that the most likely period is 126.88±2.05 day, which might be interpreted as the precession of the magnetar.However, we also note that the whole burst history is very complicated and difficult to be perfectly accommodated with any period reported thus far. More monitoring observations of SGR J1935+2154 are required to further test any periodicity hypothesis.
Subjects:High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)
Cite as:arXiv:2205.08003 [astro-ph.HE]
 (or arXiv:2205.08003v1 [astro-ph.HE] for this version)





来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zouastro/p/16311087.html