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Email Templates



该文用于记录在上学期间,和professor, tutor, supervisor, accommodation, postgraduate application等的一些常用邮件回复。

Application Status



申请专业的邮箱+具体专业的教授/助教+总的admission committee

Enquiry about Application Status

Dear Sir/Madam,

Application No. (CAS ID) : xxx.

I am xxx, a 2022 Fall applicant for MS in xxx Programme.

Thank you for taking the time to process my application, I am writing this email to inquire if there is any update on my application progress.

// 提示学校已经提交多久但仍没消息 + 对学校的理解
it has been near xx months since I submitted the application, and have not heard the final decision yet. I am aware that you are processing a high volume of applications at the moment and the coronavirus outbreak may slow down the assessment process.

// 已收到offer,但是马上要交钱了,表示自己是有竞争力的
I have received offers from the University of xxx and xxx University, and their deadline for acceptance is approaching (before the xxth of xx and the xxth of xxx respectively).

// 但是更喜欢贵校+专业
However, the xxx has always been my first choice, I prefer the programme structure and academic atmosphere of your programme. Therefore, I am still very eager to join your programme and I am wondering if there are any updates about my application status.

// 等待期间的论文/奖学金/成就
I am aware this programme requires a solid quantitative background. During the period after submitting the application, I was awarded two scholarships for the technological innovation Competition from xxx, one of my undergraduate universities.

// visa/brp到期情况说明

// thank
Thank you for reading this email and once again, I am honestly so grateful that you took the time to review my application. It would be very appreciated if you can inform me of your decision.
If I am lucky enough to be admitted, please inform me of your final decision at your earliest convenience so that I can wait for the final email from xxx; if I do not get the conditional offer, I totally understand your situation, any information about the earliest possible time for the results to be announced is highly appreciated! If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to your reply!

Best Regards,

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/huangkenicole/p/16214935.html