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FlexPaper 2.3.6 远程命令执行漏洞


影响版本:小于FlexPaper 2.3.6的所有版本

FlexPaper (https://www.flowpaper.com)


  Red Timmy Sec在FlexPaper上发现了一个远程命令执行漏洞。供应商立即联系并注册了CVE 2018-11686。尽管这个项目的2.3.7版本已经发布了一个补丁,但是这个漏洞本身直到现在仍然没有被公开。



FlexPaper <=2.3.6 Remote Command Execution

FlexPaper (https://www.flowpaper.com) is an open source project, released under GPL license, quite widespread over the internet. It provides document viewing functionalities to web clients, mobile and tablet devices. At least until 2014 the component has been actively used by WikiLeaks, when it was discovered to be affected by a XSS vulnerability subsequently patched.

Around one year ago Red Timmy Sec discovered a Remote Command Execution vulnerability on FlexPaper. The vendor was immediately contacted and a CVE registered (2018-11686). However the vulnerability itself has remained undisclosed until now, regardless the fact that a patch has been issued with the release 2.3.7 of the project.

Full analysis of this vulnerability can be found here: https://redtimmysec.wordpress.com/2019/03/07/flexpaper-remote-code-execution/

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/iAmSoScArEd/p/10512720.html