如何从使用 nltk 计算 BLEU 转到 使用CocoEval 计算 BLUE、Cider、Meter、Rough、Spice、
前者仅要求输入的 reference 长度等于 hypotheses,并且要求 reference 为一维 List,要求 hypotheses 是二维 List。
Coco则不同,他要求输入的 reference 长度等于 hypotheses,并且二者都是字典形式,对应的 reference = { “序号” , [ “文本” ] },hypotheses = { “序号” , [ “文本1”, “文本2” ···] }
所以需要将模型得出的结果转为真正的字符串,这时候需要用到之前总结出的 wordmap。具体代码如下:
对于 nltk 而言
allcaps = allcaps[sort_ind] # 每次 model 得出结果对应的参考值 hypotheses #对应的一些处理 并存到总的 reference 中 for j in range(allcaps.shape[0]): img_caps = allcaps[j].tolist() img_captions = list( map(lambda c: [w for w in c if w not in {word_map['<start>'], word_map['<pad>']}], img_caps)) # remove <start> and pads references.append(img_captions) # Hypotheses # 每次 model 得出的结果 reference 并进行处理 _, preds = torch.max(scores_copy, dim=2) preds = preds.tolist() temp_preds = list() for j, p in enumerate(preds): temp_preds.append(preds[j][:decode_lengths[j]]) # remove pads preds = temp_preds hypotheses.extend(preds) assert len(references) == len(hypotheses)
之后即可进行 nltk 的 BLEU 计算
from nltk.translate.bleu_score import corpus_bleu # Calculate BLEU-4 scores bleu4 = corpus_bleu(references, hypotheses)
紧跟着,我们只需对此时的 reference 和 hypotheses 做少量处理 即可直接使用 Coco 计算
# Load word map (word2ix) 读取 word map with open(args.word_map, 'r') as j: word_map = json.load(j) rev_word_map = {v: k for k, v in word_map.items()} # ix2word hyp_list = hypotheses ref_list = references hyps = {} refs = {} for iidx, hypid in enumerate(hyp_list): words = [rev_word_map[ind] for ind in hypid] temp = '' wordlist = [] for word in words: if word != '<end>' and word != '<unk>': temp += word + ' ' wordlist.append(temp) hyps[str(iidx)] = wordlist for iidx, refid in enumerate(ref_list): wordlist = [] for ref in refid: temp = '' words = [rev_word_map[ind] for ind in ref] for word in words: if word != '<end>' and word != '<unk>': temp += word + ' ' wordlist.append(temp) refs[str(iidx)] = wordlist tem_cider = cider(refs, hyps) tem_bleu = bleu(refs, hyps) tem_rouge = rouge(refs, hyps) tem_spice = spice(refs, hyps) meteor(refs, hyps)
标签:BLEU,BLUE,word,reference,temp,map,Cider,hypotheses,preds 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/bigcoding/p/16141197.html