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And plenty of fans have. “Welcome to Hogwarts!” a fan wrote in a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. “From my Potter generation to yours, I hope you find a home away from home in these pages like I did. On a bad day, I know I can still turn to Harry, Ron and Hermione to make me feel comfortable with myself again.” 

Another fan, @willowmahogany13, left the message: “Whether you're a seasoned reader or a fresh newcomer, I hope the adventures and messages this series brings provoke your thoughts in some way, or, at the very least, give you a great story to escape to.”

Though the movement began in the US, it's now reached countries all over the world—as Harry Potter has been published in at least 70 languages. Fans in Russia, the Czech Republic and Scotland—where Hogwarts is located—have also shared photos of notes they've left or found in books.

American country music lyrics(歌词) often describe women as they might appear in men's dreams. This is especially true of songs by many male artists. But the songs by Maddie Marlow and Tae Dye are different. The two women perform as a duo (二重唱)called Maddie & Tae.

The two released their first music album last month. But they first gained recognition in the country music industry a year ago. That was when they released a song that made fun of the  lyrics in what has been called "bro-country" music.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokaos/p/16111892.html