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Harry Potter fans who have found years of happiness, excitement and comfort in J.K. Rowling's successful series are passing those feelings on to new readers by leaving touching notes hidden in the books' pages. 

As part of a new campaign called #PotterItForward, they call themselves Potterheads and write messages about their own experiences with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Before they leave their surprise notes behind, they're taking photos and sharing them on Instagram to inspire other readers to do the same. 

According to Seventeen , the movement began from the Harry Potter fan site MuggleNet, which included a yellow Post-It note inside a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. “The world of Harry Potter saved me during my darkest hours,” the note read. “Use this to escape reality and to let your imagination free. Never forget that you are amazing.”

Putting explanation to the picture, MuggleNet encouraged other fans to follow suit, adding their own personal messages in the magical series: “Join our global movement and #PotterItForward by leaving a magical note in a bookstore or library's copy of #HarryPotter!” 

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokaos/p/16111591.html