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Let's call it the Hermione Granger Effect. Every classroom has at least one Hermione, the pupil who always raises their hand to prove they have the right answer. At the back of the class, kids are quickly switching off.

But some Victorian schools are banning students from putting their hands up in classrooms, as part of an experiment in changing how classes are run. Toorak College and Frankston High School are among Victorian schools taking up the no hands-up policy, along with other schools in Europe. Derinya Primary School is also considering the approach.

The theory is that the same minority of top students are raising their hands to answer teachers' questions, and are getting smarter with each response, widening the gaps between the high and low performing students. Having the smart kids answer every question can fool teachers into believing that the whole classroom are learning.

About a third of the teachers at Frankston High School are changing the old habit, by writing the students' names on sticks and pulling out names at random for answers. There is one exception to the rule. The students are allowed to raise their hand when they have a question. English and history teacher Sarah Lefebvre has been trying the policy in Year 9, 10 and 11 classes since the beginning of the year. If a student didn't know the answer, they could "phone a friend" and explore the question with their classmates.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gaokaos/p/16085019.html