[AWS SAP] VPC Endpoint
How to enable EC2 instance in Private subnet to access AWS Services?
VPC Interface Endpoints
Attache an ENI to EC2 instance, then EC2 instance able to access public AWS service using a private IP.
Each interface endpoint can connect to one of many AWS services.
VCP Gateway Endpoint
Gateway endpoint allow to access S3 & DyanmoDB using private IP.
Need to update route table, with prefix list for S3 and the gateway ID.
S3 Bucekt policies can only allow Endpoint source to access resource.
IAM policies can be apply to Gateway endpoint.
Service Provider Mode
A web server is behind a NLB in one VPC.
Cusumer VPC want to access the server.
Then can use ENI endpoint to connect to NLB using Private IP address.
标签:Endpoint,S3,AWS,access,instance,endpoint,VPC,SAP 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/16084998.html