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如何使用 Roboflow 标注关键点


Roboflow 是一款易于使用的在线图像标注软件。当我需要标注数据集以进行对象检测时,我总是使用它。


但是,当涉及到关键点的标注时,Roboflow 会显示以下消息:


最近,我需要使用胶管对图像数据集进行关键点标注,以训练自定义关键点 RCNN


但我找不到在线工具来标注关键点。所以我想出了一个想法,如何通过使用可用的 Roboflow 功能和自定义 python 脚本来做到这一点。





2.使用 python 脚本转换标注文件

在下载的文档中,您将看到文件 data.yaml 以及文件夹 train/imagestrain/labels

文件 data.yaml 包含以下类名列表:['Tube'、'Head'、'Tail']

train/images 文件夹中的每个图像在 train/labels 文件夹中都有一个对应的同名 txt 文件。

train/labels 文件夹中的 txt 文件具有以下结构(这里是一个示例):

2 0.7460938 0.3745370 0.0015625 0.0027778
0 0.6315104 0.4097222 0.2598958 0.1712963
1 0.5307292 0.4509259 0.0020833 0.0037037
1 0.4484375 0.4944444 0.0020833 0.0037037
0 0.3372396 0.5666667 0.2859375 0.2268519
2 0.2044271 0.6171296 0.0026042 0.0046296

txt 文件中的每一行对应于某个矩形,由五个数字组成。第一个数字是列表 ['Tube', 'Head', 'Tail'] 中矩形类的索引。其他四个数字是 x_center y_center width height 格式的矩形的归一化坐标。

例如,如果您需要将 x 坐标从归一化格式转换为绝对格式,则应将归一化 x 坐标乘以图像的宽度(以像素为单位)。

要获取关键点及其坐标,您需要转换这些行。如果第一个数字为0,则矩形坐标应转换为[x_top_left,y_top_left,x_bottom_right,y_bottom_right]格式的胶管边界框的绝对坐标。如果第一个数字是 1 或 2,则矩形应转换为 [x, y, visibility] 格式的关键点(头部或尾部)的绝对坐标。

import json
import os
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file_image_example = '/path/to/dataset/train/images/IMG_4801_JPG_jpg.rf.004c63fe3ea1692644120c6040d32108.jpg'

img = cv2.imread(file_image_example)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)



file_labels_example = '/path/to/dataset/train/labels/IMG_4801_JPG_jpg.rf.004c63fe3ea1692644120c6040d32108.txt'

with open(file_labels_example) as f:
    lines_txt = f.readlines()
    lines = []
    for line in lines_txt:
        lines.append([int(line.split()[0])] + [round(float(el), 7) for el in line.split()[1:]])

for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
    print("Rectangle {}:".format(idx+1), line)


Rectangle 1: [2, 0.7460938, 0.374537, 0.0015625, 0.0027778]
Rectangle 2: [0, 0.6315104, 0.4097222, 0.2598958, 0.1712963]
Rectangle 3: [1, 0.5307292, 0.4509259, 0.0020833, 0.0037037]
Rectangle 4: [1, 0.4484375, 0.4944444, 0.0020833, 0.0037037]
Rectangle 5: [0, 0.3372396, 0.5666667, 0.2859375, 0.2268519]
Rectangle 6: [2, 0.2044271, 0.6171296, 0.0026042, 0.0046296]

这里第 2 和第 5 个矩形与边界框相关,第 3 和第 4 个矩形与头部关键点相关,第 1 和第 6 个矩形与尾部关键点相关。现在您需要在与关键点相关的矩形和与边界框相关的矩形之间找到匹配项。

keypoint_names = ['Head', 'Tail']

# Dictionary to convert rectangles classes into keypoint classes because keypoint classes should start with 0
rectangles2keypoints = {1:0, 2:1}

def converter(file_labels, file_image, keypoint_names):

    img = cv2.imread(file_image)
    img_w, img_h = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
    with open(file_labels) as f:
        lines_txt = f.readlines()
        lines = []
        for line in lines_txt:
            lines.append([int(line.split()[0])] + [round(float(el), 5) for el in line.split()[1:]])

    bboxes = []
    keypoints = []

    # In this loop we convert normalized coordinates to absolute coordinates
    for line in lines:
        # Number 0 is a class of rectangles related to bounding boxes.
        if line[0] == 0:
            x_c, y_c, w, h = round(line[1] * img_w), round(line[2] * img_h), round(line[3] * img_w), round(line[4] * img_h)
            bboxes.append([round(x_c - w/2), round(y_c - h/2), round(x_c + w/2), round(y_c + h/2)])

        # Other numbers are the classes of rectangles related to keypoints.
        # After convertion, numbers of keypoint classes should start with 0, so we apply rectangles2keypoints dictionary to achieve that.
        # In our case:
        # 1 is rectangle for head keypoint, which is 0, so we convert 1 to 0;
        # 2 is rectangle for tail keypoint, which is 1, so we convert 2 to 1.
        if line[0] != 0:
            kp_id, x_c, y_c = rectangles2keypoints[line[0]], round(line[1] * img_w), round(line[2] * img_h)
            keypoints.append([kp_id, x_c, y_c])

    # In this loop we are iterating over each keypoint and looking to which bounding box it matches.
    # Thus, we are matching keypoints and corresponding bounding boxes.
    keypoints_sorted = [[[] for _ in keypoint_names] for _ in bboxes]
    for kp in keypoints:
        kp_id, kp_x, kp_y = kp[0], kp[1], kp[2]
        for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]
            if x1 < kp_x < x2 and y1 < kp_y < y2:
                keypoints_sorted[bbox_idx][kp_id] = [kp_x, kp_y, 1] # All keypoints are visible
    return bboxes, keypoints_sorted
bboxes, keypoints_sorted = converter(file_labels_example, file_image_example, keypoint_names)

print("Bboxes:", bboxes)
print("Keypoints:", keypoints_sorted)


Bboxes: [[962, 350, 1462, 534], [374, 490, 922, 734]]
Keypoints: [[[1019, 487, 1], [1432, 405, 1]], [[861, 534, 1], [393, 667, 1]]]

在这里可以看到坐标为[[1019, 487, 1], [1432, 405, 1]]的关键点与坐标为[962, 350, 1462, 534]的边界框相关,坐标为[[861, 534, 1], [393, 667, 1]] 的关键点与坐标为 [374, 490, 922, 734] 的边界框相关。 这里的每个关键点的可见性都等于 1。

for bbox_idx, bbox in enumerate(bboxes):
    top_left_corner, bottom_right_corner = tuple([bbox[0], bbox[1]]), tuple([bbox[2], bbox[3]])
    img = cv2.rectangle(img, top_left_corner, bottom_right_corner, (0,255,0), 3)
    for kp_idx, kp in enumerate(keypoints_sorted[bbox_idx]):
        center = tuple([kp[0], kp[1]])
        img = cv2.circle(img, center, 5, (255,0,0), 5)
        img = cv2.putText(img, " " + keypoint_names[kp_idx], center, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, (255,0,0), 4)


def dump2json(bboxes, keypoints_sorted, file_json):
    annotations = {}
    annotations['bboxes'], annotations['keypoints'] = bboxes, keypoints_sorted
    with open(file_json, "w") as f:
        json.dump(annotations, f)

函数 dump2json() 将通过以下方式为上面示例中的图像保存注释:

{"bboxes": [[962, 350, 1462, 534], [374, 490, 922, 734]], "keypoints": [[[1019, 487, 1], [1432, 404, 1]], [[861, 534, 1], [392, 666, 1]]]}
IMAGES = '/path/to/dataset/train/images'
LABELS = '/path/to/dataset/train/labels'
ANNOTATIONS = '/path/to/dataset/train/annotations'

files_names = [file.split('.jpg')[0] for file in os.listdir(IMAGES)]

for file in files_names:
    file_labels = os.path.join(LABELS, file + ".txt")
    file_image = os.path.join(IMAGES, file + ".jpg")
    bboxes, keypoints_sorted = converter(file_labels, file_image, keypoint_names)
    dump2json(bboxes, keypoints_sorted, os.path.join(ANNOTATIONS, file + '.json'))



这是一个 GitHub 存储库和一个包含上述所有步骤的笔记本。

更新: 您可能感兴趣阅读这边文章:如何使用 PyTorch 训练自定义关键点检测模型



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43229348/article/details/123502639