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Cabbage is a leafy green, red (purple), or white (pale green) biennial plant grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads. It is descended from the wild cabbage, and belongs to the "cole crops" or brassicas, meaning it is closely related to broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and Savoy cabbage. 卷心菜是一种绿叶、红/紫色或白/淡绿色的二年生植物,因其浓密的叶状头状花序而作为一年生蔬菜作物种植。它是野生卷心菜的后代,属于“油菜作物”或芸苔属,这意味着它与西兰花、花椰菜、抱子甘蓝、和皱叶甘蓝关系密切。

Raw cabbage is 92% water, 6% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and contains negligible fat. In a 100 gram reference amount, raw cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin K, containing 44% and 72%, respectively, of the Daily Value (DV). Cabbage is also a moderate source (10–19% DV) of vitamin B6 and folate [叶酸], with no other nutrients having significant content per 100-gram serving.

Cabbage was most likely domesticated somewhere in Europe before 1000 BC, although savoys were not developed until the 16th century AD. By the Middle Ages, cabbage had become a prominent part of European cuisine. They can be prepared many different ways for eating; they can be pickled, fermented (for dishes such as sauerkraut), steamed, stewed, sautéed, braised, or eaten raw. Cabbage is a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C and dietary fiber. World production of cabbage and other brassicas for 2018 was 69 million tonnes, with China accounting for 48% of the total.

卷心菜很可能在公元前1000年之前在欧洲的某个地方被驯化,尽管直到公元16世纪才培育出皱叶甘蓝。到了中世纪,卷心菜已经成为欧洲烹饪的重要组成部分。他们可以用多种不同的方式来准备食物;它们可以腌制、发酵(如泡菜)、蒸、炖、炒、炖或生吃。卷心菜富含维生素K、维生素C和膳食纤维。2018年,世界卷心菜和其他芸苔类作物的产量为6900万吨,中国占总产量的48%。Cabbage production (millions of tonnes) – 2018:

  1. World 69.4
  2. China 33.2
  3. Others 20.5
  4. India 9.0
  5. Russia 2.5
  6. South Korea 2.5
  7. Ukraine 1.7

Cabbage consumption varies widely around the world: Russia has the highest annual per capita consumption at 20 kg (44 lb), followed by Belgium at 4.7 kg (10 lb 6 oz) and the Netherlands at 4.0 kg (8 lb 13 oz). Americans consume 3.9 kg (8.6 lb) annually per capita. The per capita amount of something is the total amount of it in a country or area divided by the number of people in that country or area.

Cabbage weights generally range from 500 to 1,000 grams (1 to 2 lb). Smooth-leafed, firm-headed green cabbages are the most common, with smooth-leafed purple cabbages and crinkle-leafed savoy cabbages of both colours being rarer. Under conditions of long sunny days, such as those found at high northern latitudes in summer, cabbages can grow quite large. As of 2012, the heaviest cabbage was 62.71 kilograms (138.25 lb). Cabbage heads are generally picked during the first year of the plant's life cycle, but plants intended for seed are allowed to grow a second year and must be kept separate from other cole crops to prevent cross-pollination. Cabbage is prone to several nutrient deficiencies, as well as to multiple pests, and bacterial and fungal diseases.

Chinese cabbage can refer to two cultivar groups of Chinese leaf vegetables often used in Chinese cuisine: the Pekinensis Group (napa cabbage) and the Chinensis Group (bok choy).

Pekinensis Group is the more common of the two, especially outside Asia; names such as napa cabbage, dà báicài (Chinese: 大白菜, "large white vegetable"); baechu (Korean: 배추 Bae-Chu), wongbok and hakusai (Japanese: 白菜 or ハクサイ ha-ku-sa-i) usually refer to members of this group. Pekinensis Group cabbages have broad green leaves with white petioles [叶柄], tightly wrapped in a cylindrical formation and usually forming a compact head. As the group name indicates, this is particularly popular in northern China around Beijing (Peking).

These vegetables are both variant cultivars or subspecies of the turnip and belong to the same genus as such Western staples as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Both have many variations in name, spelling, and scientific classification, especially bok choy cultivars. “主食”这个词有歧义:中文一把指馒头米饭等淀粉类食物。staple [牛津] main or principal item or element (esp of a diet).

The Chinese cabbage was principally grown in the Yangtze River Delta region, but the Ming Dynasty naturalist Li Shizhen popularized it by bringing attention to its medicinal qualities. The variant cultivated in Zhejiang around the 14th century was brought north and the northern harvest of napa cabbage soon exceeded the southern one. These were then exported back south along the Grand Canal [大运河] to Hangzhou and traded by sea as far south as Guangdong. [那时浙江到广东走海路可以理解。现在G85杭州-广州6小时4分钟。G85次列车是由上海虹桥站开往广州南站的高铁列车,列车运行总里程1790公里。列车08:00由上海虹桥站出发,14:51到达广州南站,运行时间06小时51分钟。]

Napa cabbage became a staple in Northeastern Chinese cuisine for making suan cai, Chinese sauerkraut. In Korea, this developed into kimchi. Chinese cabbage is now commonly found in markets throughout the world, catering both to the Chinese diaspora and to northern markets who appreciate its resistance to cold. People who come from a particular nation, or whose ancestors came from it, but who now live in many different parts of the world are sometimes referred to as the diaspora. (柯林斯)

In 2017, aboard the International Space Station a crop of Chinese cabbage from a plant growth device included an allotment for crew consumption, while the rest was saved for scientific study.

六级/考研单词: cabbage, purple, vegetation, descend, cauliflower, carbohydrate, negligible, vitamin, respective, moderate, prominent, cuisine, fibre, million, consume, latitude, prone, multiple, pest, bacteria, seldom, wrap, cylinder, compact, staple, headmaster, dynasty, cultivate, harvest, import, canal, cater, ancestor, aboard, crew

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15968695.html