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vue3 vue-router 匹配多级路由


Nested Routes

It’s worth noting that nested routes will match only if the params relevant to the rendered route are the same.

E.g., given these routes:

const routes = [
    path: '/parent/:id',
    children: [
      // empty child
      { path: '' },
      // child with id
      { path: 'child/:id' },
      { path: 'child-second/:id' }

If the current route is /parent/1/child/2, these links will be active:

urlactiveexact active

Unrelated but similiar routes

Routes that are unrelated from a record point of view but share a common path are no longer active.

E.g., given these routes:

const routes = [
  { path: '/movies' },
  { path: '/movies/new' },
  { path: '/movies/search' }

If the current route is /movies/new, these links will be active:

urlactiveexact active

Note: This behavior is different from actual behavior.

It’s worth noting, it is possible to nest them to still benefit from links being active:

// Vue 3
import { h } from 'vue'
import { RouterView } from 'vue-router'

const routes = [
    path: '/movies',
    // we need this to render the children (see note below)
    component: { render: () => h(RouterView) },
    // for vue 2 use render: h => h('RouterView')
    children: [
      { path: 'new' },
      // different child
      { path: 'search' }

If the current route is /movies/new, these links will be active:

urlactiveexact active

Note: To make this easier to use, we could maybe allow component to be absent and internally behave as if there where a component option that renders a RouterView component


Given that an alias is only a different path while keeping everything else on a record, it makes sense for aliases to be active when the path they are aliasing is matched and vice versa.

E.g., given these routes:

const routes = [{ path: '/movies', alias: ['/films'] }]

If the current route is /movies or /films, both links will be active:

urlactiveexact active

Nested aliases

The behavior is similar when dealing with nested children of an aliased route.

E.g., given these routes:

const routes = [
    path: '/parent/:id',
    alias: '/p/:id',
    children: [
      // empty child
      { path: '' },
      // child with id
      { path: 'child/:id', alias: 'c/:id' }

If the current route is /parent/1/child/2, /p/1/child/2, /p/1/c/2, or, /parent/1/c/2 these links will be active:

urlactiveexact active

Absolute nested aliases

Nested children can have an absolute path by making it start with /, in this scenario the same rules apply. Given these routes:

E.g., given these routes:

const routes = [
    path: '/parent/:id',
    alias: '/p/:id',
    name: 'parent',
    children: [
      // empty child
      { path: '', alias: ['alias', '/p_:id'], name: 'child' },
      // child with absolute path. we need to add an `id` because the parent needs it
      { path: '/p_:id/absolute-a', alias: 'as-absolute-a' },
      // same as above but the alias is absolute
      { path: 'as-absolute-b', alias: '/p_:id/absolute-b' }

If the current route is /p_1/absolute-a, /p/1/as-absolute-a, or, /parent/1/as-absolute-a, these links will be active:

urlactiveexact active

Notice how the empty path record is active but not exact active differently from the other child /p/1/absolute-b. All its aliases are active as well because they are aliases of an empty path. If it was the other way around: the path wasn’t empty but one of the aliases was an empty path, then none of them would be active because the original path takes precedence over aliases.

Named nested routes

If the url is resolved through the name of the parent, in this case parent, it will not include the empty path child route. This is important because they both resolve to the same url but when used in router-link's to prop, they would yield different results when it comes to being active and/or exact active. This is consistent with what they render being different and the rest of the active behavior.

E.g., given the routes from the previous example, if the current location is /parent/1 and, both the parent and child views are rendering, meaning we are effectively at { name: 'child' } and not at { name: 'parent' }, here is a similar table to the ones before but also including to:

to's valueresolved urlactiveexact active
{ name: 'parent', params: { id: '1' } }/parent/1 (parent)
'/parent/1'/parent/1 (child)
{ name: 'child', params: { id: '1' } }/parent/1 (child)
'/p_1'/p_1 (child)
'/parent/1/alias'/parent/1/alias (child)

But if the current location is { name: 'parent' }, it will still yield the same url, /parent/1, but a different table:

to's valueresolved urlactiveexact active
{ name: 'parent', params: { id: '1' } }/parent/1 (parent)
'/parent/1'/parent/1 (child)
{ name: 'child', params: { id: '1' } }/parent/1 (child)
'/p_1'/p_1 (child)
'/parent/1/alias'/parent/1/alias (child)

Repeated params

With repeating params like

All params must match, with the same exact order for a link to be both, active and exact active.

exact prop

Before these changes, exact worked by matching the whole location. Its main purpose was to get around the / caveat but it also checked query and hash.
Because of this, with the new active behavior, the exact prop only purpose would be for a link to display router-link-active only if router-link-exact-active is also present. But this isn’t really useful anymore as we can directly target the element using the router-link-exact-active class.
Because of this, I think the exact prop can be removed from router-link. This outdates https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/pull/37 while still introducing the behavior of exact for the path section of the loction like explained above.

Some users will probably have to change the class used in CSS from router-link-exact-active to router-link-active to adapt to this change.



Adoption strategy

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40676272/article/details/123079465