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#define ll long long
using namespace std;
//ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);

class Bigint
    Bigint(long long = 0);
    Bigint(const string&);
    Bigint(const char* str) { *this = string(str); }

    //assignment operators
    Bigint& operator=(long long num) { return *this = Bigint(num); }
    Bigint& operator=(const string& str) { return *this = Bigint(str); }
    Bigint& operator=(const char* str) { return *this = Bigint(str); }

    //relatiional operators 
    bool operator<(const Bigint& obj) const { return cmp(obj) < 0; }
    bool operator>(const Bigint& obj) const { return cmp(obj) > 0; }
    bool operator<=(const Bigint& obj) const { return cmp(obj) <= 0; }
    bool operator>=(const Bigint& obj) const { return cmp(obj) >= 0; }
    bool operator==(const Bigint& obj) const { return cmp(obj) == 0; }
    bool operator!=(const Bigint& obj) const { return cmp(obj) != 0; }

    //arithmetic operators
    Bigint operator+() const { return *this; }
    Bigint operator-() const { return Bigint(-sign_, val_); }
    Bigint operator+(const Bigint&) const;
    Bigint operator-(const Bigint&) const;
    Bigint operator*(const Bigint&) const;
    Bigint operator/(const Bigint&) const;
    Bigint operator%(const Bigint&) const;

    //compound assignment operators
    Bigint& operator+=(const Bigint& obj) { return *this = *this + obj; }
    Bigint& operator-=(const Bigint& obj) { return *this = *this - obj; }
    Bigint& operator*=(const Bigint& obj) { return *this = *this * obj; }
    Bigint& operator/=(const Bigint& obj) { return *this = *this / obj; }
    Bigint& operator%=(const Bigint& obj) { return *this = *this % obj; }

    //increment and decrement operators
    Bigint& operator++() { return *this += 1; }
    Bigint& operator--() { return *this -= 1; }
    Bigint operator++(int);
    Bigint operator--(int);

    //input and output
    friend istream& operator>>(istream&, Bigint&);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Bigint&);

    enum div_type { division, remainder };
    enum cmp_type { with_sign, without_sign };
    static const int base_ = (int)1e4;
    static const int width_ = 4;
    Bigint(int s, const vector<int>& v) : sign_(s), val_(v) {}
    int cmp(const Bigint&, cmp_type = with_sign) const;
    Bigint& delZero();
    Bigint& add(const Bigint&);
    Bigint& sub(const Bigint&);
    Bigint& mul(const Bigint&, const Bigint&);
    Bigint& div(Bigint&, Bigint, div_type = division);

    int sign_;
    vector<int> val_;
Bigint::Bigint(long long num) : sign_(0)
    if (num < 0) sign_ = -1, num = -num;
    else if (num > 0) sign_ = 1;
        val_.push_back(num % base_);
        num /= base_;
    } while (num);

Bigint::Bigint(const string& str)
    sign_ = str[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1;
    int be = str[0] == '-' ? 1 : 0, en = str.size();
    while ((en -= width_) >= be)
        stringstream ss(str.substr(en, width_));
        int temp;
        ss >> temp;
    if ((en += width_) > be)
        stringstream ss(str.substr(be, en - be));
        int temp;
        ss >> temp;

Bigint Bigint::operator+(const Bigint& obj) const
    if (sign_ * obj.sign_ == 1)
        Bigint temp;
        return cmp(obj, without_sign) >= 0 ? (temp = *this).add(obj) : (temp = obj).add(*this);
    else if (sign_ * obj.sign_ == -1) return *this - -obj;
    else return sign_ == 0 ? obj : *this;

Bigint Bigint::operator-(const Bigint& obj) const
    if (sign_ * obj.sign_ == 1)
        Bigint temp;
        return cmp(obj, without_sign) >= 0 ? (temp = *this).sub(obj) : (temp = -obj).sub(*this);
    else if (sign_ * obj.sign_ == -1) return *this + -obj;
    else return sign_ == 0 ? -obj : *this;

inline Bigint Bigint::operator*(const Bigint& obj) const
    Bigint temp;
    return (temp.sign_ = sign_ * obj.sign_) == 0 ? temp : temp.mul(*this, obj);

inline Bigint Bigint::operator/(const Bigint& obj) const
    Bigint temp, mod = *this;
    return cmp(obj, without_sign) < 0 || (temp.sign_ = sign_ * obj.sign_) == 0 ? temp : temp.div(mod, obj);

inline Bigint Bigint::operator%(const Bigint& obj) const
    Bigint temp, mod = *this;
    return cmp(obj, without_sign) < 0 || (temp.sign_ = sign_) == 0 ? mod : temp.div(mod, obj, remainder);

inline Bigint Bigint::operator++(int)
    Bigint temp = *this;
    ++* this;
    return temp;

inline Bigint Bigint::operator--(int)
    Bigint temp = *this;
    --* this;
    return temp;

inline istream& operator>>(istream& in, Bigint& obj)
    string str;
    if (in >> str) obj = str;
    return in;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Bigint& obj)
    if (obj.sign_ == -1) cout << '-';
    out << obj.val_.back();
    for (int i = obj.val_.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--)
        out << setw(Bigint::width_) << setfill('0') << obj.val_[i];
    return out;

int Bigint::cmp(const Bigint& obj, cmp_type typ) const
    if (typ == with_sign && sign_ != obj.sign_) return sign_ - obj.sign_;
    int sign = typ == with_sign ? sign_ : 1;
    if (val_.size() != obj.val_.size()) return sign * (val_.size() - obj.val_.size());
    for (int i = val_.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (val_[i] != obj.val_[i]) return sign * (val_[i] - obj.val_[i]);
    return 0;

inline Bigint& Bigint::delZero()
    while (val_.back() == 0 && val_.size() > 1) val_.pop_back();
    if (val_.back() == 0) sign_ = 0;
    return *this;

Bigint& Bigint::add(const Bigint& obj)
    int ts = val_.size(), os = obj.val_.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < os; i++) val_[i] += obj.val_[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < ts; i++)
        if (val_[i] >= base_) val_[i] -= base_, ++val_[i + 1];
    return delZero();

Bigint& Bigint::sub(const Bigint& obj)
    int pos = obj.val_.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
        if ((val_[i] -= obj.val_[i]) < 0) val_[i] += base_, --val_[i + 1];
    while (val_[pos] < 0) val_[pos] += base_, --val_[++pos];
    return delZero();

Bigint& Bigint::mul(const Bigint& a, const Bigint& b)
    int as = a.val_.size(), bs = b.val_.size();
    val_.resize(as + bs);
    for (int i = 0; i < as; i++) for (int j = 0; j < bs; j++)
        int x = i + j;
        val_[x] += a.val_[i] * b.val_[j];
        val_[x + 1] += val_[x] / base_;
        val_[x] %= base_;
    return delZero();

Bigint& Bigint::div(Bigint& a, Bigint b, div_type typ)
    int move = a.val_.size() - b.val_.size();
    val_.resize(move + 1);
    b.val_.insert(b.val_.begin(), move, 0);
    for (int i = move; i >= 0; i--)
        int left = 0, right = base_;
        while (left + 1 < right)
            int mid = (left + right) >> 1;
            if (a.cmp(b * Bigint(mid), without_sign) >= 0) left = mid;
            else right = mid;
        val_[i] = left;
        a.sub(b * Bigint(left));
    return typ == division ? delZero() : a;

int main()
    Bigint a, b;
    cin >> a >> b;
    cout << a + b << endl;
    cout << a - b << endl;
    cout << a * b << endl;
    cout << a / b << endl;
    cout << a % b << endl;
    return 0;

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wz021001/p/15925152.html