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Human centered design and design thinking


Human centered design and design thinking




When was graphical user interafce first developed?

Pirates of Silicon Valley

Personal computer being used in other domains

What they did

Human centered design

HCD gives would be innovators two valueable toolkits

Are you open to all of the different beneficiary and stakeholder groups on whom your innovation depends on success

Have you explored all the different ways that your innovation can delivery?

What barriers and opportunties for your innovation exist in the context into which you aim to bring impact:

Four main issues: set of processes for the different people and players in the domain

Design thinking

Open source ventilator designed by Cambridge Team for use in low and middle income countries

Empathize- put yourself into the customer’s shoes

Empathy mapping to get into your user and customer’s shoes

Define- identify the most valuable problems to solve

Journey mapping focuses on supporting compleling, effective experiences??


Typical journey map

Ideate- generate ideas and scenarios for solving the problems

Value proposition canvas

Protitype- bring the idea to life

Google glass

Materials from Motorola

Test - rapid feedback to engage good ideas and kill bad ones




What are the benefits of design thinking

Compare with lean (business more )

Keep on the communication

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Dequn_Teng_CSDN/article/details/123074856