首页 > 其他分享> > 第63篇-解释器与编译器适配(二)







0x00007fffe110a1a0: mov    (%rsp),%rax  // pick up the return address

// 如果加-XX:VerifyAdapterCalls=false时不会生成
// ...

// 正确时跳转到这里 
// Must preserve(维护) original SP for loading incoming arguments because
// we need to align the outgoing(离开的) SP for compiled code.
0x00007fffe110a267: mov    %rsp,%r11

// Ensure compiled code always sees stack at proper alignment
0x00007fffe110a26a: and    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp  // %rsp按照16字节对齐

// push the return address and misalign 不重合 the stack that youngest frame always sees
// as far as(只要,直到...为止) the placement of the call instruction
0x00007fffe110a26e: push   %rax

// Put saved SP in another register
0x00007fffe110a26f: mov    %r11,%rax

// Will jump to the compiled code just as if compiled code was doing it.
// Pre-load the register-jump target early, to schedule it better.
0x00007fffe110a272: mov    0x48(%rbx),%r11  // 获取Method:_from_compiled_entry值存储到%r11中

// Now generate the shuffle code. Pick up all register args and move the
// rest through the floating point stack top.
0x00007fffe110a276: mov    0x8(%rax),%rsi    // saved_sp+0x8移动到%rsi,准备参数的操作,%rsi是第2个参数用的指定寄存器
0x00007fffe110a27a: mov    %rbx,0x248(%r15)  // 将%rbx的值存储到JavaThread::_callee_target中,%rbx应该是Method*

// put Method* where a c2i would expect should we end up there
// only needed becaus of c2 resolve stubs return Method* as a result in rax
0x00007fffe110a281: mov    %rbx,%rax
0x00007fffe110a284: jmpq   *%r11





// %rbx中存储的是Method*,比较Method::_code属性与NULL_WORD
0x00007fffe110a2b4: cmpq   $0x0,0x50(%rbx)    
// 如果Method::_code为NULL,则跳转到L
0x00007fffe110a2bc: je     0x00007fffe110a3a4 
// Method::_code属性不为空时才会执行下面的汇编
0x00007fffe110a2c2: mov    %rsp,%r13          // 保存当前的栈指针
// Schedule(安排) the branch target address early.
// Call into the VM to patch the caller, then jump to compiled callee
// rax isn't live so capture return address while we easily can
// 将返回地址保存到%rax中,因为编译的方法在调用方法时,会压入
// 返回地址,所以(%rsp)获取的是返回地址
0x00007fffe110a2c5: mov    (%rsp),%rax      
0x00007fffe110a2c9: and    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp // 对齐栈

// 省略调用push_CPU_state()方法生成的汇编
// ...
 // %rbx->c_rarg0,其中%rbx中存储的是Method*,因为调用函数的第1个参数要求Method*
0x00007fffe110a334: mov    %rbx,%rdi 
 // %rax->c_rarg1,%rax中保存的是返回地址,因为调用函数第2个参数要求caller_pc
0x00007fffe110a337: mov    %rax,%rsi 
// 调用SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite()函数
0x00007fffe110a33a: callq  0x00007ffff6a0ec10  

// 省略调用pop_CPU_state()方法生成的汇编
// ...
// 恢复rsp寄存器
0x00007fffe110a3a1: mov    %r13,%rsp       

// **** L ****
// **** skip_fixup ****


调用的SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite()函数的实现如下 :

// We are calling the interpreter via a c2i. Normally this would mean that
// we were called by a compiled method. However we could have lost a race
// where we went int -> i2c -> c2i and so the caller could in fact be interpreted.
// If the caller is compiled we attempt to patch the caller
// so he no longer calls into the interpreter.
IRT_LEAF(void, SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite(Method* method, address caller_pc))
  Method* moop(method);

  address entry_point = moop->from_compiled_entry();

  // It's possible that deoptimization can occur at a call site which hasn't
  // been resolved yet, in which case this function will be called from
  // an nmethod that has been patched for deopt and we can ignore the
  // request for a fixup.
  // Also it is possible that we lost a race in that from_compiled_entry
  // is now back to the i2c in that case we don't need to patch and if
  // we did we'd leap into space because the callsite needs to use
  // "to interpreter" stub in order to load up the Method*. Don't
  // ask me how I know this...

  CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob(caller_pc);
  if (!cb->is_nmethod() || entry_point == moop->get_c2i_entry()) {

  // The check above makes sure this is a nmethod.
  nmethod* nm = cb->as_nmethod_or_null();
  assert(nm, "must be");

  // Get the return PC for the passed caller PC.
  address return_pc = caller_pc + frame::pc_return_offset; // 对于x86来说,pc_return_offset的值为0

  // There is a benign race here. We could be attempting to patch to a compiled
  // entry point at the same time the callee is being deoptimized. If that is
  // the case then entry_point may in fact point to a c2i and we'd patch the
  // call site with the same old data. clear_code will set code() to NULL
  // at the end of it. If we happen to see that NULL then we can skip trying
  // to patch. If we hit the window where the callee has a c2i in the
  // from_compiled_entry and the NULL isn't present yet then we lose the race
  // and patch the code with the same old data. Asi es la vida.带些许无奈口气

  if (moop->code() == NULL){

  if (nm->is_in_use()) {

    // Expect to find a native call there (unless 除非; 除非在  it was no-inline cache vtable dispatch)
    MutexLockerEx ml_patch(Patching_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
    if (NativeCall::is_call_before(return_pc)) {
      NativeCall *call = nativeCall_before(return_pc);
      // bug 6281185. We might get here after resolving a call site to a vanilla
      // virtual call. Because the resolvee uses the verified entry it may then
      // see compiled code and attempt to patch the site by calling us. This would
      // then incorrectly convert the call site to optimized and its downhill from
      // there. If you're lucky you'll get the assert in the bugid, if not you've
      // just made a call site that could be megamorphic into a monomorphic site
      // for the rest of its life! Just another racing bug in the life of
      // fixup_callers_callsite ...
      RelocIterator iter(nm, call->instruction_address(), call->next_instruction_address());
      assert(iter.has_current(), "must have a reloc at java call site");
      relocInfo::relocType typ = iter.reloc()->type();
      if (
    	   typ != relocInfo::static_call_type &&
           typ != relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type &&
           typ != relocInfo::static_stub_type
      address destination = call->destination();
      if (destination != entry_point) {
        CodeBlob* callee = CodeCache::find_blob(destination);
        // callee == cb seems weird. It means calling interpreter thru stub.
        if (callee == cb || callee->is_adapter_blob()) {
          // static call or optimized virtual
          if (TraceCallFixup) {
            tty->print("fixup callsite  at " INTPTR_FORMAT " to compiled code for", caller_pc);
            tty->print_cr(" to " INTPTR_FORMAT, entry_point);
      } else { // 满足的条件:destination == entry_point
          if (TraceCallFixup) {
            tty->print("already patched callsite at " INTPTR_FORMAT " to compiled code for", caller_pc);
            tty->print_cr(" to " INTPTR_FORMAT, entry_point);



// Similar to replace_mt_safe, but just changes the destination.  The
// important thing is that free-running threads are able to execute this
// call instruction at all times.  If the displacement field is aligned
// we can simply rely on atomicity of 32-bit writes to make sure other threads
// will see no intermediate states.  Otherwise, the first two bytes of the
// call are guaranteed to be aligned, and can be atomically patched to a
// self-loop to guard the instruction while we change the other bytes.

// We cannot rely on locks here, since the free-running threads must run at
// full speed.
// Used in the runtime linkage of calls; see class CompiledIC.
// (Cf. 4506997 and 4479829, where threads witnessed garbage displacements.)
void NativeCall::set_destination_mt_safe(address dest) {
  // Make sure patching code is locked.  No two threads can patch at the same
  // time but one may be executing this code.
  assert(Patching_lock->is_locked() ||
         SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "concurrent code patching");
  // Both C1 and C2 should now be generating code which aligns the patched address
  // to be within a single cache line except that C1 does not do the alignment on
  // uniprocessor systems.
  bool is_aligned = ((uintptr_t)displacement_address() + 0) / cache_line_size ==
                    ((uintptr_t)displacement_address() + 3) / cache_line_size;

  guarantee(!os::is_MP() || is_aligned, "destination must be aligned");

  if (is_aligned) {
    // Simple case:  The destination lies within a single cache line.
  } else if ((uintptr_t)instruction_address() / cache_line_size ==
             ((uintptr_t)instruction_address()+1) / cache_line_size) {
    // Tricky case:  The instruction prefix lies within a single cache line.
    intptr_t disp = dest - return_address();
#ifdef AMD64
    guarantee(disp == (intptr_t)(jint)disp, "must be 32-bit offset");
#endif // AMD64

    int call_opcode = instruction_address()[0];

    // First patch dummy jump in place:
      u_char patch_jump[2];
      patch_jump[0] = 0xEB;       // jmp rel8
      patch_jump[1] = 0xFE;       // jmp to self

      assert(sizeof(patch_jump)==sizeof(short), "sanity check");
      *(short*)instruction_address() = *(short*)patch_jump;
    // Invalidate.  Opteron requires a flush after every write.

    // (Note: We assume any reader which has already started to read
    // the unpatched call will completely read the whole unpatched call
    // without seeing the next writes we are about to make.)

    // Next, patch the last three bytes:
    u_char patch_disp[5];
    patch_disp[0] = call_opcode;
    *(int32_t*)&patch_disp[1] = (int32_t)disp;
    assert(sizeof(patch_disp)==instruction_size, "sanity check");
    for (int i = sizeof(short); i < instruction_size; i++)
      instruction_address()[i] = patch_disp[i];

    // Invalidate.  Opteron requires a flush after every write.

    // (Note: We assume that any reader which reads the opcode we are
    // about to repatch will also read the writes we just made.)

    // Finally, overwrite the jump:
    *(short*)instruction_address() = *(short*)patch_disp;
    // Invalidate.  Opteron requires a flush after every write.

    guarantee(destination() == dest, "patch succeeded");
  } else {
    // Impossible:  One or the other must be atomically writable.


0x00007fffe110a3a4: pop    %rax           // 将返回地址保存到%rax中
0x00007fffe110a3a5: mov    %rsp,%r13      // 将sender sp设置到%r13中
0x00007fffe110a3a8: sub    $0x10,%rsp     // $0x10是要传递的参数加上返回地址的空间
0x00007fffe110a3ac: mov    %rax,(%rsp)    // 将返回地址存储存储到指定的空间
0x00007fffe110a3b0: mov    %rsi,0x8(%rsp) // 将传递的参数写到栈中指定的位置
0x00007fffe110a3b5: mov    0x38(%rbx),%rcx// 将Method::_i2i_entry写入到%rcx中
0x00007fffe110a3b9: jmpq   *%rcx          // 跳转执行






// %rsi中存储的是receiver,获取oop.Klass到%ebx中
0x00007fffe110a287: mov    0x8(%rsi),%ebx    
// LogKlassAlignmentInBytes=0x3
0x00007fffe110a28a: shl    $0x3,%rbx         
// %rax中存储的是holder,和holder.Klass进行比较
0x00007fffe110a28e: cmp    0x10(%rax),%rbx   
// CompiledICHolder::_holder_method存储到%rbx
0x00007fffe110a292: mov    0x8(%rax),%rbx    
// 如果相等,表示缓存命中,跳转到----ok----
0x00007fffe110a296: je     0x00007fffe110a2a1
// 否则跳转到SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()函数入口
0x00007fffe110a29c: jmpq   0x00007fffe1105be0

// **** ok ****
// 当oop.Klass与holder.Klass相等时跳转到这里执行
// Method might have been compiled since the call site was patched to
// interpreted if that is the case treat it as a miss so we can get
// the call site corrected.

// %rbx中存储的是Method*,获取Method::code与NULL_WORD进行比较
0x00007fffe110a2a1: cmpq   $0x0,0x50(%rbx)     
// 如果相等就跳过修正,跳转到----skip_fixup----,这个调用点在get_c2i_adapter()方法中定义
0x00007fffe110a2a9: je     0x00007fffe110a3a4  
// 执行下面的汇编时,表示在调用点要patch到解释器时,
// 方法已经编译完成,所以按缓存没有命中处理,这样就会修正调用点
 // 跳转到SharedRuntime::get_ic_miss_stub()函数入口
0x00007fffe110a2af: jmpq   0x00007fffe1105be0 


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来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/mazhimazhi/p/15898901.html