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WordPress插件WhatsMarKet是一款批量发消息的WhatsApp 营销工具WP插件,您可以使用它的许多功能,例如允许您在几秒钟内自动向数百万客户批量发送 WhatsApp 发件人、自动回复第一条消息、带有关键字或句子的聊天机器人系统、发送所有类型的文件,如 PDF、Excel、txt.. 另外,导出联系人来自组。它不仅是WhatsApp 营销软件,还可以帮助您的企业留住和接触更多客户。

您是否知道 WhatsApp 是世界上最受欢迎的消息应用程序和第二受欢迎的社交媒体网络。在180 多个国家/地区有超过20 亿用户(2021 年)在使用它,如果您能联系到他们,他们中的大多数将成为您的客户。WhatsApp 的下载量为6 亿次,使其成为 Facebook 下下载次数最多的应用程序。仅美国就占这些下载量的 7.5%(4500 万)。


WhatsApp Marketing Tool Plugin for WordPress which is one of the products by Stackposts. You can use many of its features such as allowing you to automatically Bulk WhatsApp Sender by seconds to millions of customers, Auto Reply for a first message, Chatbot System with keywords or sentences, Sending all types of file like PDF, Excel, txt,... Additional, exporting contacts are from groups. It’s not only WhatsApp Marketing Software but also help your business keep and reach more customers.

Do you know that WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app and the second most popular social media network in the world. With over 2 billion users (2021) in more than 180 nations using it, most of them will be your customers if you can reach out to them. There were 600 million downloads of WhatsApp making it the most downloaded application under Facebook. The US alone accounted for 7.5% (45 million) of these downloads. 

原文地址:Whatsapp批量发送和自动回复WordPress插件WhatsMarKet 1.0|主题阁汉化


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/badboy121/article/details/122762921