1 简介
2 完整代码
% This Matlab program demomstrates the level set algorithm in paper:
% "Active contours with selective local or global segmentation: a new variational approach and level set method"
% to appear in Image and Vision Computing, 2010.
clc;clear all;close all;
Img = imread('twocells.bmp');
Img = Img(:,:,1);
Img = double(Img);
% Img = 200*ones(100);
% Img(20:80,10:30)= 140;
% Img(20:80,40:70)= 180;
% Img(20:80,80:90)=50;
[row,col] = size(Img);
phi = ones(row,col);
phi(10:row-10,10:col-10) = -1;
u = - phi;
[c, h] = contour(u, [0 0], 'r');
title('Initial contour');
% hold off;
sigma = 1;
G = fspecial('gaussian', 5, sigma);
delt = 1;
Iter = 80;
mu = 25;%this parameter needs to be tuned according to the images
for n = 1:Iter
[ux, uy] = gradient(u);
c1 = sum(sum(Img.*(u<0)))/(sum(sum(u<0)));% we use the standard Heaviside function which yields similar results to regularized one.
c2 = sum(sum(Img.*(u>=0)))/(sum(sum(u>=0)));
spf = Img - (c1 + c2)/2;
spf = spf/(max(abs(spf(:))));
u = u + delt*(mu*spf.*sqrt(ux.^2 + uy.^2));
if mod(n,10)==0
imagesc(Img,[0 255]); colormap(gray);hold on;
[c, h] = contour(u, [0 0], 'r');
iterNum = [num2str(n), 'iterations'];
u = (u >= 0) - ( u< 0);% the selective step.
u = conv2(u, G, 'same');
imagesc(Img,[0 255]);colormap(gray);hold on;
[c, h] = contour(u, [0 0], 'b');
3 仿真结果
4 参考文献
[1]王翠杰. 基于水平集的SAR遥感图像分割的算法研究. Diss. 江苏科技大学.
标签:10,分割,Img,sum,遥感,matlab,图像,SAR 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Matlab_dashi/article/details/122245840