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使用Hot Chocolate和.NET 6构建GraphQL应用(2) —— 实体相关功能实现



使用Hot Chocolate和.NET 6构建GraphQL应用文章索引





在上一篇文章使用Hot Chocolate和.NET 6构建GraphQL应用(1) —— GraphQL及示例项目介绍我们给出的实体关系图稍微进行一些简化,去掉了关于评论回复的实体定义。我们先来实现关于Post/Comment/Tag的实体以及对应的Configuration:

namespace PostGraphi.Domain.Post.Entities;

public class Post : AuditableEntity, IEntity<Guid>, IHasDomainEvent
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string? Title { get; set; }
    public string? Author { get; set; }
    public string? Abstraction { get; set; }
    public string? Content { get; set; }
    public string? Link { get; set; }
    public DateTime PublishedAt { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Tag> Tags { get; set; } = new HashSet<Tag>();
    public ICollection<Comment> Comments { get; set; } = new List<Comment>();

    public List<DomainEvent> DomainEvents { get; set; } = new();
namespace PostGraphi.Domain.Post.Entities;

public class Comment : IEntity<Guid>
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string? Content { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }
    public Guid PostId { get; set; }
    public Post Post { get; set; }
namespace PostGraphi.Domain.Post.Entities;

public class Tag : IEntity<Guid>
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Post> Posts { get; set; } = new HashSet<Post>();
namespace PostGraphi.Infrastructure.Persistence.Configurations;

public class PostConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Post>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Post> builder)
        builder.Ignore(e => e.DomainEvents);

        builder.Property(t => t.Title).HasMaxLength(200).IsRequired();

        builder.HasMany(t => t.Tags).WithMany(a => a.Posts);
        builder.HasMany(t => t.Comments).WithOne(c => c.Post).HasForeignKey(c => c.PostId);
namespace PostGraphi.Infrastructure.Persistence.Configurations;

public class CommentConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Comment>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Comment> builder)
        builder.Property(t => t.Content).HasMaxLength(255).IsRequired();

        builder.HasOne(t => t.Post).WithMany(a => a.Comments).HasForeignKey(t=>t.PostId);
namespace PostGraphi.Infrastructure.Persistence.Configurations;

public class TagConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Tag>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Tag> builder)
        builder.Property(t => t.Name).HasMaxLength(30).IsRequired();

        builder.HasMany(t => t.Posts).WithMany(a => a.Tags);


public DbSet<Post> Posts => Set<Post>();
public DbSet<Tag> Tags => Set<Tag>();
public DbSet<Comment> Comments => Set<Comment>();



// 省略其他...
// 为了注入数据库实例时还能在构造函数中使用依赖注入
// 使用AddPooledDbContextFactory进行数据库的注入,因为在GraphQL的并发请求下,直接AddDbContext在执行时会报错。
services.AddPooledDbContextFactory<PostGraphiDbContext>((serviceProvider, options) =>
    options.UseSqlite("Data Source=PostGraphi.db");
    // 允许在DbContext的构造函数中使用依赖注入容器



public static async Task SeedSampleDataAsync(PostGraphiDbContext context)
    if (!context.Posts.Any())
        var posts = new List<Post>
                Title = "1 - introduction to graphql",
                Abstraction = "this is an introduction post for graphql",
                Content = "some random content for post 1",
                Author = "code4nothing",
                PublishedAt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2),
                Link = "http://link-to-post-1.html",
                Comments = new List<Comment>
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3), Content = "comment 01 for post 1", Name = "kindUser01" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2), Content = "comment 02 for post 1", Name = "kindUser01" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Content = "comment 03 for post 1", Name = "kindUser02" }
                Tags = new List<Tag>
                    new() { Name = "graphql" },
                    new() { Name = ".net6" }
                Title = "2 - integrate graphql with hot chocolate to .net6",
                Abstraction = "this is an introduction post for how to integrate graphql to .net6",
                Content = "some random content for post 2",
                Author = "code4nothing",
                PublishedAt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                Link = "http://link-to-post-2.html",
                Comments = new List<Comment>
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-5), Content = "comment 01 for post 2", Name = "kindUser02" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1), Content = "comment 02 for post 2", Name = "kindUser03" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Content = "comment 03 for post 2", Name = "kindUser04" }
                Tags = new List<Tag>
                    new() { Name = "graphql" },
                    new() { Name = ".net6" },
                    new() { Name = "hot chocolate" }
                Title = "3 - use Dapr with .net6",
                Abstraction = "this is an introduction post for how to use dapr in .net6 applications",
                Content = "some random content for post 3",
                Author = "code4dapr",
                PublishedAt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                Link = "http://link-to-post-3.html",
                Comments = new List<Comment>
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3), Content = "comment 01 for post 3", Name = "kindUser01" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-2), Content = "comment 02 for post 3", Name = "kindUser02" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Content = "comment 03 for post 3", Name = "kindUser04" },
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, Content = "comment 04 for post 3", Name = "kindUser03" }
                Tags = new List<Tag>
                    new() { Name = "dapr" },
                    new() { Name = ".net6" }
                Title = "4 - use dapr service invocation in .net6",
                Abstraction = "this is an introduction post for how to use dapr service invocation in .net6",
                Content = "some random content for post 4",
                Author = "code4dapr",
                PublishedAt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1),
                Link = "http://link-to-post-4.html",
                Comments = new List<Comment>
                    new() { CreatedAt = DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3), Content = "comment 01 for post 4", Name = "kindUser04" }
                Tags = new List<Tag>
                    new() { Name = "dapr" },
                    new() { Name = ".net6" },
                    new() { Name = "service invocation" }
        await context.SaveChangesAsync();


public static void ApplyDatabaseMigration(this WebApplication app)
    using var scope = app.Services.CreateScope();
    var retryPolicy = CreateRetryPolicy(app.Configuration, Log.Logger);
    // 注意因为数据库的注入方式变了,所以获取数据库Context的方法也相应修改
    using var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IDbContextFactory<PostGraphiDbContext>>().CreateDbContext();
    // 应用Migration
    // 生成种子数据

执行dotnet migrations add命令行去生成第一次migration数据,运行程序,可以通过数据库工具看到种子数据已经被成功生成到数据库了。


下一篇文章起,我们就开始使用Hot Chocolate来完成GraphQL接口的实现。在进入之前,我想先简单介绍一下在Hot Chocolate中编写GraphQL相关功能的三种方式,为下一节内容作准备:

Schema First

这种实现方式完全采用了GraphQL Schema定义语言,写起来比较繁琐,我们一般不采用这种方式。

Code First

这种方式不需要写Schema,但是每个C#定义的实体类必须有对应Mapping的GraphQL C#类。

Annotation First

不需要写Schema,也不要求有对应的GraphQL C#类,仅仅需要定义的实体类。实现方式比较简单,具体的Schema生成由GraphQL服务器自动实现。

这三种方式可以混搭着使用,为了演示尽量多的Hot Chocolate特性,在系列文章中会以第二种和第三种方式为主。


  1. Hot Chocolate Document
  2. A Demo On Hot Chocolate GraphQL Integration In Asp.Net Core Application Using Dapper Micro ORM

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/code4nothing/p/graphql-net6-2.html