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Generic GGSCI Command for GoldenGate


Generic GGSCI Command for GoldenGate

INFO MANAGER Provides details of the Manager process
INFO MGR Also provides details of the Manager process
STATUS MANAGER This command also display the info of manager
REFRESH MANAGER Reloads from the Manager Parameter file
REFRESH MGR Reloads from the Manager Parameter file
SEND MANAGER CHILDSTATUS Displays status of processes, started by Manager.
SEND MANAGER CHILDSTATUS DEBUG Return the ports numbers allocated by the Manager
SEND MANAGER GETPORTINFO Displays the list of currently allocated ports by Manager process
SEND MANAGER GETPORTINFO DETAIL Provides info on ports and process assigned to them.
SEND MANAGER GETPURGEOLDEXTRACTS Retrieves trail purge retention info.
START MANAGER Starts the Manager Process
START MGR Starts the Manager Process
STOP MGR Stops the Manager Process
STOP MANAGER ! Stops Manager without asking for user confirmation.
STOP MGR ! Stops Manager without asking for user confirmation.
 Add Command Creates an Extract group.
ADD EXTRACT E1_SRC, Tranlog, Begin Now Used to specify transaction logs as data source for extract.
ADD EXTRACT E1_SRC, Begin Now, Passive Specifies the extract to be run in passive mode.
ADD EXTRACT E1_SRC, Extseqno 000004 Extrba 094583, Begin Now Specifies the extract process starting position
ADD EXTRACT E1_SRC, SOURCEISTABLE Extracts data from data tables for initial loading.
ALTER Command  
ALTER EXTRACT E1_SRC, BEGIN NOW Instructs extract to start processing
ALTER EXTRACT E1_SRC, BEGIN 2013-04-16 Instructs extract to start processing from specific date
ALTER EXTRACT E1_SRC, ETROLLOVER Extract rolls over to next trail file
ALTER EXTRACT E1_SRC, EXTSEQNO 05, EXTRBA 2834587 Alters extract to start from the specific locaton in the trail
ALTER EXTRACT E1_SRC, THREAD 8, BEGIN 2015-07-19 Alters extract thread & start date for RAC
ALTER EXTRACT E1_SRC, LSN 234:1273:1 Altering extract for the SQL Server
CLEANUP Command It is used to clear the run history for the specific extract group
CLEANUP EXTRACT E1_SRC It purges all history of records except last
CLEANUP EXTRACT E1_SRC, SAVE 10 It saves last 10 records and deletes all other
DELETE Command It is used to delete the extract process, its checkpoints detail and unregister the extract group.
DELETE EXTRACT E1_SRC deletes the extract process
DELETE EXTRACT e* deletes all extract process whose name starts with e
DELETE EXTRACT e* ! deletes all extract process whose name starts with e without prompting
INFO Command It is used to display the info of the extract like its status, lag, checkpoint, run history, trail info etc
INFO EXTRACT E1_SRC, SHOWCH Display checkpoint info of extract
INFO EXTRACT E1_SRC, DETAIL Display trail info, run history
INFO EXTRACT E1_SRC, TASKS Display extract tasks
KILL Command It is used to kill the extract that can’t be stopped with STOP Command””
LAG Command It is used to find the lag time between Extract and data source more precisely than the “INFO Command”
LAG EXTRACT E1_SRC To find lag for extract “E1_SRC”
LAG EXTRACT * To find lag for all of the extract processes
REGISTER Command It is used to register the extract process, so that it can retain the archive logs required for its recovery.
SEND Command It is used to communicate with the running extract like sending requests for report creation, stats, to force extract to rollover to next trail etc
SEND EXTRACT finance, ROLLOVER To increment the extract to next file in trail
SEND EXTRACT finance, STOP To stop the extract process
SEND EXTRACT finance, TRANLOGOPTIONS TRANSCLEANUPFREQUENCY 20 For the Oracle RAC, specify the time after which the OGG scan and delete the orphan transactions
SEND EXTRACT finance, SKIPTRANS 2.12.3432 THREAD 4 For skipping the transaction in the Oracle RAC environment
SEND EXTRACT E1_SRC, SHOWTRANS Display the info about the open transactions like checkpoint, extract group name, SCN, Redo log and RB, status etc
SEND EXTRACT E1_SRC, SHOWTRANS COUNT 2 Display the info for two transactions only
START Command It is used to start the Extract process
STATS Command It is used to display the stats for the extract process including the DDL and DML operations.
STATS EXTRACT E1_SRC stats will be displayed for the extract E1_SRC””
STATS EXTRACT E1_SRC REPORTRATE SEC display the stats for the fetch operations per sec
STATS EXTRACT E1_SRC, TOTAL, DAILY The total stats is shown since the start of the day
STATS EXTRACT E1_SRC, TOTAL, HOURLY, REPORTRATE MIN, RESET, REPORTFETCH By using comma between the keywords multiple options can be used for the stats command
STATUS Command It is used to check whether extract process is currently running or not.
STATUS EXTRACT E1_SRC To check the status for extract “E1_SRC”
STATUS EXTRACT e* To check the status for all extracts starting with “e”
STOP Command It is used to stop the running extract process
STOP EXTRACT E1_SRC To stop the extract “E1_SRC”
STOP EXTRACT e* To stop all of the running extract process whose name start with “e”
STOP EXTRACT * To stop all of the running extract processes
UNREGISTER Command it is used to unregister the extract group by removing its registration from oracle DB.
ADD Command It is used to create the replicat process by creating checkpoints
ADD REPLICAT INITLOAD, SPECIALRUN It will create a special run replicat as task.
ADD REPLICAT R1_TRG, EXTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/TT Create the replicat with the trail
ADD REPLICAT R1_TRG, EXTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/TT, CHECKPOINTTABLE OGG_USER.OGG_CHECKPOINT Create the replicat with the trail and the checkpoint info like the DB table used to save checkpoint info.
ADD REPLICAT R1_TRG, EXTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/TT, NODBCHECKPOINT Create the replicat with the trail and specifying that this replicat didn’t write info to DB table
ALTER Command It is used to change the properties of the existing replicat process
ALTER REPLICAT R1_TRG, BEGIN NOW Alter replicat to start processing from now
ALTER REPLICAT R1_TRG, BEGIN 2013-05-11 Alter replicat to start processing from specific date
ALTER REPLICAT R1_TRG, BEGIN 2013-01-07 08:00:01 Alter replicat to start processing from specific date and time
ALTER REPLICAT R1_TRG, EXTSEQNO 00007 Alter replicat to start from the specific trail file
ALTER REPLICAT R1_TRG, EXTRBA 65477 Alter replicat to start from the specific location in the trail
CLEANUP Command It is used to clear the run history for the specific replicat process
CLEANUP REPLICAT R1_TRG It purges all history of records except last
CLEANUP REPLICAT R1_TRG, SAVE 10 It saves last 10 records and deletes all other
DELETE Command It is used to delete the replicat process, by removing the checkpoints and freeing trail file for purging by manager. But the process must be stopped and user must be logged in using DBlogin command
DELETE REPLICAT R1_TRG deletes the replicat process
DELETE EXTRACT r* deletes all replicat process whose name starts with r
DELETE EXTRACT r* ! deletes all replicat process whose name starts with r without prompting
INFO Command It is used to display the replicat info like processing history, status, appox lag, trail info, checkpoint info and environment of replicat.
INFO REPLICAT *, TASKS It is used to display replicat tasks only.
INFO REPLICAT R1_TRG It is used to display the information of replicat.
INFO REPLICAT R1_TRG, DETAIL It display the detailed information of replicat.
INFO REPLICAT R1_TRG, SHOWCH It displays the checkpoint table information, from checkpoint file and checkpoint table.
KILL Command It is used to kill the replicat that can’t be stopped with “STOP Command”, but checkpoint info remain unchanged and transactions are rolled back in DB
LAG Command It is used to find the lag time between Replicat and trail more precisely than the “INFO Command”
LAG REPLICAT R1_TRG To find lag for replicat “R1_TRG”
LAG REPLICAT * To find lag for all of the replicat processes
SEND Command It is used to communicate with the running replicat process
SEND REPLICAT R1_TRG, HANDLECOLLISIONS Enable the handlecollisions option of OGG used for error handling
SEND REPLICAT R1_TRG, REPORT HANDLECOLLISIONS r_* Generate statical report to replicat report file
SEND REPLICAT R1_TRG, GETLAG Get the lag info in seconds
START Command To start the replicat process
START REPLICAT R1_TRG, ATCSN 6454388 To start the replicat process from the oracle-specific CSN number including the CSN no transaction
START REPLICAT R1_TRG, AFTERCSN 6454389 To start the replicat process from the oracle-specific CSN number, but ignoring that CSN no transaction
STATS Command It is used to display the stats for the replicat process.
STATS REPLICAT R1_TRG stats will be displayed for the REPLICAT R1_TRG””
STATS REPLICAT R1_TRG REPORTDETAIL SEC display the stats for the opertaion that were not replicated due to errors
STATS REPLICAT R1_TRG, TOTALSONLY *.* Total of all transactions since start
STATS REPLICAT R1_TRG, TOTAL, DAILY The total stats is shown since the start of the day
STATS REPLICAT R1_TRG, TOTAL, HOURLY, REPORTRATE MIN, RESET, NOREPORTDETAIL By using comma between the keywords multiple options can be used for the stats command
STATUS Command It is used to find whether replicat is running or not
STATUS REPLICAT R1_TRG To check the status for replicat “R1_TRG”
STATUS REPLICAT r* To check the status for all replicat starting with “r”
STOP Command It is used to stop the running replicat process
STOP REPLICAT R1_TRG To stop the replicat “R1_TRG”
STOP REPLICAT r* To stop all of the running replicat process whose name start with “r”
STOP REPLICAT * To stop all of the running replicat processes
ER Commands They are used to control the multiple extract and replicat processes
INFO ER * To info all of the process
KILL ER * To kill all of the process
LAG ER * To get lag info of all the process
SEND ER * To use send command on all of the process
START ER * To start all of the process
STATS ER * To check the stats all of the process
STATUS ER * To find status of all the process
STOP ER * To stop all of the process
ADD EXTTRAIL It is used to create the local trail file for extract process on local system
ADD EXTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/SE, EXTRACT E1_SRC, MEGABYTES 100 Create EXTTRAIL with the Prefix”SE”, and the size of 100 mb
ADD EXTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/SE000009 To create the EXTTRAIL with specific sequence number
ADD RMTTRAIL It is used to create the remote trail files for the extract or pump processes on remote systems
ADD RMTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/TE, EXTRACT p_src, MEGABYTES 100 Create RMTTRAIL with the Prefix”TE”, and the size of 100 mb
ADD RMTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/SE000009 To create the RMTTRAIL with specific sequence number
ALTER EXTTRAIL It is used to change the options of the existing EXTTRAIL file for extract process on local system
ALTER RMTTRAIL It is used to change the options of the existing RMTTRAIL file of extract or pump processes on remote systems
DELETE EXTTRAIL It is used to delete the exttrail assigned to the extract on local system by deleting its references from checkpoint file
DELETE RMTTRAIL It is used to delete the exttrail for the extract or pump on remote system by deleting its references from checkpoint file
INFO EXTTRAIL It is used to display the info of local trail like name, associated extract, rba and file size etc
INFO EXTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/SE Display info for specific exttrails
INFO EXTTRAIL * Display info for all exttrails
INFO RMTTRAIL It is used to display the info of remote trail like name, associated extract, rba and file size etc
INFO RMTTRAIL /u01/app/GOLDENGATE/DIRDAT/TE Display info for specific rmttrails
INFO RMTTRAIL * Display info for all rmttrails

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yaoyangding/p/15831329.html